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Thread started 03/10/10 8:06pm



It just happened again

Every day when school lets out I hear all these boys outside my work ganging up on this one poor boy. They yell all kinds of mean stuff at him.

I wanna go out and yell at them, but I'm afraid it'll embarrass the boy.

I feel so bad for him. What can I do?
I've reached in darkness and come out with treasure
I layed down with love and I woke up with lies
Whats it all worth only the heart can measure
It's not whats in the mirror but what's left inside
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Reply #1 posted 03/10/10 8:08pm


Tell the Principle when and where it is happening.
Insist that it happens often and that you're concerned.
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Reply #2 posted 03/10/10 8:15pm


TheVoid said:

Tell the Principle when and where it is happening.
Insist that it happens often and that you're concerned.

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Reply #3 posted 03/10/10 8:16pm



Good plan. I'm totally gonna.

My heart breaks for him.
I've reached in darkness and come out with treasure
I layed down with love and I woke up with lies
Whats it all worth only the heart can measure
It's not whats in the mirror but what's left inside
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Reply #4 posted 03/10/10 8:17pm


Teach him to wax your car and paint your fence and he'll be kicking their asses before you know it.
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Reply #5 posted 03/10/10 8:18pm


how old are they??? go out there and tell the bullies that the kid is your boyfriend...he'll totally become a hero...
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Reply #6 posted 03/10/10 8:19pm



thejason said:

how old are they??? go out there and tell the bullies that the kid is your boyfriend...he'll totally become a hero...

Its the middle school kids. So sumwhere from 6th to 8th grade.
I've reached in darkness and come out with treasure
I layed down with love and I woke up with lies
Whats it all worth only the heart can measure
It's not whats in the mirror but what's left inside
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Reply #7 posted 03/10/10 8:19pm


TotalANXiousNESS said:

thejason said:

how old are they??? go out there and tell the bullies that the kid is your boyfriend...he'll totally become a hero...

Its the middle school kids. So sumwhere from 6th to 8th grade.

oh yeah, you'd totally make him the envy of every dude at school...hook him up!
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Reply #8 posted 03/10/10 8:21pm



thejason said:

TotalANXiousNESS said:

Its the middle school kids. So sumwhere from 6th to 8th grade.

oh yeah, you'd totally make him the envy of every dude at school...hook him up!

lol OMG
I've reached in darkness and come out with treasure
I layed down with love and I woke up with lies
Whats it all worth only the heart can measure
It's not whats in the mirror but what's left inside
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Reply #9 posted 03/10/10 8:21pm


thejason said:

how old are they??? go out there and tell the bullies that the kid is your boyfriend...he'll totally become a hero...

the question is, can he do plumbing...?
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Reply #10 posted 03/10/10 8:22pm


BlackAdder7 said:

thejason said:

how old are they??? go out there and tell the bullies that the kid is your boyfriend...he'll totally become a hero...

the question is, can he do plumbing...?

thats a reasonable question...that way they're both gettng something outta the deal...
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Reply #11 posted 03/10/10 8:23pm


thejason said:

BlackAdder7 said:

the question is, can he do plumbing...?

thats a reasonable question...that way they're both gettng something outta the deal...

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Reply #12 posted 03/10/10 8:23pm



BlackAdder7 said:

thejason said:

how old are they??? go out there and tell the bullies that the kid is your boyfriend...he'll totally become a hero...

the question is, can he do plumbing...?

Listen here blackadder.

If you were my friend on facebook

Ud no

I just changed my own brake light on Monday.


so I wouldnt have to deal with the creepy car guy.

I'm self sufficient.


My bills are all paid up to date at this moment.

I've reached in darkness and come out with treasure
I layed down with love and I woke up with lies
Whats it all worth only the heart can measure
It's not whats in the mirror but what's left inside
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Reply #13 posted 03/10/10 8:26pm



TotalANXiousNESS said:

BlackAdder7 said:

the question is, can he do plumbing...?

Listen here blackadder.

If you were my friend on facebook

Ud no

I just changed my own brake light on Monday.


so I wouldnt have to deal with the creepy car guy.

I'm self sufficient.


My bills are all paid up to date at this moment.




You're my hero.

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Reply #14 posted 03/10/10 8:28pm



JustErin said:

TotalANXiousNESS said:

Listen here blackadder.

If you were my friend on facebook

Ud no

I just changed my own brake light on Monday.


so I wouldnt have to deal with the creepy car guy.

I'm self sufficient.


My bills are all paid up to date at this moment.




You're my hero.


I've reached in darkness and come out with treasure
I layed down with love and I woke up with lies
Whats it all worth only the heart can measure
It's not whats in the mirror but what's left inside
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Reply #15 posted 03/10/10 11:17pm


My oldest son is not a punk....he is a good longer the skinny kid...grows his curly hair out to a big old mess like his friends...he is strong...and is more or less the "bully" when it comes to physical altercations in school...with that being said....there is a kid at school that has been saying shit to Luke about his teeth....he needs braces something fierce, but needs to lose more teeth before the othodontist will put them on for him...yesterday....this kid said something again to Luke and he snapped and kicked this kids ass....

For those keeping score....that is my sons 5th altercation school so far this school's becoming a once a month thing and always a different kid...

My point here....there is a breaking point for everyone and my guess is that this kid you are referring to is about to reach his....

For Luke, there are a BUNCH of tools in place to help him stay away from these situations in school and his teachers let him down yesterday and this was the result....for the boy you see everyday Dani....someone is letting him down...for me...I'd be in that bidness in a half a second...the first time you saw chalk it up to kids being kids....maybe there is some story there...the second intervene...maybe keep a close eye on it...the third time....I am all over these kids and getting school staff involved before this other kid comes to school packing or WORSE his parents find him swinging in the closet....this shit goes on every day....Facebook...MySpace....all over the place...people have to get involved...and I am one scary dude when I wanna be....just sayin'....

I think about it this way...what would I do if it was my kid...I would do what my uncle did when I was younger...some kids were messing with my cousin everyday and one day is escalated to where my cousin got his finger uncle showed up at one of the kids houses and after about a 2 second conversation where this kids father told my uncle it was kid stuff and that he should go uncle dragged dude out his front door and told him if it happened ever again...he was coming back with some of his friends and they were gonna break his fingers....

Maybe not the most mature thing to was the 80's afterall...but the point is that we as the adults can have zero tolerence for these sort of things we observe....

Again....just my opinion here....
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Reply #16 posted 03/11/10 4:20am



Hmm..i might take some pics of the kids doing the bullying..or even a video & show it to the principals.

all of the schools here have zero tollerance.
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Reply #17 posted 03/11/10 5:33am



TheVoid said:

Tell the Principle when and where it is happening.
Insist that it happens often and that you're concerned.

I think you should take his advice.
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Reply #18 posted 03/11/10 5:48am



thejason said:

TotalANXiousNESS said:

Its the middle school kids. So sumwhere from 6th to 8th grade.

oh yeah, you'd totally make him the envy of every dude at school...hook him up!

He'll totally rule the school.woot!

Now I'm picturing the cops and the kid's parents knocking on TotalANXiousNESS' door. lol
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Reply #19 posted 03/11/10 10:30am



Oh ya.
Cuzthat is something that would totally happen to me. lol
I've reached in darkness and come out with treasure
I layed down with love and I woke up with lies
Whats it all worth only the heart can measure
It's not whats in the mirror but what's left inside
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Reply #20 posted 03/12/10 11:50pm


Offer to pay for martial arts classes for him so he can kick ass next time. It's so satisfying to see a bully get his ass kicked!
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Forums > General Discussion > It just happened again