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I'm rather surprised these kids aren't doing even one day behind bars. Not saying they should have gotten years of incarceration but wasn't their harassment severre enough to warrant a greater punishment than probation and community service? You could get jail time over cussing out a cop for christsakes. This girl is dead now and GMA reported that the harassing teens actually encouraged Phoebe to kill herself.
Thoughts? Two more teens sentenced ...rince caseHADLEY -- Two more teenagers charged in connection with Phoebe Prince's suicide were sentenced today to probation and community service, after another emotional statement from Prince's mother, who said Prince was harassed until school became intolerable.
Sharon Velazquez, 17, admitted to sufficient facts on a criminal harassment charge and Flannery Mullins, 18, admitted to sufficient facts on a civil rights violation and disturbing an assembly. Velazquez will be on probation until her 18th birthday; Mullins will be on probation until she turns 19. Prince, a 15-year-old Irish immigrant, killed herself in January 2010 at her family’s South Hadley home after being bullied by other students at the town’s high school. The case made international headlines and helped spark a national debate on the problem of school bullying. Prosecutors said Velazquez in early January 2010 approached Prince in the hall and loudly called her a disparaging term. Later that day, in the cafeteria, she ordered Prince to "stay away from Flannery Mullins's boyfriend." Mullins's boyfriend at the time was Austin Renaud, another defendant in the Prince case. "Phoebe was emotionally upset by the encounter," First Assistant District Attorney Steven Gagne said. Gagne said Velazquez also “verbally berated” Prince in a Latin class, using a variety of disparaging names. Before sentencing, Velazquez admitted in a soft voice that what the prosecutor said was true. In her statement, O'Brien recalled touching moments from her daughter's past and described the loss she had suffered. She said Prince was “a sensitive and gentle girl,” who “feared any form of aggression.” She said Velazquez “terrified my daughter with her anger. She asked her to leave her alone, but she would not.” O’Brien said Prince became so frightened of Velazquez she would walk between two people in the hall so she would feel protected. She said Velazquez's anger and aggression would have frightened her even as an adult, and that she could “only imagine the terror [Velazquez] instilled in Phoebe.” She said she hoped Velazquez would reflect upon the seriousness of what she had done, but expressed doubt that Velazquez would. After O’Brien finished her statement, Velazquez began to gently cry, continuing for 20 seconds or so in a still courtroom. Gagne said that in January 2010, Mullins heard rumors that Renaud, her boyfriend at the time, had had some kind of romantic relationship with Prince. Mullins told students in gym class that “someone ought to kick [Prince's] ass," the prosecutor said. Mullins was later overheard on several occasions disparaging Prince in front of other students, with remarks that were at times vulgar. She also approached Prince in a loud and aggressive way several times. Gagne said word spread quickly through the school that Mullins was angry and wanted to fight Prince. “Phoebe Prince became very fearful she would be physically attacked,” Gagne said. Prince would skip class and report to the school nurse to avoid any confrontation, Gagne said. “Phoebe had as much right as Flannery Mullins to be in school,” O'Brien said, glaring across the courtroom at Mullins during her statement. “But school for Phoebe became intolerable.” She said Mullins had followed Prince into the bathroom, down the halls, and into classrooms, making Prince live in constant fear. O’Brien recalled a sketch that Prince had drawn on a folder, depicting a candle with a flame. Underneath, Prince wrote, "There is always a light." As O’Brien recalled the drawing, she began to cry and did not speak for several seconds. Alfred Chamberland, Mullins's defense attorney, read a statement outside the courthouse saying that the district attorney's office had brought excessive charges against his client and demonized her and the other defendants. He said the plea was "an acknowledgment by the Northwestern district attorney’s office that these matters were overcharged and that the former administration brought felony indictments in cases which did not call for such,” he said. "By doing so, the Commonwealth unnecessarily exposed my client and the other juveniles in this case to unfair and harsh national and international media scrutiny.” Two other teenagers were sentenced Wednesday to probation after an emotional hearing in which O'Brien's mother condemned one of them, saying his relationship with her daughter was "predatory" and his betrayal of her daughter had broken her spirit, the Globe reports this morning. I'M NOT SAYING YOU'RE UGLY. YOU JUST HAVE BAD LUCK WHEN IT COMES TO MIRRORS AND SUNLIGHT!
