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Reply #30 posted 06/03/11 11:07am


XxAxX said:

alphastreet said:

I'm afraid of becoming victim to that if I haven't already. I'm on drugs but it seems like every time I talk about my moods or situations, I'm told to take another one in addition to it and given samples and told to come back. I used to try it and stop, but now I don't trust it in case I get worse or develop other issues. I just set up counselling to where they won't give me anything, but the last thing I want is to die of an overdose or succumb to the depression, cause I have highs and lows and have to find ways to calm down if I'm manic.

wow. if i were you i would definitely think about getting a second opinion. it sounds like you are not benefitting from the treatment. hang in there

Well the mood stabilizers work better than antidepressants from years ago which made me act out...but mostly if I do, it's situational. It can be anxiety, outbursts, or having a need to be withdrawn and by myself and going crazy if anyone bothers me. This one is sort of working, but I don't have a proper counsellor though I'm going to start next week, I know the root of my issues but am so messed up and want to stop bringing drama onto myself though sometimes it's not my fault and I just overreact.

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Reply #31 posted 06/03/11 11:09am


ZombieKitten said:

alphastreet said:

zombie: I must admit I'm not that nervous either for the upcoming one after being in a relationship, it will be pale in comparison, it's just the pain I'm worried about

physco: OHIB or Medicare? Are you Canadian too?

hug you get used to them too. A nice doc can make all the difference nod

so true...though the male one was nice and mostly knew his stuff, I don't think the empathy was there and I desperately needed that in a doctor.

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Reply #32 posted 06/03/11 11:11am


alphastreet said:

ZombieKitten said:

hug you get used to them too. A nice doc can make all the difference nod

so true...though the male one was nice and mostly knew his stuff, I don't think the empathy was there and I desperately needed that in a doctor.

i know what u mean... i have been seeing my doc for over 15 years and she has turned out to b a good friend to me.... it makes a big diff when u need to go nod

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Reply #33 posted 06/03/11 11:13am


physco185 said:

JowiiCoco said:

Going to the doc is a totally different situation with different rules. I remember when I got my physical check up by the army doc dude touched my balls. It came rather unexpected, but due to the special circumstances I allowed it. That doesn't mean I'm okay with dudes touching my balls. To me a doc is a doc, sex doesn't matter. They're not even human to me.


i just imagined u doing a lill jump as your balls got squeezed!!!! smile

Not at all. It happened so fast I just stood there like... eek

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Reply #34 posted 06/03/11 11:14am


I never knew how to be friends, but hope to develop that with this new one....and with my psychiatrist, I've made a total idiot out of myself, and really embarassed myself yesterday saying that I think my sex drive is high thanks to the meds and it's too much for me....I really felt embarassed cause even though I know it's normal and he said so too, sometimes when I'm stressed it can be overboard and he linked it to being manic...and now I feel I objectified myself cause he said to be careful when I go out, I felt as if he thought I would just get into bed with anyone! I don't do anything though! I've just had one real partner and we didn't do much. No disrespect to those who are open like that, but that's not how I do it.

[Edited 6/3/11 4:15am]

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Reply #35 posted 06/03/11 11:15am


JowiiCoco said:

physco185 said:


i just imagined u doing a lill jump as your balls got squeezed!!!! smile

Not at all. It happened so fast I just stood there like... eek

ok but a eek is still funny smile

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Reply #36 posted 06/03/11 4:08pm



alphastreet said:

XxAxX said:

wow. if i were you i would definitely think about getting a second opinion. it sounds like you are not benefitting from the treatment. hang in there

Well the mood stabilizers work better than antidepressants from years ago which made me act out...but mostly if I do, it's situational. It can be anxiety, outbursts, or having a need to be withdrawn and by myself and going crazy if anyone bothers me. This one is sort of working, but I don't have a proper counsellor though I'm going to start next week, I know the root of my issues but am so messed up and want to stop bringing drama onto myself though sometimes it's not my fault and I just overreact.

hug a phenomenal number of people are experiencing different kinds of stress-related, sleep-deprivation related, and assorted other situational mental health issues these days. i hope you find what works for you.

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Reply #37 posted 06/03/11 4:18pm



do u get embarrassed to tell your GP about down there health issues??? No, but so far I haven't had to bring anything other than a bladder infection up

ladies r u hesitant to c male doc's when they have to do a pap smear??? No, I don't care

r u sexist when it comes to seeing a doc??? No

r u nervous to discuss certain health issues that relate to sex???? No

I really do not have hang ups about sexuality and the human body.

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Reply #38 posted 06/03/11 4:20pm


XxAxX said:

alphastreet said:

Well the mood stabilizers work better than antidepressants from years ago which made me act out...but mostly if I do, it's situational. It can be anxiety, outbursts, or having a need to be withdrawn and by myself and going crazy if anyone bothers me. This one is sort of working, but I don't have a proper counsellor though I'm going to start next week, I know the root of my issues but am so messed up and want to stop bringing drama onto myself though sometimes it's not my fault and I just overreact.

hug a phenomenal number of people are experiencing different kinds of stress-related, sleep-deprivation related, and assorted other situational mental health issues these days. i hope you find what works for you.

Thanks I hope so too. And yeah, my sleep is very messed up. Either too much or too little, and even if it's a normal amount of hours, it's at different times of the day or night and then I struggle with getting things done.

