That's right, not all African-born people today have black skin, because many Europeans moved there many years ago, settled there, and have many descendants living there today, although Europeans , as well as Asians, and every other ethnic group existing today, are connected to the ancient Africans.
People also have to remember how large Africa is, and many early Africans, had various brown to dark-brown skin tones, depending on the location they were inhabiting at the time. Many ancient Africans wer nomads, so they travelled around Africa a lot, and keep in mind the climate/environment isn't all the same in Africa. Somehow people today are ignorant of that, and actually think that all Africans have the same physicial features. For example, someone from the Ibo ethnic group will not look like someone from the Massai ethnic group. Ethiopians don't look like like Ibos and vice versa. | |
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I can't believe she said the Chinese are a "pure" when in fact they are not. They too are connected to the ancient humans in Africa. In fact, the ancient humans carried the physical features of all humans. The Ikung people of South Africa, are the oldest, living descendants of the earliest humans. They carry the physical features of all humans. You can see the so-called "Asian features" in them, which they did not get from people defined as Asian, but the Asians got their features from them. Daphne needs to do some research, and also check out Spencer Wells' research on the human species, she might actually learn something, and stop the "guessing" with no evidence/research presented to back up her comments. | |
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You tell him, and you're right about how blacks classified themselves before the 1970s. It is surprising how many Americans have no clue about the various cultures/ethnicities of Black Americans, and those of the Caribbean, and the various skin tones that exists among/within our families. Fact is, Blacks are a mulitracial group , whether anyone wants to accept it or not, as they are not forced to, but do the research and they will find the facts and answers why. Blacks don't have to have parents from two different racial/ethnic groups for that to be a fact.
Two darker-skinned parents from the same racial/ethnic groups can produce a lighter-complected child/ Why? Well, if you did a DNA test on those parents, that will explain the reasons why they can. All anyone has to do is look at the variations of skin tones that exists within our families and the answer couldn't be more visible. Many of us choose to identify ourselves as "Black or African-American" because that is our personal choice, along with the events that took place in American history sometime ago, well that could pretty much explain many of those reasons why. I mean it's not like what when on during part of American history is a secret. Search, research the info and they will find it. It's amazing that in this day and age people are, well....still wondering. [Edited 12/24/10 6:49am] | |
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HON!! I said numerous times that ALL people are descended from Africa....maybe you should stop guessing and start reading better. I said you may consider Chinese as pure (as compared to other ethnicities) only in regard to the fact that they have not bred with the other races quite as extensively. Other than that, no. I think of the human race as all African with varying mutations and permutations of DNA.
Clear, now+ | |
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I completely understand the difference between nationality and ethnicity - but you misunderstood me (perhaps I wasn't clear enough): my comment was solely in regards to him/her saying Latinos are specifically "half indian half spanish" (especially since real Indians are from India; not the indigenous ppls of the Americas & the Caribbean) - you could have no "indian" heritage and still be Latino; "Latino" is not a country, so anyone can be Latino, regardless of their heritage.
I'm an American b/c I was born in the United States of America; I am also black, white, Latina and Native American. Nationality has nothing to do with heritage in a lot of cases (and is often mistakenly used interchangeably - like outside the US, a lot of ppl think white/caucasian when they hear 'American' which is ridiculous... ).. If I had been born in China, I would be Chinese - a Chinese citizen - even if I had no Chinese heritage. Hag. Muse. Web Goddess. Taurean. Tree Hugger. Poet. Professional Nerd. Geek.
"Resistance is futile." "All shall love me and despair!" | |
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I don't need to guess, I provided enough info to back up my comments. As far as the poster who said that, yes I will admit, I thought it was another poster who said that not you. I've read your posts in the past where you at least are knowledgeable about the origination of the human species, so kindly accept my apologies for thinking you were another poster. It's all good, I still respect you, but as far as "clarity" regarding the human species, my understanding of that couldn't be clearer, thanks. [Edited 12/24/10 9:59am] | |
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O.M.G. unbelievable. Laughing @ the bolded part. Beyonce is Black, like it or not. How long does it take to make you understand that technically all Black Americans are multiracial from various ethnic groups, who practiced various cultures. . If you take Blacks from New Orleans who adopted the "Creole" cuiture/customs, because that's all "Creole" is, and compare to Blacks from the South, I guarantee that's two different cultures of Blacks, but all share some connection to various Black cultures and history. You have many portuguese referred to as Creoles, because they have African/Spanish roots and their culture is a blend. Then you have the "Creoles" from the Caribbean, and quite frankly that's where all this "Creole" stuff came from. You will find many Haitians who practice "Creole" culture, and when many of them went to settle in New Orleans they took that Caribbean culture with them and refer to it as "Creole". You can research the history on that.
