I guess in that case people would start sucking with condoms in their mouths. But other factors can lead to it. Pussy can't cause cancer!
Bottom line don't have oral sex with partners you haven't got to know well enough.
You don't know how many partners they had or still have. Yes bad pussy can cause
a lot of things if you aren't careful.
Exactly.This ain't the 70s anymore,when you could go out and have a one-night stand with just anybody.We gotta be more careful and selective about who we choose to sleep with.
I guess in that case people would start sucking with condoms in their mouths. But other factors can lead to it. Pussy can't cause cancer!
I think what they are saying is that the transmission of the virus to that location is likeliest due to oral sex. The rise in throat cancers could be due to rise in popularity/acceptance of oral sex as "normal" and being that HPV is linked to cancer, you might link the activity to the cancer
HPV isn't the ONLY thing that causes throat cancer. Even drinking your tea too hot will give you throat cancer (lower down in the oesophagus) if you do it every day for decades.
Pussy AND dick most definitely can cause cancer if it's infected with the wrong kinda shit.
And nothing about this is speculation or sensationalism IMO. When people have cancer the cancerous area is biopsied and in these cases they are finding the specific HPV types (oral and cervical cancers are caused by HPV sub-types 16 and 18) that cause cancer. Since HPV is a sexually transmitted disease the ONLY way someone with these kinds of cancer that's linked to those strains of HPV could get it is precisely from putting infected genitals in their mouth. The point of the article is that this is a recent development.
What makes this even worse is that there's no test for HPV and those infected with these types don't have ANY symptoms or signs. You don't know you have it UNTIL a doctor finds hopefully pre-cancerous cells that look suspect and then they have something to test. Even if you know the person or are married to them if they were previously infected you've got it too. So it's almost unavoidable if you're sexually active. But the odds of getting this go up exponentially if you're fucking strangers who are doing some nasty ass shit with you that they've prolly done with 100s of others before YOUR nasty ass got there.
NPR was all over this last summer, bout time the rest of the media catches up. Everything in moderation people.
Actually, this has been in the news SEVERAL times over the last four years. This article is from a few years ago but ABC reported it again this week I believe because yet ANOTHER study came out supporting the earlier ones.
a fair amount of us are all going to die of cancer anyway, so stop acting surprised. :t2h
Who's "acting surprised?" Are you suggesting that we shouldn't proactively try to avoid getting diseases we don't have to contract? How many MORE people would die from skin cancer if the link between sun exposure and cancer was not discovered and discussed and the public was not informed??? So, I don't agree that just rolling over and waiting to get any kind of cancer is a good approach to trying to live a long, healthy life.
a fair amount of us are all going to die of cancer anyway, so stop acting surprised. :t2h
Who's "acting surprised?" Are you suggesting that we shouldn't proactively try to avoid getting diseases we don't have to contract? How many MORE people would die from skin cancer if the link between skin exposure and cancer was not discovered and discussed and the public was not informed??? So, I don't agree that just rolling over and waiting to get any kind of cancer is a good approach to trying to live a long, healthy life.
well not US but some people posting like they won't ever get any of these things because they aren't sluts, basically saying only the promiscuous get STIs, yet like you said, your spouse has it, you have it.
Who's "acting surprised?" Are you suggesting that we shouldn't proactively try to avoid getting diseases we don't have to contract? How many MORE people would die from skin cancer if the link between skin exposure and cancer was not discovered and discussed and the public was not informed??? So, I don't agree that just rolling over and waiting to get any kind of cancer is a good approach to trying to live a long, healthy life.
well not US but some people posting like they won't ever get any of these things because they aren't sluts, basically saying only the promiscuous get STIs, yet like you said, your spouse has it, you have it.
And I'm definitely not saying that cuz how many times have we heard that someone got something the FIRST time they had sex or only had one sexual partner and contracted a disease. Shit, if you can't always trust the partners who are supposed to love you and be committed to you to be monogamous and disease-free why would anyone trust a stranger on the street and fuck without a condom and engage in high-risk acts that expose them to disease???
On the other hand, there's also no doubt that the more partners you have the higher your chances of contracting something, especially HPV which is largely symptomless. Just look at porn actors, they are 17 times more likely to have STDs than the public at large and that's due to the number of partners they have. It's a numbers game.
well not US but some people posting like they won't ever get any of these things because they aren't sluts, basically saying only the promiscuous get STIs, yet like you said, your spouse has it, you have it.
And I'm definitely not saying that cuz how many times have we heard that someone got something the FIRST time they had sex or only had one sexual partner and contracted a disease. Shit, if you can't always trust the partners who are supposed to love you and be committed to you to be monogamous and disease-free why would anyone trust a stranger on the street and fuck without a condom and engage in high-risk acts that expose them to disease???
On the other hand, there's also no doubt that the more partners you have the higher your chances of contracting something, especially HPV which is largely symptomless. Just look at porn actors, they are 17 times more likely to have STDs than the public at large and that's due to the number of partners they have. It's a numbers game.
The mistake regular but uninformed folks make is that if they have no symptoms they are disease free. WRONG!
And I'm definitely not saying that cuz how many times have we heard that someone got something the FIRST time they had sex or only had one sexual partner and contracted a disease. Shit, if you can't always trust the partners who are supposed to love you and be committed to you to be monogamous and disease-free why would anyone trust a stranger on the street and fuck without a condom and engage in high-risk acts that expose them to disease???
On the other hand, there's also no doubt that the more partners you have the higher your chances of contracting something, especially HPV which is largely symptomless. Just look at porn actors, they are 17 times more likely to have STDs than the public at large and that's due to the number of partners they have. It's a numbers game.
