Ottensen said:
SCNDLS said:
Doesn't look like anyone is checking for OC but I gotta say, even while Vicki was boo-hooing and doing the ugly cry while talking about bleeding outta her ass I couldn't muster up one iota of pity for her cuz she still refuses to own her part in her marriage's failure. She just kept saying Don didn't love her enough. Hello! That man was constantly begging your annoying ass to spend time with him and to do stuff together. She bugs me to no end.
And that Tamra has got to be straight up from the most rotgut trailer park on the planet. She straight up lied about what led up to the drink throwing with Jenna, casting herself as the victim. But she didn't have shit to say when Gretchen was like, "Now you know how I feel when you did the same shit to me." I was thinking it before she said it yet Tamra wouldn't acknowledge her point.
And lawdy that Alexis must be the dumbest of the dumb blondes EVER. She's so fucking illiterate and clueless.
Cant wait til the reunion. Should be good.
This was my first year watching the OC; I liked it. I actually went back and started watching just an episode here and there from previous seasons to get caught up with everyone's background story.
Poor Vicki and her divorce woes. Still, that heffa is partly to blame. The things that came out of her mouth this season when describing her husband was so belittling and dismissive; who would want to be married to a person like that? Not to mention one of the first episodes I went back to review from a previous season, she was screaming at everyone like a shrew over really small, petty things; not exactly the kind of person you would feel inclined to cuddle up with at night The bottom line is, if she really wanted this marriage to work, she and Donn clearly needed counseling to examine their core issues, communication roadblocks, and strategies for
conflict resolution as a couple. Additionally, Vicky appears to be somewhat God fearing, and with that they really should have looked into a faith based "restoration" program, that re-aligns both partners with how husbands and wives are commanded to help, support, and give to one another. There was no tenderness in their union, and that's sad.
Tamra I don't like by any stretch of the imagination, and yes she lied about what Jeanna did, but I still think Jeanna needed her ass kicked (even if by way of the court) for sticking her nose in that divorce business. That woman crosses way too many lines to stay relevant in the press and she is exactly the kind of b*tch that I would need to see go down...cause she talks too much.
Alexis. Damn. She's not bright. point-blank-PERIOD. And I wish she would stop mis-quoting and twisting the context of every damned thing she thinks she's learned from the Bible. I might not be the best example of a sweet,holy Christian but at I am least semi-bible literate. The things that come out of her mouth as interpreting the Scriptures always leave me like
That chile needs structured bible study pronto and her and her husband need to revisit Proverbs 31 so they can get out of their self-imposed dark ages
Yes I have to agree that Vicki is partly to blame for the demise of her marriage, though I cringe she makes it sound like it's mostly Donn's fault I started watching the OC last season when she and Donn renewed their vows...thats why all of this is just like to me. How can y'all spend all that money going away to renew vows, buying expensive wedding bands, etc. and now you just ready to throw in the towel, like bam! I can't help it but I keep getting the feeling that this was all for tv entertainment. I mean even Vicki's kids aren't even like "well I hope they can work it out and I really don't want it to come to this"...they are more like "it didn't work out, oh well fuck it, I'll still speak to Donn though"...
I don't know why but I sort of like Tamra. She really isn't that likable because she's so damn dramatic...maybe its because when I saw last season I saw how much Simon controlled her ass and its good to see her move on to Eddie, who is an 100% improve from Simon. Still I can't believe she tattooed Simon's name on her ring finger last season in bright pink and when she showed him, his reaction was more like "you stupid bitch, a mother doesn't do that nonsense".
And yes what the fuck is up with Jeanna? I mean how is it that her fat ass has the right to but into everyone's business? How the fuck does she know what really went on between Simon and Tamra's marriage? Only those two know that. Jeanna acts like she was in the middle of bed sleeping in between Simon and Tamra and just knows every single detail. Really Jeanna, are you fucking Simon now? Is that why you sticking up for him so much?
Peggy is right, Alexis for some reason likes to throw to brag about her and Jim's materialistic items and compete with her. Later I guess we find out its because Peggy used to briefly date Jim before he met Alexis.... Now how in the hell did they keep that out of filming for this season? Guess we'll have to see the reunion to find out!!!! Eww and that hideous fashion line Alexis has just screams of horror...and I thought Lisa's (of RHOA) clothing line was horrid...Alexis topped the horridness.
I will forever love and miss sweet Prince.