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Thread started 11/24/10 8:39am



OK, people. I'm at it again. I'll warn you now. If you don't want to read my rant, move on!

What makes people so fucking STUPID?!?! Every day driving home from work I must stop at an intersection controlled by a traffic light. The main thoroughfare is 6 lanes, 3 in each direction. The cross street of this thoroughfare is smaller, but because it is an exit from a busy area, it is controlled by a traffic signal. I have to use this smaller street to cross Rhode Island Avenue, the main thoroughfare. It never fuckin fails. At least one asshole will block the intersection trying to beat the light before it changes to red and traps them before they clear the box. What pisses me off is that they can see they will never clear that intersection before the light changes because there are usually 8 cars in front of them that can't move. What do these assholes do? THEY PULL RIGHT INTO THE MIDDLE OF THE INTERSECTION AND STOP! By this time the light has changed and it's my turn to cross on the green light. I can't go anywhere because this fool is in the middle of the street!

Yesterday I had had enough. I was waiting for the light to turn green and this bitch proceeded to enter the intersection on the yellow light. There were already 2 cars ass-hanging in that intersection, but I still could have gotten through if simple bitch hadn't pulled her car into the box. She stopped just as the light turned green for me. I pulled into the intersection and damn near T-boned the bitch. I rolled down the window and told her to BACK UP! She had enough room to back up to clear a path for the cars trying to cross Rhode Island. She just sat there looking asshole stupid. Cars were blowing horns and folks were cussing because I couldn't move. I continue to yell and motion her to back up. Nothing. Just as I was getting ready to exit my car and walk over to confront her face-to-face, the light changed again. I had to back my car to its original position in the cross street. mad Perhaps I should be grateful that the light changed and I had to back up because no telling what would have happened once I got in that fool's face! And I'm not a confrontational person, but I hadn't taken my thyroid pill that morning so hormones, or maybe it was the lack of them, were raging.

How many of you have experience this? I guess it would happen more in city driving than rural or suburban areas. I imagine NY City is the same. Thoughts?

Oh, and for all you smart-asses who want to tell me to "chill," well, I hope this happens to you multiple times! Then you'll see how I feel. hrmph

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Reply #1 posted 11/24/10 8:44am



simple bitch and asshole stupid

That was just too delicious. falloff Thank you. hug

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Reply #2 posted 11/24/10 9:45am



I totally understand your frustration, it's fucking annoying as all hell.

But I'm glad you didn't assault her. lol

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Reply #3 posted 11/24/10 11:01am



yous the only mufukka wit a word...stupid bitch. i hate dyck fukked mufukkas.


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Reply #4 posted 11/24/10 11:11am



comfort I can count on one hand how many times I've flashed a finger at someone for blowing at me for not pulling forward to block a driveway or crossroad, but it has happened too much.

My rant is toward anyone who drops kid(s) at school. Talk to them about ball practice, music lessons and today's bagged lunch or whatever on the ride there. Once you get to the front of the school - put them out then move! Other kids need to get inside too!
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Reply #5 posted 11/24/10 11:30am



was she driving a white car? lol

Nah, this happens all the time in Chi-Town, people in my city can't drive worth a damn and have the nerve to speed. We have an intersection like that (Torrrence Ave.) and thankfully they have an arrow on that light. You can turn on the green but I wait for the arrow always, just because of what you've described. Folks start blowning their horns and trippen' because I wait for the arrow, whatever. I'm glad you didn't confront the person ... it wasn't worth it and you never know what may have happened.


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Reply #6 posted 11/24/10 11:35am



Shyra said:

What makes people so fucking STUPID?!?!

chemicals, school, money, consumerism, commercialism, genes, ego, vanity and porn. heart

this too shall pass
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Reply #7 posted 11/24/10 11:38am


TD3 said:

was she driving a white car? lol

Nah, this happens all the time in Chi-Town, people in my city can't drive worth a damn and have the nerve to speed. We have an intersection like that (Torrrence Ave.) and thankfully they have an arrow on that light. You can turn on the green but I wait for the arrow always, just because of what you've described. Folks start blowning their horns and trippen' because I wait for the arrow, whatever. I'm glad you didn't confront the person ... it wasn't worth it and you never know what may have happened.


lol You have a damn good memory, girl! No, and this is where I really wanted to smack her ass. She was driving a DOPE yellow Mustang, early model. I'm not good with model years, but this was the Mustang that had the longer body. I mean that car was sweet. Had I made it to her driver side window I might have said something like,

"What's an asshole like you doing driving such a sweet ride?! You're bound to fuck it up momentarily if you continue box blocking. Someone not as appreciative as me may decide to fuck you up just for being such a stupid asshole!"

