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Reply #30 posted 07/20/11 3:42am


PunkMistress said:





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Reply #31 posted 07/20/11 3:43am




i avoided this thread thinking it was going 2 b boring!!!



Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.
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Reply #32 posted 07/20/11 3:47am




there has never been a thread more full of purse than this... rolleyes

A working class Hero is something to be ~ Lennon
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Reply #33 posted 07/20/11 3:51am



RenHoek said:

there has never been a thread more full of purse than this... rolleyes

Dan, I know. neutral

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Reply #34 posted 07/20/11 4:31am



I really wish we had that purse in different colours.

"...and If all of this Love Talk ends with Prince getting married to someone other than me, all I would like to do is give Prince a life size Purple Fabric Cloud Guitar that I made from a vintage bedspread that I used as a Christmas Tree Skirt." Tame, Feb
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Reply #35 posted 07/20/11 8:00am


Pricking the Balloon of Prince's Pomposity

Back in the late 80s, between the time Prince was sleeping with Jerome Benton and Cat(Kat), he intrigued me deeply. I mean, real deeply.

Here was a musician who reinvented himself more frequently than ever changing topography of the landscape that was Michael Jackson’s face. Where Maddona’s supposed reinventions involved a little bit of hair-dye and changing objects involved in simulated stage masturbation, Prince’s reinventions were far sweeping—every year brought a new look, a new color scheme, a new set of themes, and most importantly a new sound. And he did so with the frequency and ferociousness unrivalled by any of his peers.

Although Lady Gaga has allowed Prince to rest his laurels a wee bit, being that she has in a very short period of time emerged onthe music scene as the musical heir of Mozart, a prodigal daughter whose various sonic textures exude a sense of ethereal genius, that if Prince were any other musician than who he is, would have long ago pricked the balloon of his transparent pomposity.

But, Prince is Prince. He’s been unusually untouchable in some sense. Although, he vacillates between being the critics Darling and the public’s ‘dark horse’, none of this seems to have curbed any eccentricities that he long ago displayed.

The worse of these, in my opinion is his inability to give a straight answer when interviewed. Additionally, his unwillingness to answer questions actually related to his craft while simultaneously claiming that he wants people to know his music rather than other nefarious aspects of the persona that is “Prince” only makes him appear even more socially awkward.

Has Prince ever given a good interview? Has he ever given an interview where he was completely honest all the way through? Look, we love Prince because he stands out among other musicians. Dare I even say it, I love the fact that he behaves differently from other musicians and the fact that he tends to intimidate other musicians to some extent. However, I do grow weary of the fact he still insist, at the age of 50 and with his makeup and various cosmetic enhancements with their waning degrees of effectiveness in keeping up the eternal youth illusion, this old man still tries to build a mystery for himself.

At 20 or 30, the dark horse is alluring. At 50, he’s creepy.

I’ve dated a guy a couple of years ago who insisted on building a mystery for himself as well, trying desperately to make everyone around him think that he was this sweet nice guy. In reality, he was no different than me—vain, critical, and very selfish. The only difference is that he still desperately clings to trying to promote that illusion. It’s a transparent veil. Prince’s transparent veil may or may not intrigue some of you. For me, the verdict is still out as to whether I find it interesting and humorous, if a bit sad—or whether I find it just strange and annoying. All that can be said is that I find it interesting enough..but mostly in a perplexing way.

Prince has always had repeating patterns in his life. In the late 80s he hooked up with Cat…In the 90s, he married Manie who resembled a mouse…And of course, Bria who sort of reminds me of a horse….the old MacDonald’s farm theme is a pattern. As is many things in his life.

I do fear that his inability to answer a question straight forward, and therefore allowing future books on the man to rely on speculation and conjecture, does him and his fans a disservice. Perhaps he’s not brave…Perhaps he’s not interested. Whatever his motivations, we’ll never know and only rely on the afore mentioned speculation. However, what a book an honest memoir would be!

Simulated Image Below of Prince and Bria Valente (in order to avoid cease and desist orders from WebSherrif)

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Reply #36 posted 07/20/11 7:51pm


^^^ that picture! spit

Rhythm floods my heart♥The melody it feeds my soul
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Reply #37 posted 07/20/11 10:32pm



whur da hell did iggy go??? lol

as for Dan??



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Reply #38 posted 07/22/11 2:25pm


FuzzyWitch said:


i avoided this thread thinking it was going 2 b boring!!!




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