Many of the biracial and multiracial Caribbeans have been referred to as "Creoles" as like my maternal grandfather, but he was still considered "Black" or at that time period "Negro" as his children who were fair-skinned. Creole is a blend of cultures of Spanish/French and African, not a people, and there's different variations of it depending where you were born. | |
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I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. My apologies. I see what you are saying! I think alot of people use Latino to refer to the "ethnicity." Its kind of african american, we aren't from Africa, its just a word to describe an "ethnicity." Prince is GORGEOUS. I'm inspired. GOD is GREAT. Is there anything else to say? lol | |
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I thought you was confused I luvs ya still! Happy holidays!! | |
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Hm some people are funny. Let me try to remember it all. Some of you said I said unneccesary thing when you all have done it from the start. So let's start with Beyince She probrably isn't black. Remember the assumed line is if you're less than 75% a race you can not call yourself that race. So Beyonce has a black father and a creole mother. Creole's have black french and indian. If all balanced ewually she's 50% black and about 16% each creole heritages/ So if she get's 50% from her dad and about 16% black from her mom that adds up tp 66% black below the biracial line. once again assuming because she could have more black one her mother's side. And it is someone else saying extra things saying creoles indentify as black because of the South before The Civil Rights Movement. Well that's The South. A comedian was saying even light skinned black people consider themselves nonblack in California. So let's make the distinction one more time for the slower people. If you are nearly 100% black to 75% black you are black and african-american in america. Yes even though blacks in america have other races in hem we still make line between them and biracial eople. Black-biracial would be peole have under 75% black genes mixed with other races. A person who's say 79% black and other races would be placed amongst light skinned blacks. They are and darker skinned blacks are called african-americans.
On facial features. features of the face almost always run wit a race. The reason you can't use the face make on hisanics is cause they're not of one race. Like I said before when you mix races the child looks likeeither the mother or father usually. S latinos can look white,indian,or hisanic. uertoricans the same but sometimes they look black. So we can't use face logic wih multiracial races. As I sai d before, mankind was created by aliens. Whoever said hat we all get our facial features from Africa may not be right/ Science says it's climate hat caused the different facial feutares. I say it's that and genetic manipulation. When the aliens came and merged their DNA with ours they aslo gave us someof their facial features. That's why some africans, germans, and east asian people have slanted eyes, high cheekbones, very black irisis,big heads, big eyes.long fingers-toes and oisbly smart. You see there's 3 ain tyes of aliens on Earth. The greys which are the little 3 footers with big slanted eyes everybody associaes wih ETs. There's they mantis that look just like the insect but are 7 feet tall. And then there are the reptoids which are a mixture of retiles and erhas dinosaurs. These reoids lended their facial features to the peole of India. If you dn't believe me rea done of david Icke's books. . Alot of the forementioned people have an elflike appearance. That's because the greys were the elves in al our ancient lore. This is true ad there are even movies about it. Stargae a story where an alien named Ra creates human civilazaion and keeps us ignorant to mine mineras and poses as a god. This is indentical t the real X-files stories I heard. Cept Ra was a retoid alien robrably he made man not civiliation and creaed eole in subsaharan Africa not Egypt. Man African tales tell of gods creating man to mine gold in Africa even the sumerian ones did. Jst telling you that alot of the Sci-Fi tales are true. Liek 2012 and Independence Day. The aliens are coming back at the end of he world exactly 2 years from now to fight off The New World Order.
