Hag. Muse. Web Goddess. Taurean. Tree Hugger. Poet. Professional Nerd. Geek.
"Resistance is futile." "All shall love me and despair!" | |
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Hag. Muse. Web Goddess. Taurean. Tree Hugger. Poet. Professional Nerd. Geek.
"Resistance is futile." "All shall love me and despair!" | |
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Yes I've heard about the Columbus thing..lol, because when he saw the Natives, they had brown skin, but they were Arawaks, and Tainos were actually part of the Arawakan group, not the other way around. They were originally from South and Central Americas, before they inhabited the majority of the Caribbean, as well as the Caribs, who followed them later, but the Ciboneys were considered an ancient, indigenous group, and as history tells it, the Ciboneys were the first to inhabit the Caribbean. I learned this doing research on the Caribbean, because for too long I ignored by family's heritage.
The term West Indian is a culture practiced and shared by many Caribbean ethnic groups from Jamaicans, Trinidadians, US/British Virgin Islanders, Bahamians, Grenadians, Haitians, Barbadians etc., and although some of the customs/lifestyles etc., may be similar, there is still some slight differences. Jamaicans don't eat the same, exact foods or cook it the same way, as one from the U.S. or British Virgin Islands. Not to mention, many islanders move from one island to another, and the "ethnic" demographics tend to change like every 10 years or sometimes less.
For example, when my grandparents and parents were living in the USVI, there was more of a Spanish inflence because many Puerto Ricans/Dominicans were living there at that time, and many of the foods and music Puerto Ricans/Domincans bought/cooked, and music they listened to, was molded into the Black Caribbean culture there, so the Puerto Ricans who lived there among Black Virgin Islanders, pretty much were familiar with one another's culture. My mother and some of her siblings and cousins also lived/worked in Puerto Rico for a while.
I grew up on latin/Caribbean music in the household, and many of my first cousins married Hispanic males. Now in 2010, it's a big difference, because now you have many Jamaicans living in the USVI, and the whole demographic/customs of the old timers practiced there, is quite different now, as well as the demographic of the population with a higher percentage of Black Caribbean ethnic groups living there, as well as, European Caribbeansl, mostly of French or Dutch heritage. Many American-born Blacks are not educated about the Caribbean culture, so when I am confronted with any stereotypical nonsense about it, I usually try my best to correct any false info on the culture.
[Edited 12/23/10 17:29pm] | |
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I think we need to clear it u for slower people. Peurto Ricans are not black, they're mixed with it. So th answer to the quesion are they black..no. Unless being 30% persent qualifies you as black hey should mark Peurto Rican or hispanic in the census. That leads of course to a problem because as I said hey are actualy 3 races. So they're appraximatly 33% black, 33% indian, 33% spanish. Yes they could call themselves black/indian/spanish but it's alot easier to say andt hink Peurto Rican. Like a person who's 25% italian, 25 amer-indian,25 japanese, and 25 black. Yes they are black is 25 percent is enough to be. But they are also alot of things so that doesn't complete them. So said person would mark Blatalianesedian is it existed on the census form. But it doesn't so hey'd have tomark oher.
Now as for race does it exist, well it depends on he reference oint. In Biology race exists but it means species. In Anthropology(human biology) it exists but there are only 3 main ones. And then we we call race only exists in a political-cultural sense. Anthropology my recognie them as subraces. As for latinos are they a race? Yes, They are a combination of the 2 anthropological races caucasoid and mongoloid. Dont' know what the word is for it. In a political sense yes they are recognized. Beig technical they are not a race but 2 white and native indian. BTW yes I am aware hisanic isn't recognized by manyeople whom are so cause hisanis come from different races some, it can mean culure and hispanic means a erson from a sanish seaking nation outside of America. So spainards are technically hispanic even though they're 100% european.
And as for my inelligence I am. I know how to sell by my typing, handwiriting and keyboard or someimes off. My IQ is approximatley 115 ,I went to college for engineering-technology, and have been on he honor roll.
So is anybody gonna answer my question when are you and not biracial? Working up a purple sweat. | |
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The profread version.
