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Reply #30 posted 03/21/11 8:57pm



PositivityNYC said:

Genesia said:

Ice cream making is all about chemistry, baby! nod

some ppl look at me funny when I say (with enthusiasm) that cooking is science+math (and art) sad

Math definitely comes into it. And not just for the measurements - but proportions, as well.

We don’t mourn artists because we knew them. We mourn them because they helped us know ourselves.
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Reply #31 posted 03/21/11 8:57pm


Genesia said:

PositivityNYC said:

yay, science!

Ice cream making is all about chemistry, baby! nod

I have fond memories of doing this as a child on the back porch with the old wooden ice cream bucket and you had to crank with the ice and salt.

Several years ago, I wanted to contine that reverie and make some peach ice cream. I don't know what I did wrong, but I ended up with the trots. mad

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Reply #32 posted 03/21/11 9:46pm



I don't like the taste of milk, but I like to eat cereal. Whenever I go to take a bite I must tip the spoon to pour out excess milk. I do this especially will non-sugary cereal. Obviously I don't drink the milk. I don't know when this started or why b/c it was no problem when I was younger. And all of this drives my mother up the frickin' wall! lol
[Edited 3/21/11 17:30pm]
I graduated bitches!!! 12-19-09 woot! dancing jig
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Reply #33 posted 03/21/11 9:50pm



PurpleJedi, I think you read my mind. I was thinking of starting a thread similar to this. smile

My food quirks:

I can eat raisins by themselves or in cereal just fine. But I don't like raisins that are baked into something (like bread). To me, they look like a squashed bug that accidentally got into the batter, and was cooked. lol

I can't, for the life of me, eat pistachios, even though people tell me they are delicious. I can't eat nuts that are green because they just don't look appealing to me. ill

I can't eat sushi, but there are certain kinds of cooked fish that I absolutely love. love

I'm sure there's more. hmmm

RIP, mom. I will forever miss and love you.
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Reply #34 posted 03/21/11 10:03pm



Not sure if this is a real food quirk per se, but I CANT STAND when someone will tell me 'lets go to so-and-so" and then change their mind last minute. Other than that, i'll eat anywhere, but don't u dare tell me iffy info beforehand or ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE. biggrin

. <3 Prince <3
For You - Big City
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Reply #35 posted 03/21/11 10:12pm


I cant eat mayo. I will get sick at the smell of it.

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Reply #36 posted 03/21/11 11:44pm



Rather, gag me with a fork.
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Reply #37 posted 03/21/11 11:45pm



XxAxX said:

when i was little i LOVED ketchup and white bread samiches. of course, now, i am far too sophisticated for that malarkey. but back in the day..... drool

My sister is 40. She still eats them. lol

"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #38 posted 03/21/11 11:52pm



I can't eat certain foods because I have "texture issues"... like peas. ill

I can only eat eggs if they've been scrambled to high heaven. If I THINK they're slimy, I can't do it. shake

I don't know if this counts, but I FLIP if the waitress/waiter brings out the plates stacked on top of one another to "save a trip". Yes, please, put the bottom of the other plate on my food... barf

"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #39 posted 03/21/11 11:53pm



I have to cut my sanwiches in order to eat them boxed

If i have a cheeseburger I have to have mustard and the tomato has to touch the cheese with the pickle on the other side of the cheese touching the lettuce or the bun......dont analyze meee!!! smile


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Reply #40 posted 03/21/11 11:56pm



Hershe said:

[img:$uid][/img:$uid] Rather, gag me with a fork.

disbelief Yeah, that's big time off limits in my crib.

Ὅσον ζῇς φαίνου
μηδὲν ὅλως σὺ λυποῦ
πρὸς ὀλίγον ἐστὶ τὸ ζῆν
τὸ τέλος ὁ χρόνος ἀπαιτεῖ.”
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Reply #41 posted 03/22/11 12:16am



PurpleRighteous1 said:

I don't like the taste of milk, but I like to eat cereal. Whenever I go to take a bite I must tip the spoon to pour out excess milk. I do this especially will non-sugary cereal. Obviously I don't drink the milk. I don't know when this started or why b/c it was no problem when I was younger. And all of this dries my mother up the frickin' wall! lol

I'm like this, too. I forgot about it because I don't buy cereal anymore. Because then I'd have to buy milk and I'd only use it on the cereal and it would probably go bad before I used it all. So I just stopped buying both. lol