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Reply #8 posted 11/24/10 11:42am


Shyra said:

How many of you have experience this? I guess it would happen more in city driving than rural or suburban areas. I imagine NY City is the same. Thoughts?

Oh, and for all you smart-asses who want to tell me to "chill," well, I hope this happens to you multiple times! Then you'll see how I feel. hrmph

If you live in NYC, I'd tell you to chill. I've had to tone down my rage over the years. My body can't deflect bullets.

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Reply #9 posted 11/24/10 11:48am


uPtoWnNY said:

Shyra said:

How many of you have experience this? I guess it would happen more in city driving than rural or suburban areas. I imagine NY City is the same. Thoughts?

Oh, and for all you smart-asses who want to tell me to "chill," well, I hope this happens to you multiple times! Then you'll see how I feel. hrmph

If you live in NYC, I'd tell you to chill. I've had to tone down my rage over the years. My body can't deflect bullets.

Oh, hell no! I wouldn't even ATTEMPT to drive in NYC! I'm from NJ and have driven in Philly which is not as bad as NY. I gave up on driving in Philly, so you know I won't do NYC! lol

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Reply #10 posted 11/24/10 11:53am




I know just how you feel. pat

Here in NYC they sometimes enforce the "don't block the box" law with a VENGANCE.

One of our technicians was driving the company van in the city, and he came to an intersection where the cars ahead of him weren't moving. Even though the light was STILL GREEN, he stopped with the rear of the van covering the gridlock lines. Two cops came up and ticketed him AND the car next to him, even with the green light!

I also have heard that the traffic cams will take your pic if you stop too far in or too far out at a light and you will get a ticket in the mail for gridlock.

Needless to say I'm neurotic whenever I have to drive in NYC!!! nod

By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Reply #11 posted 11/24/10 12:53pm



uPtoWnNY said:

Shyra said:

How many of you have experience this? I guess it would happen more in city driving than rural or suburban areas. I imagine NY City is the same. Thoughts?

Oh, and for all you smart-asses who want to tell me to "chill," well, I hope this happens to you multiple times! Then you'll see how I feel. hrmph

If you live in NYC, I'd tell you to chill. I've had to tone down my rage over the years. My body can't deflect bullets.

One night I was leaving the Village, and they closed the Holland Tunnel.

I have NEVER seen anything like the kind of traffic we experienced that night. eek

"The Box" was blocked, but no one could go anywhere. People on the cross street were trying to weave their way through the best way they could.

This big, drunk heifer got out of her man's Escalade and started cursing and banging on cars. I mean, she LOST IT! shake My passengers were freaking out!

All of a sudden, a guy hit the gas and she ended up on his hood... Her man threw it in park and got out to get her. She wasn't hurt, but she looked mighty stupid when her big ass rolled up on that car. evillol

"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #12 posted 11/24/10 12:53pm



Shyra said:

uPtoWnNY said:

If you live in NYC, I'd tell you to chill. I've had to tone down my rage over the years. My body can't deflect bullets.

Oh, hell no! I wouldn't even ATTEMPT to drive in NYC! I'm from NJ and have driven in Philly which is not as bad as NY. I gave up on driving in Philly, so you know I won't do NYC! lol

I would much rather drive in NYC than in Philly! [img:$uid][/img:$uid]

"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #13 posted 11/24/10 1:11pm



One thing I learned after getting my liscence this year is that driving makes you more violent especially when you're behind the wheel. lol

I don't know. I'm pretty much of a calm person but when I drive, I get pissed off at the smallest things.. LOLS! Like if someone is tailgating me, I'll drive even slower or something just to piss them off. Also, if someone cuts me off, lord forgive me because some not so pretty things comes out of mouth. I swear a lot and give a really mean side eye.