I think we need to clear it up for slower people. Peurto Ricans are not black, they're mixed with it. So the answer to the quesion are they black..no. Unless being 30% persent qualifies you as black they should mark Peurto Rican or hispanic in the census. That leads of course to a problem because as I said hey are actualy 3 races. So they're approximatly 33% black, 33% indian, 33% spanish. Yes they could call themselves black/indian/spanish but it's alot easier to say and think Peurto Rican. Like a person who's 25% italian, 25 amer-indian,25 japanese, and 25 black. Yes they are black, is 25 percent is enough to be? But they are also alot of things so that doesn't complete them. So said person would mark Blatalianesedian if it existed on the census form. But it doesn't so they'd have to mark other. Now as for race does it exist, well it depends on the reference point. In Biology race exists but what we call race only exists in a political-cultural sense. Anthropology might recognize them as subraces. As for latinos are they a race? Yes, They are a combination of the 2 anthropological races caucasoid and mongoloid. Don't know what the word is for it. In a political sense yes they are recognized. Being technical they are not a race but 2 ,white and native indian. BTW yes I am aware hispanic isn't recognized by many people whom are so cause hispanics come from different races some, it can mean culure and hispanic means a person from a spanish seaking nation outside of America. So spainards are technically hispanic even though they're 100% european. And as for my intelligence I am. I know how to spell by my typing, handwiriting and keyboard or sometimes off. My IQ is approximatley 115 ,I went to college for engineering-technology, and have been on the honor roll. So is anybody gonna answer my question when are you and not biracial? [Edited 12/23/10 17:44pm] Working up a purple sweat. | |
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Oh BTW as for black people, once again it depnds on definition. If you mean people who's blood only descends from Africa NO. If you mean mixed slightly like afican americans then YES.
Maybe I should break it down intoa comuter rogram which make slogica since. I know Pascal.
--Run Program--
If blacks are only from africa then african-american are not black.
If blacks can have bood from outside Africa then african-americans are black.
--End-- Working up a purple sweat. | |
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I cannot agree with you on some of your points. Puerto Ricans can't be measured by one individudal's DNA or physical appearance, because they're all of mixed racial groups. One Puerto Rican's skin tone may be darker and the other very, fair skin to white, according to society's general description of what 'white" is.
When you use the term "bi-racial" you are speaking of an individual from two racial backgrounds, based on their parents racial background. Multiracial in my opinion, defines one who has the DNA of more than two racial groups. Many Puerto Ricans are from African/European and Native American heritage. Same with Blacks, not born directly of two parents from an actual, Black African, ethnic group in Africa(i.e., Ibos, Massai, etc.), and with no European mixture, are 100% Black African. Even if both of those parents moved here, and had a child, that child would still be "African", but the child's nationality would be "American".
American-born and Caribbean-born Blacks, especially those who are descendants of ancestors from the Transatlantic slave trade, aren't 100% from a Black African group, but are a percentage of that group as well as European, and possibly a percentage, (not allO of Native indigenous groups or Asian. If you don't believe me, have one of them do a DNA test. I guarantee, it will prove my point. This is why they are the most difficult group to find a bone marrow match, because they have the most diverse DNA. Do the research. Go find Professor Gates documentary on African-Americans that he did on PBS. There's two segments of that documentary, where many African-Amercan celebrities had their DNA tested. It's amazing that Americans are more clueless than I thought about this. It's basically common sense, based on America's involvement in the slave trade. How is it that some people don't "connect-the-dots". It's not that difficult.
[Edited 12/23/10 18:27pm] | |
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There's no biological basis for race. | |
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so i guess that makes my ex multiracial? puerto rican,german and arab...and i'm 5 types of european......italian ,polish,irish,english and dutch i don't wear a cross?!!? i wear a prince symbol I When Prince's cum dries, diamonds are formed. no one tops prince in concert! | |
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There's still distinctions between the physical makeup of humans today regardless, by way of their bones, facial features, hair and skin color, but we are all from the human species. This change was mainly due to the early/ancient humans, travelling out of Africa, across the globe, They changed physically, as they travelled due to climate changes/environment and vitamin deficiencies in many. So when humans separated from each other, and then met up again years later, they did not recognize one another.