The check. The string he dropped. The Mona Lisa. The musical notes taken out of a hat. The glass. The toy shotgun painting. The things he found. Therefore, everything seen–every object, that is, plus the process of looking at it–is a Duchamp.
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Reply #42 posted 03/22/11 12:42am


Dewrede said:

i find the whole idea of eating unfertilized chicken egg cells disgusting

so i don't eat eggs smile

[Edited 3/21/11 9:46am]

i'm with u on the egg thing, i am not a fan of the egg nod

i also eat rice with ketchup and i even add ketchup to spag drool

i eat meat, but i hate touching it, when i have to cut it esp chicken i use tongs smile

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Reply #43 posted 03/22/11 12:58am



Hershe said:

[img:$uid][/img:$uid] Rather, gag me with a fork.

lol Those cats have taken over that kitchen. I remember once, a long time ago, I dated a guy whose mom had a bunch of cats (I forget how many). I went over to his house one day, and these cats were all over the place. On the counter, even in the oven (they left the oven door open purposely for the cats to go in there!) As much as I love cats, I couldn't imagine eating a meal in that house. I kept thinking of all the germs that must have been lurking in that kitchen. ill

RIP, mom. I will forever miss and love you.
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Reply #44 posted 03/22/11 3:20am


XxAxX said:

when i was little i LOVED ketchup and white bread samiches. of course, now, i am far too sophisticated for that malarkey. but back in the day..... drool also, different types of food can't touch each other on my plate...the mac n cheese can't touch the meatloaf which can't touch the peas....

Dear, your childlike innocence is part of what I adore about you. that being said, we need to work on your menu selection

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Reply #45 posted 03/22/11 9:37am


Hershe said:

[img:$uid][/img:$uid] Rather, gag me with a fork.

Ugh, that's gross.

Also when people let their dogs eat leftover food from their dinner plates. feeling ill

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Reply #46 posted 03/22/11 10:00am



psychodelicide said:

Hershe said:

[img:$uid][/img:$uid] Rather, gag me with a fork.

lol Those cats have taken over that kitchen. I remember once, a long time ago, I dated a guy whose mom had a bunch of cats (I forget how many). I went over to his house one day, and these cats were all over the place. On the counter, even in the oven (they left the oven door open purposely for the cats to go in there!) As much as I love cats, I couldn't imagine eating a meal in that house. I kept thinking of all the germs that must have been lurking in that kitchen. ill

I have a similar story:

There was a lady who always made cakes for church. Elaborate 3- and 4- tier creations.

She was a friend of my Granny's so I took her over to visit.

I nearly faint when I saw all the cats everywhere! Her furniture had cat hair all over it...

No more cakes from her! ill

"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #47 posted 03/22/11 10:54am



BlackAdder7 said:

XxAxX said:

when i was little i LOVED ketchup and white bread samiches. of course, now, i am far too sophisticated for that malarkey. but back in the day..... drool also, different types of food can't touch each other on my plate...the mac n cheese can't touch the meatloaf which can't touch the peas....

Dear, your childlike innocence is part of what I adore about you. that being said, we need to work on your menu selection. tonight, i'll be the mashed potatoes and you can be the peas. let's see how close we can get on the plate

i'm in. but, to be honest, i think of you more as a kind of french fry, not as mashed potatoes redface

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Reply #48 posted 03/22/11 10:55am



Lammastide said:

Hershe said:

Rather, gag me with a fork.

disbelief Yeah, that's big time off limits in my crib.

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Reply #49 posted 03/22/11 10:56am



psychodelicide said:

Hershe said:

Rather, gag me with a fork.

lol Those cats have taken over that kitchen. I remember once, a long time ago, I dated a guy whose mom had a bunch of cats (I forget how many). I went over to his house one day, and these cats were all over the place. On the counter, even in the oven (they left the oven door open purposely for the cats to go in there!) As much as I love cats, I couldn't imagine eating a meal in that house. I kept thinking of all the germs that must have been lurking in that kitchen. ill

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Reply #50 posted 03/22/11 10:56am



Lisa10 said:

Hershe said:

Rather, gag me with a fork.

Ugh, that's gross.

Also when people let their dogs eat leftover food from their dinner plates. feeling ill

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Reply #51 posted 03/22/11 10:59am



chocolate1 said:

I have a similar story:

There was a lady who always made cakes for church. Elaborate 3- and 4- tier creations.