But on african peope there's 2 actually 3 kinds of african people. They are not called races if anyone said that. So to clarify things race exists in the political,bioloical, and anthropological sense. Biology recognizes race as secial. we are all 1 species and hen 1 race in that sense. Anthropoligists, people who study humans recognize only 3 races. Those I guess be subraces in the genreal biological sense. And either way what we typically call race would not be recognized in biology or anthropology So in genreal biology there is only 1 race. Then there would be the 3 subraces. Then I assume what we call the 7 or 8 races would all be subsubraces. Well 3 subraces that could be mixed to make a otal of 7 subraces If ou dont buy it it was in an encyclopedia ublised around the 70s. It's probrably in wikipedia. People think that things in Science are created by an evil government , but they're not. Race was created cause people could easily see the difference between humans. Infact being of anoher race was like being from another planet. Most explorers and travelers hadn't gone far outside their continent. eole didn't know if indians till Colombus. So ethnictiy or nationality meant alot. eople wre very consciouss of the nations next to them so being from a neighboring counry was like being from another continent. This is where society gets it's racial consciousness. This as well as it's it's cultural,ethnic, and religious counsciousness which is more prominent around the world. Then Science comes along(particuarly genetics) and reveals we are not that different after all. True goernments have seeraed us in he past but thats not the only sole reason race is classified. Not only that it reveals we are hardly different from chimpanzees, rimates and even rodents. In Science we are all put in the same category. So it's not jsut the governent and maybe even Science would recognie them but as subraces and subsubraces. Working up a purple sweat. | |
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I understand that culture can be seperate from race. One could be hisanic of culure but not by race. Just as you can be jewish by culture, nationality and religion. Jews however and latinos are recognized as their own ethnicity and race. I can't however understand why creoles aren't. Yes creole and cajun is a culture food, language, clothing and even religion. But I don' see why oe would not classify creoles as a people. I in all would classify them as their own race. They come from the races primarily and I know they are mixed wih different kinds of indian and european heritages. For instance their main european ancestory is french but they have spanish,german,polish, and italian roots. Wih all that I's think they'd qualify as their own race distinct from french, indians, and blacks. Now did I mention qualifying hispanics is one people is hard cause some have black in them and some don't Being that hey are a mixed-raced race they all might have different racial makeup in percentages. [Edited 12/24/10 16:44pm] Working up a purple sweat. | |
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Hmm some people are funny. Let me try to remember it all. Some of you said I said unneccesary thing when you all have done it from the start. So let's start with Beyonce She probably isn't black. Remember the assumed line is if you're less than 75% a race you can not call yourself that race. So Beyonce has a black father and a creole mother. Creole's have black french and indian. If all balanced equally she's 50% black and about 16% each creole heritages/ So if she get's 50% from her dad and about 16% black from her mom that adds up tp 66% black below the biracial line. once again assuming because she could have more black one her mother's side. And it is someone else saying extra things saying creoles indentify as black because of the South before The Civil Rights Movement. Well that's The South. A comedian was saying even light skinned black people consider themselves nonblack in California. So let's make the distinction one more time for the slower people. If you are nearly 100% black to 75% black you are black and african-american in america. Yes even though blacks in america have other races in them we still make line between them and biracial people. Black-biracial would be people have under 75% black genes mixed with other races. A person who's say 79% black and other races would be placed amongst light skinned blacks. They are and darker skinned blacks are called african-americans. So black afrincans, dark skinned afrinca-americans and light ones would be black. Peurto-Ricans and creoles would not be. On facial features. features of the face almost always run wit a race. The reason you can't use the face make on hispanics is cause they're not of one race. Like I said before when you mix races the child looks like either the mother or father usually. Yes latinos can look white,indian,or hispanic. puerto ricans the same but sometimes they look black. So we can't use face logic with multiracial races. As I said before, mankind was created by aliens. Whoever said hat we all get our facial features from Africa may not be right/ Science says it's climate hat caused the different facial features. I say it's that and genetic manipulation. When the aliens came and merged their DNA with ours they also gave us some of their facial features. That's why some africans, germans, and east asian people have slanted eyes, high cheekbones, very black irises,big heads, big eyes.long fingers-toes and possibly smart. You see there's 3 main types of aliens on Earth. The greys which are the little 3 footers with big slanted eyes everybody associates wih ETs. There's they mantis that look just like the insect but are 7 feet tall. And then there are the reptoids