You can check out geneticist, Stephen Oppenheimer. He wrote the book "The Real Eve" and there's also a DVD on it, and you can find parts of the DVD on youtube: http://www.bradshawfounda...penheimer/
and Geneticist, Spencer Wells: He wrote the book "Journey of Man-A Genetic Odyssey" and also has a DVD of it, which you can find the vid, in about 13 parts on youtube as well. http://events.nationalgeo...cer-wells/
He was on the Daily show promoting his other book "Pandora's seed". http://www.thedailyshow.c...ncer-wells
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one race: human (biologically, we're all the same)
the ex is... "multi-ethnic" or "multi-cultural" Hag. Muse. Web Goddess. Taurean. Tree Hugger. Poet. Professional Nerd. Geek.
"Resistance is futile." "All shall love me and despair!" | |
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Zelijah if you are saying all Ricans are not the same mixture I agree with you. I was just using 33% as an average. Now of course they would look different. Anytime you mix races the people look different. When 2 or more races have a kid the child ends up looking like the mother or father. Usually not both. So since PRs come from 3 or more ancestories they can look black,spanish,indian, latino, or a mixture of either or all. Physicicall feaures are not how you measure race. Well with normal people they are but with biracial you measure by DNA. If your DNA is 85% black you are black even though you might look white. Since they come from the same island I'd expect peurto ricans to all have black ,indian, and spanish blood in them. Kinda like creoles here in The Southern United Staes. Some look french, some look black, some look indian, some look like a combination of 2 or 3. Some even look asian since indians are mixed with japanese. Most famous one , Beyonce. They're really multiracial although they hang-with/date blacks.
I believe aliens came to Earth, mixed with early humans and made the races we are today. That's part of the reason we look the way we do.
Lastly race does exist in a biological sense. I saw it in an encyclopedia. There's only 3. Now it is true before that race meant species. So in that sense we are one race since we are all homo sapien sapiens.
BTW all this confusion could lead us to ask what our royal Prince is. Wikiepedia says his father was black and his mother was black mixed with iatlian and jewish(israeli?) He's also got traces of native-american ancestory.
Whatever we want to call ourselves we are more than 99% simiar genetically. Somehow however Prince and Michael were/are 2 very distinct looking people. [Edited 12/23/10 19:36pm] Working up a purple sweat. | |
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Save me the lecture 2elijah. The fact still remains, there is no no biological basis for race, this is human kind made up bullshit. | |
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Technically, everybody's blood came from Africa. -- "races" and delineations such as "black," "white," "brown," "yellow," "red" are all man-made constructs -- bullshit -- to keep ppl apart... or down, under an oppressor's rule ~ especially that old "one drop [of black blood]" American rule. we used to have a system called Fractioning.. In some states, if you were 1/32nd black and all the rest white, you were still counted as "black" (no matter where your black blood came from). other states had lower cut-offs for "blackness" (1/16th) and similar rules for Native Americans
by the way
1) "If blacks are only from africa then african-american are not black"
If blacks are only from Africa, you can subsitute black for african, making the if/then statement:
If blacks are only from africa then black-americans are not black.
which is illogical.
"If blacks can have bood from outside Africa then african-americans are black."
a - Not all Africans are black..... If Charlize Theron (white, from South Africa) has a child in the United States with a white American, that child, technically, will be African-American (which renders this if/then statement, too, as illogical). b - African-Americans are black b/c of black African ancestry. No matter where or when a black ancestor lived on the planet (outside of Africa), it is all still traced back to Africa. Do we really need an if/then statement for something that is obvious? Seems kind of pointless, IMHO.
3) sense (not since) Hag. Muse. Web Goddess. Taurean. Tree Hugger. Poet. Professional Nerd. Geek.
"Resistance is futile." "All shall love me and despair!" | |
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what century was this encyclopedia published??
Prince and.. who, Michael Jackson? "looks" have nothing to do with your heritage; the gene pool has no rules. and, Michael's sister, LaToya, is as pale as (if not more) than Prince - and they have the same parents. Two dark-skinned parents can have a light-skinned child, and vice versa. You could be half white, and not "look" it at all, you could be half black and not "look" it at all. where are you from?? and what in thew world does Beyonce being the most famous "creole" have to do with anything.. and, is that what all Creoles do, hang with/date blacks? She, by the way, refers to herself as black, not "Creole."
We don't have to ask; Prince refers to himself as a black man (and though MJ's heritage is black, Native American and white, he, too, only referred to himself as black). Some American blacks, especially those with mixed heritage and born before the 1970s, only identify with one "race" - the black heritage - b/c of the horrible ways the government ruled and treated black ppl.
oh, wait..