[Edited 6/3/11 9:21am]

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Reply #39 posted 06/03/11 4:23pm



alphastreet said:

So, is it supposed to hurt a lot? Mine did and that wasn't what I'd heard from others....that's part of why I switched though it was mainly cause I felt misunderstood for my depression issues.

I don't think it's supposed to really hurt but I do find them very, very uncomfortable. Speculums are evil.

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Reply #40 posted 06/03/11 4:28pm



ZombieKitten said:

alphastreet said:

So, is it supposed to hurt a lot? Mine did and that wasn't what I'd heard from others....that's part of why I switched though it was mainly cause I felt misunderstood for my depression issues.

a pap smear?

shouldn't hurt at all. You have to relax and think about something else.

but if you are tense and anxious maybe it would?

Actually, it depends on a lot of things. I've had cervical cryocautery and laser surgery, so I have some scar tissue. Getting a pap feels like someone is tracing my cervix with a white-hot needle. And I haven't had one in 20 years that didn't feel like that.

Fortunately, it's over quickly. shrug

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #41 posted 06/03/11 4:39pm



Well since I'm a dude who digs dudes, I prefer a female doctor or a very unattractive male doctor. I'm always scared to end up with a cute male doctor and have a reaction while he's examining me. omfg

"It's not nice to fuck with K.B.! All you haters will see!" - Kitbradley
"The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing." - Socrates
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Reply #42 posted 06/03/11 5:16pm


you can still have a reaction even if you're not attracted, even though that didn't happen in my case, it's only natural sometimes

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Reply #43 posted 06/03/11 5:40pm



alphastreet said:

you can still have a reaction even if you're not attracted, even though that didn't happen in my case, it's only natural sometimes

It's never happened to me and I hope it never does.biggrin

"It's not nice to fuck with K.B.! All you haters will see!" - Kitbradley
"The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing." - Socrates
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Reply #44 posted 06/03/11 5:58pm



physco185 said:

ZombieKitten said:

I think guys are afraid it might "move" lol

Guys probably prefer a lady with slender fingers for their prostate exams I imagine!

i thought guys would b afraid a female doc might accidently laugh at size and if it didnt move - hence going 4 a male doc lol

When performing the prostate exam, the medical gown is only open in the back and you lie on your side with your bum facing the doctor so he/she never really gets a good look at how big the guy is.

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Reply #45 posted 06/03/11 6:03pm


^ lucky!

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Reply #46 posted 06/04/11 2:39am


My gp is a hot indian woman in her 50s eye can discuss anything with her!!My god.

Dave Is Nuttier Than A Can Of Planters Peanuts...(Ottensen)
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Reply #47 posted 06/04/11 9:10am


so what do male doc's do all day... seeing most ppl prefer lady ones hmmm

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Reply #48 posted 06/04/11 12:19pm


physco185 said:

so what do male doc's do all day... seeing most ppl prefer lady ones hmmm

I go to a male doc when the kids are sick - same one that delivered max biggrin
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Reply #49 posted 06/04/11 1:56pm



ZombieKitten said:

physco185 said:

so what do male doc's do all day... seeing most ppl prefer lady ones hmmm

I go to a male doc when the kids are sick - same one that delivered max biggrin

And he flirts with you biggrin

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Reply #50 posted 06/04/11 10:46pm


sextonseven said:

ZombieKitten said:

physco185 said:

so what do male doc's do all day... seeing most ppl prefer lady ones hmmm

I go to a male doc when the kids are sick - same one that delivered max biggrin

And he flirts with you biggrin

No that was the ear nose and throat specialist lol who flirts with ALL the mums
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Reply #51 posted 06/05/11 12:41pm



physco185 said:

do u get embarrassed to tell your GP about down there health issues??? Nope

men do u only c lady doc's when a penis examination is required??? N/A

ladies r u hesitant to c male doc's when they have to do a pap smear??? Nope they're just doing their job

r u sexist when it comes to seeing a doc??? Nope, not a big deal

r u nervous to discuss certain health issues that relate to sex???? Nope


Is there any place of refuge one can flee from this insanity
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Reply #52 posted 06/05/11 4:36pm



ZombieKitten said:

sextonseven said:

And he flirts with you biggrin

No that was the ear nose and throat specialist lol who flirts with ALL the mums

So that is what male docs do all day?

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Reply #53 posted 06/05/11 8:49pm


apparently, you only care about sex, Psycho.

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Reply #54 posted 06/05/11 11:38pm


BlackAdder7 said:

apparently, you only care about sex, Psycho.

no i care about u 2 comfort

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Reply #55 posted 06/05/11 11:42pm


sextonseven said:

ZombieKitten said:

No that was the ear nose and throat specialist lol who flirts with ALL the mums

So that is what male docs do all day?

I assume so - you're in the wrong profession!!!

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Reply #56 posted 06/06/11 3:38pm



ZombieKitten said:

sextonseven said:

So that is what male docs do all day?

I assume so - you're in the wrong profession!!!

My flirting days are over. lol

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Reply #57 posted 06/06/11 4:01pm


I used to hate going to the doctor and would avoid it as much as possible, mostly because I didn't want to hear that something was wrong with me lol and then I got really sick neutral At this point, I have no problem telling my doctors anything. I think I've gone to my gyno 6 times just in the past year because of my ovarian problems. I don't have any issues with male doctors. In fact, my general doctor and the office that I go to for my gynecologist are all male doctors.

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