which are a mixture of reptiles and perhaps dinosaurs. These reptoids lended their facial features to the people of India. If you don't believe me read one of David Icke's books. . Alot of the forementioned people have an elflike appearance. That's because the greys were the elves in al our ancient lore. This is true ad there are even movies about it. Stargate a story where an alien named Ra creates human civilazaion and keeps us ignorant to mine minerals and posses as a god. This is indentical t the real X-files stories I heard. Cept Ra was a reptoid alien robrably he made man not civiliation and created peole in subsaharan Africa not Egypt. Man African tales tell of gods creating man to mine gold in Africa even the sumerian ones did. Jst telling you that alot of the Sci-Fi tales are true. Like 2012 and Independence Day. The aliens are coming back at the end of he world exactly 2 years from now to fight off The New World Order. But on african people there's 2 actually 3 kinds of african people. They are not called races if anyone said that. So to clarify things race exists in the political,bioloical, and anthropological sense. Biology recognizes race as species. we are all 1 species and hen 1 race in that sense. Anthropoligists, people who study humans recognize only 3 races. Those I guess be subraces in the general biological sense. And either way what we typically call race would not be recognized in biology or anthropology So in general biology there is only 1 race. Then there would be the 3 subraces. Then I assume what we call the 7 or 8 races would all be subsubraces. Well 3 subraces that could be mixed to make a total of 7 subraces If ou dont buy it it was in an encyclopedia published around the 70s. It's probably in wikipedia. People think that things in Science are created by an evil government , but they're not. Race was created cause people could easily see the difference between humans. Infact being of another race was like being from another planet. Most explorers and travelers hadn't gone far outside their continent. people didn't know if indians till Colombus. So ethnictiy or nationality meant alot. people were very consciouss of the nations next to them so being from a neighboring country was like being from another continent. This is where society gets it's racial consciousness. This as well as it's it's cultural,ethnic, and religious counsciousness which is more prominent around the world. Then Science comes along(particularly genetics) and reveals we are not that different after all. True governments have seperated us in he past but that's not the only sole reason race is classified. Not only that it reveals we are hardly different from chimpanzees, primates and even rodents. In Science we are all put in the same category. So it's not jsut the governent and maybe even Science would recognize them but as subraces and subsubraces. I understand that culture can be seperate from race. One could be hisanic of culure but not by race. Just as you can be jewish by culture, nationality and religion. Jews however and latinos are recognized as their own ethnicity and race. I can't however understand why creoles aren't. Yes creole and cajun is a culture food, language, clothing and even religion. But I don' see why oe would not classify creoles as a people. I in all would classify them as their own race. They come from the races primarily and I know they are mixed wih different kinds of indian and european heritages. For instance their main european ancestory is french but they have spanish,german,polish, and italian roots. Wih all that I's think they'd qualify as their own race distinct from french, indians, and blacks. Now did I mention qualifying hispanics is one people is hard cause some have black in them and some don't Being that hey are a mixed-raced race they all might have different racial makeup in percentages. That goes into the black hispanic and white hispanic thin. eurto RIcns and carribean creoles are hispanic mixe with black. So then they therefore are called Black-Hispaanic. Beeeecause hispanic means from a spanish meaning nation many people can be hispanic. Whie hispanic would be those fom Spain I suppose or spanish. Then we have nonwhite hispanic meaning basically latino. Being that peurto ricans are so few that migh be why they don't have their own race in the census. That may also be why creoles don't count as their own race cause there's just too few of them.
Why did I just quote myself? [Edited 12/24/10 18:29pm] [Edited 12/24/10 18:34pm] Working up a purple sweat. | |
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I refuse to read all that misspelled, no paragraph-having, ungrammatical, illogical, hot mess post. | |
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Thread win. | |
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[yes! I got the Cabbagehead line this time!]
...and a very merry to all!
Whew, only on The Org, I tell you.
You know what? There's at least a little truth in every post in here that I could read (some of y'all need must go to paragraph school though ). And that's what race has really become today; what we all make it. Differences in how we look that are based on genetics and population histories, who was powerful enough to force their genes into which new gene pools and to what extent, etc. etc.. have real meanings and have had real consequences that we all deal with today in many ways, especially in America. But, it doesn't take much analysis to reach the point where the rest are just mental conjurings we use to try and make sense of a big mess or justify what we believe about ourselves.
Thing is, how you keep your mind makes your world and the more we attach to the real --but ultimately very minor--differences, the more meaning they have for us.