"I believe aliens came to Earth, mixed with early humans and made the races we are today. That's part of the reason we look the way we do."
explains a lot. ne'er mind.
[Edited 12/23/10 20:59pm] Hag. Muse. Web Goddess. Taurean. Tree Hugger. Poet. Professional Nerd. Geek.
"Resistance is futile." "All shall love me and despair!" | |
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yes we are all just human. i meant this in sarcasm i don't wear a cross?!!? i wear a prince symbol I When Prince's cum dries, diamonds are formed. no one tops prince in concert! | |
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oh... gotcha
Hag. Muse. Web Goddess. Taurean. Tree Hugger. Poet. Professional Nerd. Geek.
"Resistance is futile." "All shall love me and despair!" | |
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Prince and Micheal look alike? I guess we all do.
Aliens.... wow... well um... yeah, don't call ANYONE slow... REALLY. You should be above that. Besides, its just bad form. Any intelligent person would already know.
But thank you, your post was quite entertaining.
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now someone put his mommy is part jewish? i never heard that b4. well she was pretty and whatever he is he's adorable. i don't wear a cross?!!? i wear a prince symbol I When Prince's cum dries, diamonds are formed. no one tops prince in concert! | |
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Try to tell that to the majority of them. That really isn't true for all people of hispanic background and there has to be a name to classify them just like caucasians, asians, etc. have. Sure there are "white skinned and black skinned" latinos, but they are distictly different than black people, or other multiracial people. Calling Latinos multiracial is like saying all races are multiracial. In essence that is true, but there is still a difference in the races and saying there isn't or that it doesn't matter is naive and takes away from folks' pride and heritage. Prince is GORGEOUS. I'm inspired. GOD is GREAT. Is there anything else to say? lol | |
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Correct! Finding out who you are on a racial level isn't a bad thing. It is really great to see people who find out they have this or that in them celebrate it and take pride in it. The idea that we are all the same is naive and not plausible because we aren't! Hair is different, takes different things to manage. Skin color is different, some need more suntan lotions than others. Knowing who you are can be important in some medical situations. Being different isn't a sin, its what makes this world beautiful. We are not all the same...that's not a bad thing! Prince is GORGEOUS. I'm inspired. GOD is GREAT. Is there anything else to say? lol | |
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If you think your family's race is black, then so be it. They are black, not hispanic. There are plenty of people born in Puerto Rico that aren't hispanic..no big deal. I have a cousin born in Tokyo, doesn't make him Japanese racially, but he is Japanese by nationality. Prince is GORGEOUS. I'm inspired. GOD is GREAT. Is there anything else to say? lol | |
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Being from a spanish speaking nation doesn't make you latino, any more than being from China makes you Chinese if you are black. Seriously people need to understand nationality, ethnicty, etc. You are trying to correct someone and yet you are not saying the truth...
Of course alot of it could be from people using terms interchangeably too. You can be from the US, which is NOT a spanish speaking nation, and still be called Latino or Hispanic! Just like their are oriental people from Africa, Austrialia, etc. There is a BIG difference in nationality (where you were born) and ethnicity/race (your genetic makeup). Prince is GORGEOUS. I'm inspired. GOD is GREAT. Is there anything else to say? lol | |
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Yes we are all human race. But we are different.....and they can tell things genetically about people. They use certain things to classify people and place them in categories. Somehow this is important to science. Being different isn't bad. Like when they find a corpse, they can tell you what race and skin color the corpse probably was. That's a good thing when looking for who this may be. So knowing what color/race someone is isn't a bad thing. Scientists do use, or have in the past, used 3 basic racial groups to define people... We are all different, but we are all equal and beautiful. Differences should be embraced IMHO. Prince is GORGEOUS. I'm inspired. GOD is GREAT. Is there anything else to say? lol | |
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Hmm seems I confised some of you. Yes there are non-black africans. I'm reffering to subsaharan ones which are black. If a person has black in them yes of course they trace their heritage to Afirica But blacks who's families come from America are not african. They've got other ethnicities mixed in them so they are african-american(not african). An african living in america would not be. They'd just be of african descent.
