Dalia11 |
Dalia11 said:
Dalia11 said:
MajesticOne89 Info Continued... The 4th House: home life, a parent. Moon: emotions. Mars: energy, action.
Scorpio in the 4th House Cusp: You are very protective of your family, and a strict task master. Home is your sanctuary. You are private about your emotions. You have a strong bond with one or both parents. Growing up, you may have had an eventful and turbulent home life.
Moon in Scorpio: Your feelings are intense. You may find it hard to understand your feelings, because they can be complicated and deep. You are fond of anything secret and mysterious. You are intuitive and introspective. You have alot of energy and force that is not always apparent to others. You have good concentration and memory.
Moon in the 4th House: You are very attracted to your home and family. To be at your best, you need to have a peaceful home life. That will give you emotional security. Your mother is very important to you. You also feel the need to belong to a solid close family. You are interested about the past. You may like history, especially the history of your own family origins and background. Also, the community in which you grew up will always be important to you.
Pluto: transformation, power.
Pluto in Scorpio: You have a strong will and a penetrating mind. You have psychic ability. You should be interested in research or investigating. Possible career: psychology, the medical/science fields.
Pluto in the 4th House: One of your parents had an enormous impact on you, either for good or bad. You may have been very attached to one parent. You may also had some problems getting along with one of them.
Mars in the 4th House: You like to be in charge of your home. Your home life is very important to you, and you will spend alot of time making it look nice, etc.
Mars in Sagittarius: You have a very impulsive nature. If you are not careful you may make mistakes and rash decisions. Being outdoors gives you a sense of freedom and a good outlet for your abundant physical energy. You get restless easily. You need your freedom in all areas of life. You will rebel against any restrictions. If you work with others, you will want to be in the forefront, where all the action is. You will be bored dealing with the day-to-day stuff.
Some Famous ARIES People: Fergie, Diana Ross, Marvin Gaye, Mariah Carey, Aretha Franklin, Lady Gaga, Elton John, Just to name a few.
Some Famous Taurus People: Barbra Streisand, Michelle Pfeiffer, Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder, Cher, George Clooney, Bono, Janet Jackson, Brahms, Duke Ellington, Jack Nicholson, Tchaikousky, Fred Astaire, Katharine Hepburn, Freud, Irving Berlin, Audrey Hepburn, Malcom X.
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Dalia11 |
Dalia11 said:
Dalia11 said:
Some Famous ARIES People: Fergie, Diana Ross, Marvin Gaye, Mariah Carey, Aretha Franklin, Lady Gaga, Elton John, Just to name a few.
Some Famous Taurus People: Barbra Streisand, Michelle Pfeiffer, Billy Joel, Stevie Wonder, Cher, George Clooney, Bono, Janet Jackson, Brahms, Duke Ellington, Jack Nicholson, Tchaikousky, Fred Astaire, Katharine Hepburn, Freud, Irving Berlin, Audrey Hepburn, Malcom X.
MajesticOne89 Info Continued....
The 8th House: inheritance, regeneration.
Pisces, Cusp of 8th House: You tend to worry about finances. However, you are not materialistic. Monitor: your respiratory system which can be sensitive. Avoid drugs and alcohol.
The 9th House: travel, education.
Aries , Cusp of 9th House: You are highly motivated, energetic, and a crusador. Philosophically, you are somewhat of a rebel. You prefer to formulate your own tenets regarding philosophy. You are also politically minded. You have a strong spirit of adventure, and traveling overseas interests you. You should enjoy tropical places more.
The 12th House: karma, secrets, past subconscious. Cancer, Cusp of the 12th House: You can be sensitive at times. Enmity can occur through affairs concerning: family, property, or place of residence. Try to avoid discord and emotional upsets with your family, so you will not have to deal with any strife.
[Edited 6/2/11 12:43pm] |
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Dalia11 said:
Dalia11 said:
MissFee Info Continued.... The Second House: finances, resorces.