This little sphere of existence we come together to inhabit in Prince World (or Prince-led world) is unique in my opinion. It's unique in that it's hard for someone to be a fan of the majority of his music and stylings and simultaneously be overly attached to the rigid boundaries many cling to in societies; be they racial, gender-sexual, religious, or otherwise. I'm sure you can, but you have to really work at it if you're gonna be open from Uptown to Beginning Endlessly, lol. When you look back through modern pop culture, there aren't that many musical artists/groups (Sly, EWF...insert yours here) who really blurred lines and blended people so well and done so consciously. Now think over how many years these groups actually continued to sell out concerts.
We benefit from having the conversation but we can easily get lost in the details or the impact of a poor choice of words. Just a reminder that we remember these couple points when reading and responding to these kinds of threads. ********************************************
...Ur standing in the epicenter, Let the shaking begin... | |
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When I was in NY, I was standing in a long line at a bank one day, and a Puerto Rican woman and I were conversing. In the middle of the convo, we were talking about culture and race. She said as Puerto Ricans, some do not consider themselves black, though they are, and she believes that she is, and that technically, they should be considered West Indian people because the country sits right in the Carribean. Therefore, some Puerto Ricans agree with you. | |
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Good point angel, because Puerto Ricans have the same ancestors as many Back Caribbeans. Their ancestors are the Arawaks/Tainos/Carib indigenous tribes, as well as African and European ancestors. Puerto Rico is neighbor to the U.S./British Virgin Islands and many Puerto Ricans have lived in the U.S./B.V.I., still live there, travel and both groups have married within each other, like my family. I had a Puerto Rican coworker who told me she considered me like her because of my parent's Caribbean roots and similar customs we shared. For example, in the U.S.V.I. they celebrate the same holidays as Puerto Rico. During Easter the shops close down for about a week. They also celebrate "Three Kings Day" as well as others. I had no idea about that, until I learned this from one of my 4 siblings, out of 9 of us, who were born in the U.S.V.I.
African-Americans (referring to Blacks born in the U.S.) also share some of the same history as the Black Caribbeans, because many African-Americans have African, European and Native American ancestors, they may be unaware of. Only though DNA testing would one actually know the percentage. I think people forget that the transatlantic slave trade pretty much started in the Caribbean before it started in what is known today as America. Also, many Native Americans from various Native American groups, during the time the British and French were in what is America today, were transported to the Caribbean to work as slaves as well. Especially the Natives who defied or stood up against the British and French. | |
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There are records from the early slave ships that show spanish and portuguese often used the same color words for native americans as they did for africans. The words include various shades of brown as well as indicating different types of mestizo as far as appearance. It shows there was a range of skin tones and features and leads some to argue for pre-Columbus exchange between africa and america. ********************************************
...Ur standing in the epicenter, Let the shaking begin... | |
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To note Paintedlady mentioned the Spaniards. Some Puerto Ricans consider themselves or are white Hispanics because of the conquistador lineage. She can chime in if she like, concerning this. As for the Native American slave trade, I have read that they were dying out because of the diseases the Europeans brought to the New World. That's when they enslaved the other black groups. | |
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Hmm I edited my ost and added on. That's why there's 3. That last one is proofread.
It may seem long and illogical but it makes perfect sense to me. On whos what. Peurto Ricans and creoles shouldn't consider themelves just like mexicans don't call themselves indian or spanish. Their a mixture therefore their own kind. Yes they are indian...PARTially. Yes they are spanish.....PARTially. But they and other latinos call themselves hispanic. No they are not ashamed of their indian heritage they're actually more proud of it. No they're not ashamed of their spanish heritage but we incorrectly call them spanish and they don't. Spanish is spainard they speak it. Filiinos have asian and spanish heritage in them. They don't call themselves asian or spanish but filipino. They might consider themselves their own race. That or they migh consider themselves both that a friend did. He was asian one year then hispanic another year in high school. So by that logic if peurto ricns are black they are also hispanic which makes hem spanish and indian. Since that's so many words and we have to see he whole we've called them peurto ricans. Same correctness for cajun-creoles. They're all black french and indian or creole which is easier more culturally sound. I live in East Texas where creoles exist. We misakingly use french and call hem frenchman. They're no more french than they are black or indian. The complete correct term that's easy is creole. ike with spanish they're not french they speak it.