Beyonce hasn't much to do with i but I just ut her ino the equation. Yes they(creoles) consider themselves black. More of them do. Thats more or less why Beyonce sings R&B and calls herself black. Even though she's half black her creole side if mixed 33% evenly black,indian and french would make her around 66% black. That's below the 75% biracial line. So she'd be muliracial.
A person's facial features do run with their race. That's one of the main ways science classifies us humans. The 3 races I mentioned have distinct facial features. That's how they identified peoplein The Vietnam wwar. If they found a skeleton they wouldn't know the name but they would know the race by the skull features. Black negroid faces have mre dimensions like high cheekbones. Caucasoid faces tend to be flat. Then mongoloid(vietnemese) face have bucked teeth. Yes 2 children from 2 parents can look different. As I said, 2 different raced parents usually make one race complexted child.
And last whoever said I said rince and Michael look alike are dead wrong. I said hat on this lanet of 7 or so races we all have recognizeable facial features. rince due to racial heritage and Michael due to vitilago and surgery ended u looking like 2 very distinct people. In other words have you ever seen people that look like them?
BTW eople who see and are abducted by aliens are not stupid. They come from all walks of life andone of the hotest spot in The US for UFO activity is New York City,Brooklyn infact Working up a purple sweat. | |
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Let me know which of the Hispanic cultures are not multiracial.... Mexican: Native American (I say Natives are a "race" but you could actually consider them to be Asian dervied), African, European Puerto Rican: Caucasian, African Domincan: African, Native American, Caucasian Cuban: African, Native American, Caucasian.
In fact the genetic makeup of may Latinos is similar to the gentic makeup of many African Americans, therefore if I spoke Spanish you would not be able to distinguish me as not being from a Latin country.
As a matter of fact I know more Spanish than many Latinos.....
And genes are highly variable, as in the twins where both parents would be "biracial", yet one twin appears African and the other twin appears Caucasian. Moments like that should be a clue that physical appearance to define race doesn't mean shit!
There is no "racial purity"...It is a guarantee that just about every person on this planet is intermixed. Especially in the Americas. About the only persons who could be considered "pure" are the Chinese, as their land is large enough to have pockets where other cultures/races have not visited for thousands of years.... | |
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I disagree dear. Ya see, Hispanics were called that made up term because of an area of the world called "Hispanola" which is a chain of islands off the coast of Florida starting from Cuba and running on down to include Haiti/Dominican Republic, Jamaican, Puerto Rico and a few more I believe.
That is separate from the Latin American countries that span Central and South American continents. Many countries make up this part of the world, as you know...
So comparing a Mexican with a Puerto Rican is just the same as comparing a Hawaiian with a Chinese person.
I don't call Hawaiians Chinese, but many people lump all Latinos and Hispanic in a few interchangeable lazy and irresponsible labels such as, "Latino, Black Hispanic, White Hispanic" WTF?
Puerto Ricans identify themselves CULTURALLY and NOT racially because were are a make up of blended races. I say we are technically considered "Black Hispanic" and not "White Hispanic" whatever the fuck those two terms are... the whole thing is just ridiculous IMO. But I say Ricans are part of Black Carribean culture because we are, with the music food and way of life. We are more similar to Jamaicans in culture than we are say Mexicans.
Many Ricans come in all shades and looks. Even in many of the same families you will always see a wide of hues and features with blood relatives.
Many people identify themselves Latino just because they were born in a Latin country as well... except in the USA because people tend to identify were they were FROM before coming to the US.
But again, these are all sweeping generalizations with a very broad brush and indentity is a very personal thing. I would never correct another Puerto Rican if they identified themself as "White Hispanic" or "Latino" or whatever. People are what they associate themselves with in that regard.
I identify myself as American, my parents are from a part of America called Puerto Rico. Unless I am specifically speaking to another Latino and I tell them I am Boriqua. All rules bend and all terms are interchangable.
Labels are so fucking stupid.
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No lecture dude. Just providing info I thought may interest you, from actual geneticists who did the research on the human species. I'm not referring to the "race/class" system intentionally designed by a bunch of sick humans, who created that system to make a profit, by selling and trading other humans for free/cheap labor with the intention of also having control over them for some period of time. I am talking about the "human species". Perhaps you should do some research on it at your own leisure. Have a good day. [Edited 12/24/10 9:38am] | |
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:yeah! that right thurrr!: | |
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