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Thread started 03/23/10 3:36pm



Certified Check

I just got a certified check from my bank...the person I gave it to mentioned there is no "certified" stamped on it. Is my bank supposed to stamp certified on it? or Does it not matter?
unlucky7 reincarnated
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Reply #1 posted 03/23/10 4:12pm



I don't recall seeing any special stamp on certified checks....However it does say certified on the check
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Reply #2 posted 03/23/10 4:13pm



Is the check a bank check or one of your regular checks? If the former, you technically have a cashier's check (which are never stamped "certified"), if the later, the bank has set aside funds in your account that can only be used to cash that particular check. It is not necessary that it be stamped certified, but the person you are giving the check to will have no way of knowing that is not just a regular check. Anyone who requires a certified check will typically take a cashier's check. They are both guaranteed not to bounce.
a psychotic is someone who just figured out what's going on
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Reply #3 posted 03/23/10 11:55pm



Stax said:

Is the check a bank check or one of your regular checks? If the former, you technically have a cashier's check (which are never stamped "certified"), if the later, the bank has set aside funds in your account that can only be used to cash that particular check. It is not necessary that it be stamped certified, but the person you are giving the check to will have no way of knowing that is not just a regular check. Anyone who requires a certified check will typically take a cashier's check. They are both guaranteed not to bounce.

unlucky7 reincarnated
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Forums > General Discussion > Certified Check