RIP Dick Clark, Whitney Houston, Don Cornelius, Heavy D, and Donna Summer. ![]() | |
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It really is a horrible and sad history.
Bullies don't have a conscience. They don't feel shame (only if it's about their own status, however never about what they inflicted to their prey).
I don't think jail would change that. I'm really happy I'm not a judge. I do think I favor jail time for these girls. Especially as an example due to media coverage.
99% of my posts are ironic. Maybe this post sides with the other 1%. | |
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RIP Dick Clark, Whitney Houston, Don Cornelius, Heavy D, and Donna Summer. ![]() | |
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I don't think I could handle being a teenager in today's culture. Too many kids are crazy. I'M NOT SAYING YOU'RE UGLY. YOU JUST HAVE BAD LUCK WHEN IT COMES TO MIRRORS AND SUNLIGHT!
RIP Dick Clark, Whitney Houston, Don Cornelius, Heavy D, and Donna Summer. ![]() | |
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Well, I still think it is saver and better compared to being a teenager in the middle ages. 99% of my posts are ironic. Maybe this post sides with the other 1%. | |
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RIP Dick Clark, Whitney Houston, Don Cornelius, Heavy D, and Donna Summer. ![]() | |
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^ They would just hang them 99% of my posts are ironic. Maybe this post sides with the other 1%. | |
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Or maybe hang Phoebe too since she was supposed to be a "whore" and all.
No such thing as probation in the middle ages that's for dang sure. I'M NOT SAYING YOU'RE UGLY. YOU JUST HAVE BAD LUCK WHEN IT COMES TO MIRRORS AND SUNLIGHT!
RIP Dick Clark, Whitney Houston, Don Cornelius, Heavy D, and Donna Summer. ![]() | |
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yeah, the good 'ol days,
when a hanging was a public event, a family's day out together.
And because water was dirty, children also drank beer and wine. And a teenager was considered adult. Had to work for their bread and roof.
99% of my posts are ironic. Maybe this post sides with the other 1%. | |
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RIP Dick Clark, Whitney Houston, Don Cornelius, Heavy D, and Donna Summer. ![]() | |
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Exactly. I apreciate the comfort and luxury of contemporary times in the Western countries.
Wouldn't want to trade. Not even with a few decades ago. Then I still had to oblige my man. And would be considered estranged for being sinle and no kids.
Now, I can fully enjoy it. 99% of my posts are ironic. Maybe this post sides with the other 1%. | |
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i agree.... they go to jail, community service would not b enough punishment | |
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there was no such thing as being a teen back the, you were already an adult and already had kids of your own most likely
Teenage/adolescence is a 20th century invention, a post-war thing dreamed up by advertisers to further segment the market to sell stuff to. | |
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I'm sure only Phoebe herself would be, the other girls (unless whores themselves) would be correct in shunning or stoning her. Men can't help themselves, they aren't accountable in times of temptation. | |
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I wished that was in the past
Man who still want to have that middle aged power over women, just move to Asia, the Middle East or Africa. Then you can be a master in a country where belittle or beat a women is more common culturel. No need to feel guilty about it there. Just feel like a master like all these man do.
99% of my posts are ironic. Maybe this post sides with the other 1%. | |
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I know, as I typed that certain cultures came to mind. Women are blamed for their own rapes! | |
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Yeah, real man are though!
Well, I should stop, before I start to rant about testosteroncarriers.
99% of my posts are ironic. Maybe this post sides with the other 1%. | |
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better to call them Y chromosomers since women have testosterone (albeit in smaller amounts). And fuck, men created these stupid and sexually biased laws...we women are just gullible enough to go along with and help maintain them. I'M NOT SAYING YOU'RE UGLY. YOU JUST HAVE BAD LUCK WHEN IT COMES TO MIRRORS AND SUNLIGHT!
