wait, is that the dog that attacked your son?? | |
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She didn't 'attack' him. lol. | |
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"It was just an accident, but there is no way she is coming near him anymore"
...your words...
so excuse me if I'm right now after seeing that pic... [Edited 11/13/10 16:12pm] | |
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What I meant is he's not allowed to just be around her in close contact unless a parent is around and supervising....and he's not allowed to go near her period when she's resting.
She's not an aggressive dog, so I'm not worried about her when she is awake and alert...but I still want him to keep his distance. | |
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definitely, that's a big ass dog ... | |
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What kind of dog is it? | |
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A GSP. Why? | |
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You can tell she's old by the grey muzzle. I can understand why she bit your son. Older dogs need their rest just like older humans. Disturb that rest or startle them and unfortunate things can happen. I'm glad you understand that it wasn't entirely old girl's fault. Blessing to you and your family. | |
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buy mederma! the face! ouch! i got scars on my hands, arms and legs from my cat... i don't wear a cross?!!? i wear a prince symbol I When Prince's cum dries, diamonds are formed. no one tops prince in concert! | |
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Just curious. | |
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Oh no! You must have been beside yourself with panic. Glad he's ok though.
My son has the same t-shirt! Gotta love H&M. ...and my daughter just saw the pic - she ask's what the dog's name is. [Edited 11/14/10 1:14am] | |
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My girlfriend in high school did that. We had a black lab named Max. He was my big baby. While he was asleep, she got down next to him and scooped up his head to hug him. He immediately snapped and bit her face much like your son.
My Dad had him destroyed so as to avoid legal action. I was soooo sad for soooo long. So um yeah, I never grab a dogs head or do anything very close to a dog sleeping. Yes, they are domestic, but what the dogs did was instinct. I think if someone grabbed my head in my sleep they may catch a left hook!
I'm glad you got to keep the family dog. He/she looks really sweet. | |
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That's too bad about your dog.
Well, in Ottawa, every dog bite is reported to the city so I should be hearing from them sometime this week. I will provide info on her up-to-date vaccinations and I think there might be an in home visit - all totally understandable. We'll see how it goes but I'm not overly concerned.
As per the doctor, we took off the top bandage today. Swollen and sore, he's not a happy camper today.
My poor little guy. | |
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I'm glad your son is ok, good looking kid. | |
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He's a little cutie patootie!
Remember when he wouldn't eat anything but toast a few years ago? | |
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He's still picky but he's also huge so that's ok, I think.
This is what he looks like normally.
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what a handsome lad. You will have to watch him with the ladies when he's older!! "I may not agree with what you say but I'll fight for your right to say it"
Be proud of who you are not what they want you to be... | |
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Sorry to hear. Hope he heals fast. Dogs can be unpredictable at times. Don't laugh at my funk
This funk is a serious joint | |
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lucky nowhere near his eye!!! | |
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He has definitely become a LOT taller since his toast days! He is sooo cute! And his little smirky smile is adorable! | |
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As a cat owner, I have nothing to say about the dog biting incident, other than, I bet you looked hot at the hospital.
I hope the little man is okay. Dogs can be such cunts - invest in a cat.
A cat, I say! | |
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I am so happy everyone is ok. That's what's most important.
When our first St. Bernard, Roxy got to be older, she'd do the same thing if startled awake. It sucked when she fell asleep on our lap watching tv. You'd have to make noise and call her name to wake her before trying to get up off the couch abruptly. The few times we startled her she got our arm/leg in her mouth, but came to in time and would catch herself and not bite down.
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Oh Erin! I am so glad that it was not much worse. Still traumatic for both of you. Little ones are troopers though. You are a great mom and pet owner. Most people just freak out, blame the dog, put it down and the child is left with a fear of dogs the rest of their life.
to you and big kudos to Miles for being a trooper. Hope his wound heals without too much scarring. Though boys think scars are cool.
I cannot believe how much he has grown up. Handsome young man!
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thebumpsquad said: As a cat owner, I have nothing to say about the dog biting incident, other than, I bet you looked hot at the hospital.
I hope the little man is okay. Dogs can be such cunts - invest in a cat.
A cat, I say! Cats are not always trustworthy either. Truthfully I'd have my kid around a mean dog before a mean cat. Cats tend to be be really nasty when aggressive! | |
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I'm glad he's not scared of dogs now, really important. Hope he feels totally better soon! | |
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So glad everyone is ok! That is one cute kid you've got there Erin! Proud Succubi Bitch! | |
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My friend's pit bull was jumped by two cats. They JACKED him up! Poor baby had to go to the vet. He just happened to walk past the posse and they got him. Yup, they are pretty vicious too. | |
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Oh my goodness Erin, he is growing up so fast! Seems like you were posting toddler pics just yesterday! Glad to hear the little man's okay, Hon. | |
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Get well soon, little guy. Erin. | |
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