Ironing I think that's all at the moment. | |
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Ironing and I parted ways looooooooooong ago it just didn't work out for us, just wasn't meant to be
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Nothing, really. I use the word "hate" quite often in my daily life for the sake of sarcastic/slap-stick humour, but in reality I hate nobody and nothing. If I don't like the place I'm in, I simply step away from it. No need to focus energy on hating, it's simply no use and just makes you unhappy and not satisfied with yourself. | |
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I hate getting out of bed in the morning, I actually HATE that with a passion | |
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My A-Z....
Angry ppl Bitches Cleaning Drunk drivers Everything about my marriage Fighting Gummy bears...because they r addictive Hangovers Insecurities Jealousy Killing Lame excuses Marriage Name calling Onions Pajamas Quests Rude ppl Self Righteous Ass Holes Tantrums Useless husbands that do nothing and expect everything Violence Watches Xrays...when it's the kids Yelling Zero in my wallet
Yes i'm bored! | |
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Alright, I take back everything I just said. I hate that too! So, so much! | |
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my first words every morning are "IT SHOULD BE A CRIME!!!!" | |
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When I went to school my first words in the morning were very, very bad, every single day. I was cussing and swearing the hell out of the day when I got up. Seriously.
"You motherfucking, assmunching, monkeypounding, bitchlord of a big, fat, fucking shithole-wanker! Fuck you so much, you don't even want the sun to go up anymore! Really, FUCK YOU SO MUCH, YOU MOTHERFUCKING ARSEHOLE OF A DAY."
Then I made myself a cup of tea, usually. | |
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I hate swearing | |
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so how did you get Australian citizenship? do they pass them out in cereal boxes these days?
i'd have thought there was a 'kin oath one must take. everyone's a fruit & nut case | |
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it's wednesday night, I haven't passed the swearing test yet! | |
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that emote is violent though ![]() ![]() | |
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I have to agree with you on this one Dave. There really is no point in hating. Yes, I do feel annoyed by certain things every now and then, but I try not to systematically hate anything on a constant basis. It's a waste of my time.
On the Org since 2005.
~ Formerly known as FuNkeNsteiN ~ | |
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Asthma... I hate it when I'm sick, and not being able to breathe
the only thing worse than that is watching my son struggle to breathe, the sleepless nights that follow.
Today was a bad day.
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-all black tennis shoes
-Joan Rivers
-dead batteries
-drinking warm water
-having lint in my socks
-going to the amusement park with family
-People who don't like Stevie Wonder
-scratched up CDs
-boring porn
-having rude co-workers and managers
-people who do the "kissyface" in all their pictures
-people who always talk about "their haters". They probably have a reason to hate your punk ass
-walking around in Berkeley and followed by bums asking for spare change (this happened to me and my friends a couple of weeks ago)
-Bandwagon Michael Jackson fans
-Getting things stolen
-fairweather friends
-people walking around naked at the gym's locker room
-Prince fans who believe it's still 1985 and that they're obligated to verbally shit on his 80s contempories or anyone in general
-Country music
-being overly sarcastic
-people who have bad breath but always have a reason to stand close to you
-people who think they have the right to question someone's pride of their heritage
-using Princebonics in every thing you do
-Hardcore Heavy Metal fans
-food stains
-wearing clothes that are way too tight
-Prince fans who believe that their definition of music is the right one
"We may deify or demonize them but not ignore them. And we call them genius, because they are the people who change the world." | |
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1. i hate deadbeat dads
2.. I hate having to watch my back when out walking alone at nite
3..I hate low ass jeans on guys..& why do people SPIT??
4. i hate when i buy an item at a store only to be told, there is no price tag or bar code, so we need to do a price check.
5..I hate that our bathroom has NO heating duct.
6. I hate my redneck trailer trash neighbours
7.I hate that i cannot afford to move
8.. I hate that celebs can practically get away with murder.
Thats all 4 now~~ | |
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A word that is too strong, but yet easy to use. Let's see:
violence against anybody, which leads to most of the issues occurring in the world (LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE!)
breaking out in heat rashes
tolerance (not against it but when declared, it's usually a cop out cuz the intolerance shows itself just as quickly)
that lying, cheating, and stealing is considered acceptable or ok in society (in it's subtle, wink-wink forms)
being disorganized
losing stuff, forgetting stuff
when folks don't call to cancel their appointments (I could have stayed home or woken up later)
"Funkyslsistah… you ain't funky at all, you just a little ol' prude"!
"It's just my imagination, once again running away with me." | |
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If you weren't the same age as my son, I would marry you. | |
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Generally, the human race. Not much else I could point to that we didn't cause, create or invent ourselves. | |
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At the moment, I'm really hating counter-hype - when people try to constantly bring something popular down just because it's popular, to the point where all they do is tell the same unfunny jokes about it over and over again. You don't like it yet you talk about it more than ppl who like it do.
Prince's song Everybody Loves Me.
When people hate pop music just cuz it's pop. Orgers who hate today's music just cuz they didn't grow up with it. Alternatively, young people who hate "old" music because THEY didn't grow up with it.
Prince fams who diss Michael Jackson and act like Prince won the (non existent) rivalry because he's still alive.
People who try to downplay Lady Gaga's influence on pop music in the last two years. You all look like MORONS.
These days with blogs and comment sections etc, someone is always deliberately saying the most infuriating thing. For example if I'm looking at an article on domestic violence, if there's a comments section, someone will be saying women deserve it. You can guarentee fuckery whereever ppl can make comments.
When the sun is out but it's still not warm or there's an icy wind.
Shitty movies.
People who like shitty movies because they don't have to think for two hours.
People who don't read books cuz they can't sit still and use their brains for longer than a minute.
People who still can't spell once they're teenagers.
People who use "their" "there" "they're" "your" "you're" incorrectly and say "would of" or "could of'.
People who spell "woman" as "women".
People who use the c word.
Kids who don't know their music history. Sure, you don't have to know every album track of every singer ever, but a general idea of who was around before your fave celebs today is kind of important. That way you won't go around thinking MJ stole "mamasehmamasahmamacosaa" from Rihanna.
When women join "Get back in the kitchen" groups on Facebook. Are you fucking kidding me? | |
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Those with a genuine lack of perspective. (Insert something clever here) | |
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Thank you Ivy With a very special thank you to Tina: Is hammer already absolute, how much some people verändern...ICH hope is never so I will be! And if, then I hope that I would then have wen in my environment who joins me in the A.... | |
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So do I, for fuck's sake! | |
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Yeah, that's so rude.....
thats why you need to put them on the ignore list...........stupid apes. MICHAEL JACKSON
R.I.P مايكل جاكسون للأبد 1958 | |
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People who are only friends with their same race/religion/nationality
People who think that their opinions are facts
People who think that the way they view the world/life is the only way to view the world/life
People who bang on about the importance of having "character" and "convictions"
People who actually believe what politicians tell them.
Party Politics
Arsenal Football Club [Edited 7/26/10 7:14am] | |
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However, the gooners are shite, yes. | |
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I was your groupie up until we got to the people who can't sit still and read bit, and everything after that. I've reached in darkness and come out with treasure
I layed down with love and I woke up with lies Whats it all worth only the heart can measure It's not whats in the mirror but what's left inside | |
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' [Edited 11/19/10 5:20am] | |
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