RIP Dick Clark, Whitney Houston, Don Cornelius, Heavy D, and Donna Summer. ![]() | |
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I made the term up deliberately. It's the level of testosterone that seems to enhance aggressive and irresponsible behaviour. 99% of my posts are ironic. Maybe this post sides with the other 1%. | |
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RIP Dick Clark, Whitney Houston, Don Cornelius, Heavy D, and Donna Summer. ![]() | |
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in part the school is to blame for allowing this behavior.
in part it is phoebe's 'fault' for not insisting it be addressed by the proper authorities.
in part it is the fault of the bully assholes who live to hurt other people.
in part it is the fault of a social system that fosters bullies
jail time is not appropriate in this matter, imo | |
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I agree with some of what you are saying, however don't blame Phoebe one bit. I was bullied relentlessly when I was her age and the last thing I wanted was for people on the "outside" to know. I was humiliated enough at school...didn't want it to drift into my life outside of school. When I left school, I just wanted to escape the hell. Yes, she should have said something, but there is no way she is at "fault".
Also, I think jail time was warrented in this case...if it only was for a short sentence. It would've spoken volumes to other bullies out there. | |
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Phoebe's mother is a better Christian than I am because she forgives these rat bastards. I couldn't do it. The fact that in a year's time they will be laughing, partying, enjoying college life , getting jobs and going on to have families of their own while Phoebe's body lay decaying in the ground is just horrible. Not saying they should have gotten years of incarceration but they should have served some time for what they did to that girl; what they did to her family who has to live with the loss of a child. I'M NOT SAYING YOU'RE UGLY. YOU JUST HAVE BAD LUCK WHEN IT COMES TO MIRRORS AND SUNLIGHT!
RIP Dick Clark, Whitney Houston, Don Cornelius, Heavy D, and Donna Summer. ![]() | |
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I rarely have been bullied. The times it did happen, during my teen years, I do still remember and were painfull. It were girls who projected their own insecurities on me. And a boy who couldn't handle rejection.
One girl phoned me a decade later. Saying sorry that she told the whole school made up stories about me, because she was jalous that all the boys liked me. I never knew that. I believed she was one of my few friends. I hated that she called me and told me the truth.
The boy apologized to me when I ran in to him years later. Still think it's an sorry ass.
However, the carnivore bullies can only operate by the strategy of isolating their victim. A bully oftentimes is the unknown leader in the back. That person starts to talk and judge about the victim to others, with the intention to form an army.
Others start to hate the prey, based on the carnivores tone of the story. The carnivore makes sure it is based on a real flaw of the prey. That flaw is exaggareted and placed in the context that justifies the bullying (she needs to learn, she could just choose a different path, she does it in purpose).
The army will start to bully and weaken the prey. The leading carnivore will enhance the bullying of the group by stipulating and blow up every flaw and fault the weaker prey makes. The bully is not recognized as such, because invisible at the background, making sure not to bully herself/ himself, so can never be hold accountable for that.
In the end the prey is so stressed out, depressed and without support, that she/he will obviously make more mistakes and bad decisions.
This will be proof for the carivore bully, who enjoys his/her power and goes on....untill the prey is removed. To the carnivore, that is victory.
And when the prey dies, the group of army will hold still. Because they are too ashamed of their behavior. And the carnivore bully hides behind the planned strategy "I didn't do it.". And that is true, the realy bully is oftentimes innocent of overt bullying. Because that person is a master strategist.
In order to intervene in the process, the most succesfull way is to make sure not to get isolated. This is hard, because only prey with a low self esteem get bullied. Because bully know they won't tell the school and/or parents.
I think at schools the strategy that a bully performs should be taught. Then children can recognize a bully and make sure that they don't join his or her army.
I've always been a righteous character. I did a presentation when I was 11 about the book "The wave". I talked about Pinochet and WWII. And how the wave explains how that isn't a rare human social process. It still is a great book about bullying. At least, that's what I think
(Yeah, as a kid I was already weird 99% of my posts are ironic. Maybe this post sides with the other 1%. | |
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