She was a friend of my Granny's so I took her over to visit.

I nearly faint when I saw all the cats everywhere! Her furniture had cat hair all over it...

No more cakes from her! ill

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Reply #52 posted 03/22/11 11:02am



Otherwise, I'm good with food. Chicken, for example, is fine any way, but cooked done is the must have. Lol.
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Reply #53 posted 03/22/11 11:03am


- HATE the smell and taste of cucumber & tomato,,,,,even though I love garlic and onion.

- I don't know if its a quirk, but I love to mix cheese, butter, peanut butter and blueberry jam, together until they're completely intertwined separately in a small cup, and then slap them on some slightly toasted wheat bread.

- Love to mix cheese, honey, a teensy weensy bit of black pepper with cut down boiled eggs and nibble on them with bread and wash it down with mint tea,,,,ah, bliss drool

- I cannot eat anything that feels like chewing on t-shirts, example? Calamari barf mind you, it tastes good but the chewing process makes me cringe, and when I'm done with my plate, my nerve system is in shambles disbelief Then again, its not really a quirk, I know many people who can't stand the sight of sea food, much less squids.

- I can't bare the taste of vegetables, ANY vegetables without some kind of dressing, hell, at least give me a slice of lemon, something to give this miserable looking plate some pizzazz and then I'll take it from here.

- I never could understand how people drink orange juice first thing in the morning eek yeah yeah yeah, its nurturing and all that crap, but I can't drink it without feeling like an acid war going on inside of me one hour later disbelief

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Reply #54 posted 03/22/11 11:48am




Oh, I cannot eat heat! I need a child's plate.
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Reply #55 posted 03/22/11 12:29pm



jone70 said:

I like raw tomatoes, but hate cooked tomatoes; I like tomato sauce and tomato soup but only if there are no chunks of cooked tomatoes.

I like raw spinach but not cooked.

Crustaceans gross me the f*ck out. Lobsters are the worst. I was just on vacation and went to a restaurant where they have the live lobsters in a tank. Of all the tables in the place, we were seated right next to it. I thought I was going to be sick. And all night, the owner was coming over and grabbing the live lobsters out with his bare hands - everytime someone ordered the lobster. I'd see him walk by and then 10 minutes later I'd see a boiled lobster, cut open down the middle go by on a plate. barf

lol Sorry, don't mean to laugh, but that was damned funny!

You should've asked for another table. nod

BTW, I find the notion of boiling these critters alive mildly disturbing. Not to say I won't eat crab or lobster, but I def don't want to see or HEAR them being boiled alive.

By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #56 posted 03/22/11 12:30pm



Lisa10 said:

If I eat a Kit-Kat I like to bite the chocolate off first and then eat the wafer bit...

That's all the quirks I have.


I used to do that as a kid!!!

My son does that with Reese's Peanut Butter cups...and chicken nuggets as well. confused

By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #57 posted 03/22/11 12:33pm



psychodelicide said:

PurpleJedi, I think you read my mind. I was thinking of starting a thread similar to this. smile

My food quirks:

I can eat raisins by themselves or in cereal just fine. But I don't like raisins that are baked into something (like bread). To me, they look like a squashed bug that accidentally got into the batter, and was cooked. lol

I can't, for the life of me, eat pistachios, even though people tell me they are delicious. I can't eat nuts that are green because they just don't look appealing to me. ill

I can't eat sushi, but there are certain kinds of cooked fish that I absolutely love. love

I'm sure there's more. hmmm

highfive Great minds think alike!

By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #58 posted 03/22/11 12:36pm



PurpleRighteous1 said:

I don't like the taste of milk, but I like to eat cereal. Whenever I go to take a bite I must tip the spoon to pour out excess milk. I do this especially will non-sugary cereal. Obviously I don't drink the milk. I don't know when this started or why b/c it was no problem when I was younger. And all of this drives my mother up the frickin' wall! lol

pat I never drank milk as a kid unless it was in sugary cereal or mixed with Nestle Strawberry Quik. The taste of plain milk made me gag. ill

When I got to college I finally began forcing myself to drink milk.

By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #59 posted 03/22/11 12:37pm



Hershe said:

[img:$uid][/img:$uid] Rather, gag me with a fork.


nod We have some friends who let their cats roam all over their kitchen counters. We attended one or two gatherings/parties there, and I ate only the stuff that didn't come in contact with their counters/plates/silverware.

By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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