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I'm annoyed FB won't let you hotlink photos out of there anymore | |
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You've always behaved yourself for as long as I've known you. It's not that easy for me though because I'm a whore to the bone and good just ain't in me. Andy is a four letter word. | |
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They need a NSFW section so people can send in their nude pictures to me if they want to. Andy is a four letter word. | |
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I don't get that part. | |
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Report: Facebook users more trusting, engagedIs Facebook good for us? Pew study finds users more trusting, engaged, have more close friendsOn Thursday June 16, 2011, 2:36 pm EDT
, NEW YORK (AP) -- Facebook, it turns out, isn't just a waste of time. People who use it have more close friends, get more social support and report being more politically engaged than those who don't, according to a new national study on Americans and social networks. The report comes as Facebook, Twitter and even the buttoned-up, career-oriented LinkedIn continue to engrain themselves in our daily lives and change the way we interact with friends, co-workers and long-lost high school buddies. Released Thursday by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, the report also found that Facebook users are more trusting than their non-networked counterparts. When accounting for all other factors -- such as age, education level or race -- Facebook users were 43 percent more likely than other Internet users to say that "most people can be trusted." Compared with people who don't use the Internet at all, Facebook users were three times more trusting. The reason for this is not entirely clear. One possible explanation: People on social networks are more willing to trust others because they interact with a larger number of people in a more diverse setting, said Keith Hampton, the main author of the study and a communications professor at the University of Pennsylvania. When all else is equal, people who use Facebook also have 9 percent more close ties in their overall social network than other Internet users. This backs an earlier report from Pew that, contrary to studies done earlier in the decade, the Internet is not linked to social isolation. Rather, it can lead to larger, more diverse social networks. Social-networking users also scored high in political engagement. Because LinkedIn users (older, male and more educated) fall into a demographic category that's more politically active than the general population, they were most likely to vote or attend political rallies. But after adjusting for those characteristics, Facebook users, especially those who use the site multiple times a day, turned out to be more politically involved than those who don't use it. Overall, the average American has a little more than two close confidants, 2.16 to be exact, according to the report. This is up from an average of 1.93 close ties that Americans reported having in 2008. There are also fewer lonely people: 9 percent of respondents said they had no one with whom they could discuss important matters. That's down from 12 percent in 2008. The report didn't try to dig into cause and effect, so it's not clear whether the widening use of social networks is causing less loneliness. But it did find that people who use the Internet are less socially isolated than those who don't. Those on social networks, even less so -- just 5 percent said they had no one to talk to about important stuff. The researchers also got numbers to back up what's in the mind of many Facebook users past a certain age: Yes, all your old high school classmates really are coming out of the woodwork and "friending" you. The average Facebook user has 56 friends on the site from high school. That's far more than any other social group, including extended family, co-workers or college classmates. Facebook's settings let users add the high school they attended to their profile, along with the year they graduated. Other users can then search for their classmates and add them as friends for a virtual reunion. "It's really reshaping how people maintain their networks," Hampton said. In the past, when people went to college or got jobs and moved away from their home towns, they left those relationships behind, too. This was especially true in the 1960s, when women not in the work force would move to the suburbs with their husbands and face a great deal of isolation, Hampton said. Now, with social networks, these ties are persistent. "Persistent and pervasive," Hampton said. "They stay with you forever." The survey was conducted among 2,255 adults from Oct. 20 to Nov. 28, 2010. The margin of error is plus or minus 2.3 percentage points for the full sample. Online: http://www.pewinternet.or...works.aspx
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I think it's great that it's facilitated more political interest and social consciousness. But I'm not so sure I feel that being more trusting is necessarily a good thing, (particularly on the Internet, lol). ![]() | |
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I agree, no one is forcing you to give your address or your number. Is there any place of refuge one can flee from this insanity | |
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You can still do it. When you view a photo, just refresh your internet browser. It will revert to the old style of viewing pictures and you can link it. | |
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This is part of my issue with FB too although I'm ashamed to admit it, but to be perfectly blunt - I was getting a lot of relatives adding me that I felt obligated to accept, and I ended up having way more contact/interaction with them than I ever wanted. "I don't think you'd do well in captivity." - random person's comment to me the other day | |
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That's been my experience too. I had a much better time on MySpace, when it was the IN-thing, because I didn't personally know many of the "Friends" I had there. So for me, MySpace was much more interactive and fun because everyone had common interests. But with Facebook, I've learned: I don't have that much in common with many of my family members. Unfortunately, I've also learned that I don't even LIKE (pun not intended) many of them that much, lol. And that's a sad revelation.
Still, anytime I've searched the Internet for any long lost friends from back in the day, I usually find them on Facebook (that is; those that I don't find in the Obituaries first). ![]() | |
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I'm on a mac using safari, lets go see what we can see, eh | |
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Your hair just friended me so I don't know why you're being so nonchalant. Do you know where your hair is when you're sleeping? MY COUSIN WORKS IN A PHARMACY AND SHE SAID THEY ENEMA'D PRANCE INTO OBLIVION WITH FENTONILS!! | |
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i get that too lol and my response is "i barely had a myspace, why would i do facebook or twitter? i have yahoo IM, skype and a cell phone. if i'm not on second life and u don't reach out 2 me in other formats then it just not that important now is it?" man, he has such an amazing body of music that it's sad to see him constrict it down to the basics. he's too talented for the lineup he's doing. estelle 81 | |
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It took me a long time until I started to like FB. I still prefer myspce the way it was back then though. With a very special thank you to Tina: Is hammer already absolute, how much some people verändern...ICH hope is never so I will be! And if, then I hope that I would then have wen in my environment who joins me in the A.... | |
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Same here, people find it strange that I don't have a FB account. I have seen a few profiles on others and find it funny - some become or take on a different personality. Pretty lame! The fake likes and the over pose photos. I keep a close group of friends that I could call at 3:00 AM with an emergency and know they will be there to help. Also, I cannot believe the amount of time people spend on FB. There is far more interesting things to do in the real world. | |
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