I understand why you're so pissed off. Everyone is either trying to rush to get to their jobs and then rush to get home... and you're cranky and tired and then you see someone blocking you... I competely understand.

~Time Spent Learning is a Time Never Wasted~

~They say the skies the limit And to me that's really true But my friend you have seen nothing Just wait till I get through~
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Reply #14 posted 11/24/10 4:04pm



The only reason I say chill is because if you assaulted every dumbass it'd be a 24-7 full time job!

But she definitely would have gotten the Brooklyn salute and possibly even the c-bomb! mad

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Reply #15 posted 11/24/10 4:08pm



chocolate1 said:

Shyra said:

Oh, hell no! I wouldn't even ATTEMPT to drive in NYC! I'm from NJ and have driven in Philly which is not as bad as NY. I gave up on driving in Philly, so you know I won't do NYC! lol

I would much rather drive in NYC than in Philly! [img:$uid][/img:$uid]

I will drive in the city before I'll drive in Miami! Or Chicago! Or even Atlanta!!

I've done Philly and I don't remember being too scared. I was in a UHaul though....hmmm

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Reply #16 posted 11/24/10 4:17pm



BklynBabe said:

chocolate1 said:

I would much rather drive in NYC than in Philly! [img:$uid][/img:$uid]

I will drive in the city before I'll drive in Miami! Or Chicago! Or even Atlanta!!

I've done Philly and I don't remember being too scared. I was in a UHaul though....hmmm

I've never driven in those cities, but I've driven the highway to South Carolina. Love driving through the Blue Ridge Mountains. nod

Philly wasn't scary. It was annoying.

"Love Hurts.
Your lies, they cut me.
Now your words don't mean a thing.
I don't give a damn if you ever loved me..."

-Cher, "Woman's World"
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Reply #17 posted 11/24/10 4:17pm



PurpleJedi said:


I know just how you feel. pat

Here in NYC they sometimes enforce the "don't block the box" law with a VENGANCE.

One of our technicians was driving the company van in the city, and he came to an intersection where the cars ahead of him weren't moving. Even though the light was STILL GREEN, he stopped with the rear of the van covering the gridlock lines. Two cops came up and ticketed him AND the car next to him, even with the green light!

I also have heard that the traffic cams will take your pic if you stop too far in or too far out at a light and you will get a ticket in the mail for gridlock.

Needless to say I'm neurotic whenever I have to drive in NYC!!! nod

that is one of those ways I welcome Big Brother's arrival

Here in Oakland, people have stopped looking for parking places altogether. They stop in the right lane and put on the hazard lights. There might be spots all around them, but they don't even bother trying.

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Reply #18 posted 11/24/10 4:19pm



I experience this bullshit on my commute home every day. I live in Los Angeles. I try to keep my cool but sometimes it's just not possible, even if I'm listening to my meditation CDs. I stay off the frewways during rush hour because they're basically a parking lot. I found a decent way to get home on side streets but motherfuckers don't follow the flow, they block intersections, they text, they're on the phone, or yelling at kids in the back seat, or crusing blasting obnoxious music (it's always obnoxious music) etc. etc. Just fucking pay attention and drive. Wake the fuck up and drive.

See what you've done. Now I'm all anxious and shit.


"...literal people are scary, man
literal people scare me
out there trying to rid the world of its poetry
while getting it wrong fundamentally
down at the church of "look, it says right here, see!" - ani difranco
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Reply #19 posted 11/24/10 5:16pm



robinhood said:

Shyra said:

What makes people so fucking STUPID?!?!

chemicals, school, money, consumerism, commercialism, genes, ego, vanity and porn. heart

Shut up.

Porn makes me smart.

It's what you make it.
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Reply #20 posted 11/24/10 5:19pm



TBH, stupid people can't even wipe their asses properly, so why in the hell do we expect them to be able to drive properly? razz

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Reply #21 posted 11/24/10 5:33pm



BklynBabe said:

TBH, stupid people can't even wipe their asses properly, so why in the hell do we expect them to be able to drive properly? razz

spit nod

By St. Boogar and all the saints at the backside door of Purgatory!
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Forums > General Discussion > I ALMOST ASSAULTED THIS BITCH!