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"Dinner for Schmucks" is...well, for schmucks I took my wife to see this last night. When I got to the ticket counter, I said, "Two schmucks for dinner!" Sadly, that line got a bigger laugh from the crowd than anything in the movie.
This movie is just not funny. Steve Carrell's character is not funny. Even the great Steve Carrell is not funny. It's like his timing is just a bit off. His character is Michael Scott dumbed down three levels. Which means two things: (1) The Michael Scott character is absolute genius, because it's dumbed down EXACTLY THE RIGHT AMOUNT - no more, no less; and (2) of course it turns out that Steve Carrell's character (I've already forgotten his name) is a genius and far more in tune with what's important than anyone else in the movie.
Paul Rudd isn't funny either, although he's not really meant to be in this movie. Which I find to be weird casting.
I must confess, I don't know who Paul Rudd is. I've seen his name in a bunch of movies that I never cared to see. For some reason, I associate him with failed comedies, Seth Rogen (another hugely unfunny yet popular-for-some-reason actor) and marijuana. Who knows why.
Anyone, Rudd is a pretty good actor but not funny. He's kind of handsome but mostly plain - just like every other alleged Hollywood male "star" of the last ten years. They're all forgettable to me.
The plot. Ah, the plot. You already know everything that is going to happen in this movie, even if you haven't seen it. So let's discuss the huge holes in the plot.
SPOILERS COMING! Although, since this movie is not funny and totally predictable, is it fair to call them spoilers?
First, the female lead. What a bitch. Rudd's character has been asking her to marry him and she keeps saying "No" or "I don't know". Why the hell would we like her? I damn sure wouldn't. Plus, it makes Rudd look like a wimp. No man sticks around after that many rejections - no kind of man at all.
Then, Rudd's job. The firm is about to go under, and Rudd comes up with the prospect that can save the company. And he knows it. Yet he allows his boss and the other nimrods to walk all over him. Any real man in that position would have said, "Look bitches - this company goes under unless the lead that *I* and only *I* have created comes through. And the prospect only likes me - he hates you other idiots. So get down on your knees and pray that I come through and save your sorry asses. Also, give me your parking spaces."
And then there's the prospect. This big, rich, stupid Swiss guy. As you already know, the plot revolves around everyone bringing an idiot to a dinner where everyone makes fun of the idiots and ranks them to see how brought the biggest idiot. That person is the "winner".
Well, it turns out the Swiss guy does the exact same thing in Switzerland! And brags about how much fun it is to make fun of other's distress.
Yet, the movie ends with Steve Carrell, Paul Rudd, the bitch girlfriend, and the Swiss guy all going into business together in Switzerland. But no one ever explains how the Swiss guy changed his tune. I hate holes like that.
Anyway, the more I think about this movie, the worse it gets. So I'm going to mow the lawn. | |
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ok your review just made me laugh, probably more than I would have int he movie.
Thanks for the heads up, I'll wait til cable ![]() We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color. Maya Angelou | |
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Yeah ~ I can not imagine watching this AT ALL ...even if it was free and I was drunk
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I loved this movie, Greg.
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I'll wait for the DVD release or maybe catch it if I'm on a plane, sounds like THAT kind of movie | |
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If there was a movie you could compare it to, which would you choose? I'm supposed to be going to see it next week. I graduated bitches!!! 12-19-09 ![]() ![]() | |
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That's really hard. I guess I would say Role Models or Hangover. I had a lot of laugh out loud moments with this movie. | |
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Whew! I'd have felt really bad if you'd paid good money to see it and DIDN'T like it! | |
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The great thing was I won tickets so I didn't pay. | |
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