And yes the 3 races are recognized. Just go to wikiedia and type Craniofacial Anthropometry. In it you will see the 3 races caucasoid, mongoloid, and negroid. The last of which may be congoid now cause negroid sounds a tad bit offensive.. IT'S FACT. [Edited 12/26/10 13:36pm] [Edited 12/26/10 13:40pm] Working up a purple sweat. | |
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As far as I know, I'm fully white....unfortunately.
Ain't that something? There are people fighting and arguing to say they are fully white and I am embarassed and ashamed of it. Andy is a four letter word. | |
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Yes, I'm aware that many Puerto Ricans consider themselves as "white" and deny their African lineage, because of the Spaniards who were on that island before it was named "Puerto Rico" (Port of Riches) That is what paintedlady mentioned in her post. My Mother, Aunts, Uncles, who are of Caribbean heritage, lived in Puerto Rico for awhile and was familiar with the culture, when they were younger, and many of my first cousins who were born in the U.S. V.I, married Puerto Rican males. What you may have read about many of the native groups dying out because of European diseases, is true, but they did not "all" die out, as what has been written in many books. A lot of it is misinformation, especially about the Arawaks dying out, because many Arawaks survived by going up into the mountains and escaping their captors, and many Africans joined them when they arrived there. The two groups banded together and formed rebellions against the Europeans. Both the natives and Africans intermixed, formed families and the cultures were blended. Many Arawaks actually survived during the European invasion in many parts of the Caribbean. There were many "Maroons" that went up into the mountains and dense forests of the Caribbean, to escape their captors.
Many of the Arawaks' and Caribs' descendants are living in Guyana and other parts of the Caribbean. There's even an Arawakan language, although not spoken today, unless any survivng elders of the Arawaks passed that language down to some of their descendants.
The European slave owners didn't find some of the Natives, as physically strong as the Africans, to work the plantations, which is why the Africans were of more value to their captors. [Edited 12/26/10 19:45pm] | |
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Agree. | |
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Andy, you are a trip..luv ya though ((hugs!)) | |
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Bi means 2, it's not about percentage. Multi means more than 2. Simple as that. It's up to the individual and their family background. Historically there are long lists that make designations based on percentages of various racial mixtures, and vary in name from region to region, country to country, to establish class systems. In most cases such labels today are considered derrogatory, so why bother? Everything else seems like it based on nation of origin rather than racial percentage. | |
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Don't forget about the Alien DNA!!! Multi-planetary too!
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All I know where I live it's getting exhausting trying to figure out who belongs to who based on this, that or the other. I had a girlfriend at work who I swore was of arabic descent, she was puerto rican, another woman I swore was jamaican her family is from the states. You have all shades of african folks moving here in droves, nar one of them is african american but they black even if they yella, you have vietnamese, you better not call japanese or chinese and vis versa, you have filipinos, who range in skin tones from brown to yellow to pale, you've got mexicans that look asian, you got pure breed native americans that look latino but would be offended if you called them so, you got folks from central and south american that would die if you called them mexican. you've got your eastern indian folks moving here in droves who range in complexion like black folks do, the fact they mostly stick together helps distinquish them but their assimilating children, dear gawd, I can't tell on sight. And then all these folks mixing in together. I'm tired of trying to figure this stuff out. you tell me and we'll both know. | |
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I stopped trying! You know my pain all to well So now I just ask about folks cultural backgrounds, because I consider that the respectful thing to do. Especially if your dealing with an Indian store keep and you have a chicken in your shopping cart. I can't just expect them to handle the chicken ya know? Its so nice though to learn about stuff you didn't know before, I hate offending people because they practice diferent customs. | |
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Most of that made sense. latinos that look asian don't unless it'cause indians are mixed with japanese and latinos are mixed with indian it makes sense. To mixup races is hard and easy to understand as offensive. to mistake nationalities however is just as or more offensive and far easier to do. Don't call chinese koean and cubans mexican. My friend called one mexican and he shouted "No I'm cuban!!" and pulled a knife on him. For back peope that might not make sense since blacks don't know their ancestoral nationality.Pakistanis and indians feud. Te british hate the french. Bexause of geography peole have more chance to hate nationality than race. For instance many think an asian would cringe at the though of their daughter dating a back man or even whie. But truth is the most hate woud come if a chid dated someone of anoher asian nationaity. Working up a purple sweat. | |
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Apparently all the mentioned "Peurto Ricans" are still spelled wrong after proof-reading | |
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