Sagitarius, Cusp of Second House: You are considered fortunate with your resources and lucky financially. You are expansive and enjoy co-operating. You will have two jobs or careers.
Mars: energy, action.
Mars in the second house: You wil work very hard to but the things you want. Avoid buying things on impulse(Mars). Some monetary gain will come trough speculation; you have to be cautious though.
Mars in Sagittarius: You can be impulsive and get restless easil. Be careful to not make rash decisions or mistakes. If you work with others, you will want to be in the forefront, were all the action is. The day-to-day routine stuff will bore you. You must have freedon and will rebel against any restriction. You should like to be outdoors, which is a good outlet for your abundant physical energy. You have a strong sense of justice and do not like to see anyone treated unfairly.
Uranus: the unexpected.
Uranus, 2nd house: Uranus will also make you spend money impulsively. Unexpected conditions concerning your finances are indicated. Sudden gains and losses will occur.
Uranus in Sagittarius: You have good imagination and inventive ability. You are interested in all sorts of new ideas, your own and others. You have psychic ability. Pay attention to your dreams, keep a journal.
Neptune: intuition, idealism.
Neptune, 2nd house: You know instinctively where to find money and howw to earn it. You will help a person when they need it.
Neptune in Sagittarius: You may have interests in religion, folk-lore or mythology. Neptune also gives you intuition and psychic ability. You like adventure and traveling.
[Edited 5/27/11 12:26pm]
Mercury in Aquarius: She can be stubborn in her thinking, and it will be difficult for anyone to change her mind. When she is older, she may shock people with offbeat opinions. Science or math may be
Mars in Aries: She will be very independent and self-assertive. She has to get outdoors to play, run. She has alot of energy and will need to let off steam. She will get restless and fidgety when cooped up for too long. She will prefer to act on her own and set her own pace(quick). She will like to be the first to take up a new activity. She will enjoy competition when someone offers a challenge. She can get angry quite quickly, but will cool off fast. She will need to cooperate with others. She has to be warned to avoid acting rash and impulsive, to avoid accidents, trouble, and so on.
[Edited 5/29/11 11:24am]
a lot of this is right on the money.
She has trouble focusing and I think,like me, if things are not organizes, focusing and getting her work done is impossible.
She is not competitive, but if she can't get the hang of something and do it perfectly quickly she quits. She does not like to be "bad" at anything.
she has dyslexia pretty badly and reading and math are very difficult. Still she LOVES science and being outdoors looking at living creatures and roadkill even!
Man, she absolutely acts rashly and when she is angry watch out!!! She will tear pictures and ruin stuff just to show her anger!
She can not write easily but when she tries she makes up great stories. It is the physical side to writing and not the creativity that she has trouble with. There came a time when the risk of remaining tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Anais Nin. |
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Thanks Dalia11 for all your hard work!!!  There came a time when the risk of remaining tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. Anais Nin. |
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Dalia11 |
Deadflow3r said:
Thanks Dalia11 for all your hard work!!! 
DeadFlow3r Info Continued..... The Rising Sign: appearance, what others see.
Scorpio Rising, 2nd Decanate/ Pisces sub-influence: You should have sharp features and large hypnotic eyes. The Pisces influence gives you extra attractiveness. You shoud have an affinity for water. Being near water is relaxing for you. You should have musical and artistic ability. You are not as secretive as the First Decan of Scorpio Rising's. However, you like to have privacy. You will always be able to cope with life's problems. You work well with people, and can be a leader as well. You can be adaptable and compromise when needed.
The 5th House: romance, creativity.
Pisces, Cusp, 5th House: You are unselfish and loving. Your emotions are intense and often deeper than they appear on the surface. You are romantic, private and idealistic. You are creative and artistic. A large family is indicated.
The 7th House: marriage, business partners.
You need stability and love in a relationship. You desire affection. Your nature is discriminatory; you will enter a relationship only after careful consideration. For that reason, you will find much happiness and success in marriage. Partnerships in business will be successsful and long-term, because you will use discretion when making choices.
[Edited 6/4/11 12:34pm] |
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