The mistake regular but uninformed folks make is that if they have no symptoms they are disease free. WRONG!
True! Just cuz it ain't drippin', bleedin', or burnin' don't mean it ain't a dirty stank ass pussy or dick and it's okay for you to put your mouth on it.
a fair amount of us are all going to die of cancer anyway, so stop acting surprised. :t2h
Who's "acting surprised?" Are you suggesting that we shouldn't proactively try to avoid getting diseases we don't have to contract? How many MORE people would die from skin cancer if the link between sun exposure and cancer was not discovered and discussed and the public was not informed??? So, I don't agree that just rolling over and waiting to get any kind of cancer is a good approach to trying to live a long, healthy life.
I agree.Sure,anything could kill us at any moment,but that's still no excuse to live dangerously all the time
a fair amount of us are all going to die of cancer anyway, so stop acting surprised. :t2h
Who's "acting surprised?" Are you suggesting that we shouldn't proactively try to avoid getting diseases we don't have to contract? How many MORE people would die from skin cancer if the link between sun exposure and cancer was not discovered and discussed and the public was not informed??? So, I don't agree that just rolling over and waiting to get any kind of cancer is a good approach to trying to live a long, healthy life.
[Edited 6/3/11 5:35am]
damn, SCNDLS! It was just a commentary, I wasn't attacking your post!!!!!!
Who's "acting surprised?" Are you suggesting that we shouldn't proactively try to avoid getting diseases we don't have to contract? How many MORE people would die from skin cancer if the link between sun exposure and cancer was not discovered and discussed and the public was not informed??? So, I don't agree that just rolling over and waiting to get any kind of cancer is a good approach to trying to live a long, healthy life.
[Edited 6/3/11 5:35am]
damn, SCNDLS! It was just a commentary, I wasn't attacking your post!!!!!!
your sabbatical made you cranky again!
Umm no you posted rolling your eyes so I asked who's acting surprised. How the hell is that being cranky??? Why is it when I ask people questions they ASSUME I'm being cranky. Shit, I'm in South Beach my team embarrassed the shit outta the Heat so trust me, I'm FAR from cranky.
Muhhfuckas need to stop taking sexual advice from Eddie Murphy
Girl that is my jam. Even though Eddie is flaming. Mixed with a lil Prince a lil Mike influence....Johnny Gill and Eddie having fun in between takes. (oh that was a dif video my bad)....
Muhhfuckas need to stop taking sexual advice from Eddie Murphy
Girl that is my jam. Even though Eddie is flaming. Mixed with a lil Prince a lil Mike influence....Johnny Gill and Eddie having fun in between takes. (oh that was a dif video my bad)....
Girl that is my jam. Even though Eddie is flaming. Mixed with a lil Prince a lil Mike influence....Johnny Gill and Eddie having fun in between takes. (oh that was a dif video my bad)....
Why is it when I ask people questions they ASSUME I'm being cranky?
you didn't just ask a question SCNDLS! you asked "who was surprised" ....and then launched into your assumed statement of what my stance on the issue is, even though I clearly never gave a serious answer....and then disagreed with your own said stance that I never took!!!!
I feel as if you're always on the super d with me, when I'm never being as personally offensive or attacking as you seem to take it.
I pop off at the mouth a lot, but it doesn't mean I'm fanning your fire.
anyways.....of course I'm not advocating living a careless lifestyle!
I will say, in my defense, that cancer is probably the biggest cause of death in people under, say, 75....so.....chances are you are going to get it no matter how careful you are....that's all.
Why is it when I ask people questions they ASSUME I'm being cranky?
you didn't just ask a question SCNDLS! you asked "who was surprised" ....and then launched into your assumed statement of what my stance on the issue is, even though I clearly never gave a serious answer....and then disagreed with your own said stance that I never took!!!!
I feel as if you're always on the super d with me, when I'm never being as personally offensive or attacking as you seem to take it.
I pop off at the mouth a lot, but it doesn't mean I'm fanning your fire.
anyways.....of course I'm not advocating living a careless lifestyle!
I will say, in my defense, that cancer is probably the biggest cause of death in people under, say, 75....so.....chances are you are going to get it no matter how careful you are....that's all.
Go Yankees.
I didn't launch into anything, I simply responded to your post. There's nothing "cranky" about what I said or how I said it. I'm not a mind reader and I took your post at face value. And it still doesn't make sense why you would post "stop acting surprised." Plus YOU posted and how was I supposed to take that? I'm not being defensive with you at all and rarely have any kind of exchange with you so I don't know what you're talking about. But it ain't that serious.
you didn't just ask a question SCNDLS! you asked "who was surprised" ....and then launched into your assumed statement of what my stance on the issue is, even though I clearly never gave a serious answer....and then disagreed with your own said stance that I never took!!!!
I feel as if you're always on the super d with me, when I'm never being as personally offensive or attacking as you seem to take it.
I pop off at the mouth a lot, but it doesn't mean I'm fanning your fire.
anyways.....of course I'm not advocating living a careless lifestyle!
I will say, in my defense, that cancer is probably the biggest cause of death in people under, say, 75....so.....chances are you are going to get it no matter how careful you are....that's all.
Go Yankees.
I didn't launch into anything, I simply responded to your post. There's nothing "cranky" about what I said or how I said it. I'm not a mind reader and I took your post at face value. And it still doesn't make sense why you would post "stop acting surprised." Plus YOU posted and how was I supposed to take that? I'm not being defensive with you at all and rarely have any kind of exchange with you so I don't know what you're talking about. But it ain't that serious.