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Reply #90 posted 09/02/09 10:05pm


japanrocks said:

new story out today about a video taken at a chicken factory pretty much sums up what organizations like PETA try to help with (warning....this is graphic)

story here

now go enjoy your KFC extra crispy (it's male chick free!!)
[Edited 9/2/09 1:53am]

that was sad but it's not enough to stop me from eating eggs. there are also what is called ovo-vegetarians for whom eggs are the only animal product in their diet. I don't understand though, why not just let the male chicks live in the wild and become part of the natural food chain. confuse Plus, they have to keep some males to fertilize the eggs.
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Reply #91 posted 09/02/09 10:58pm



DesireeNevermind said:

japanrocks said:

new story out today about a video taken at a chicken factory pretty much sums up what organizations like PETA try to help with (warning....this is graphic)

story here

now go enjoy your KFC extra crispy (it's male chick free!!)
[Edited 9/2/09 1:53am]

that was sad but it's not enough to stop me from eating eggs. there are also what is called ovo-vegetarians for whom eggs are the only animal product in their diet. I don't understand though, why not just let the male chicks live in the wild and become part of the natural food chain. confuse Plus, they have to keep some males to fertilize the eggs.

and that's what I'm talking about!!
He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.
(George Eliot)

the video for the above...evillol
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Reply #92 posted 09/02/09 11:10pm


reneGade20 said:

DesireeNevermind said:

that was sad but it's not enough to stop me from eating eggs. there are also what is called ovo-vegetarians for whom eggs are the only animal product in their diet. I don't understand though, why not just let the male chicks live in the wild and become part of the natural food chain. confuse Plus, they have to keep some males to fertilize the eggs.

and that's what I'm talking about!!

My point is...if I like a certain food and feel it is nutritious for me then no scare tactic save for proof that there are turds, boogers, human phlegm, or ebola virus in it will make me not eat. Plus, the chickens will be eaten even if humans refrain. You can't save the little guys no matter what. I don't know how you can ethically yet speedily kill baby male chickens not needed for breeding or eating without them suffering horribly. Like I said, it's sad.
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Reply #93 posted 09/02/09 11:28pm



DesireeNevermind said:

reneGade20 said:

and that's what I'm talking about!!

My point is...if I like a certain food and feel it is nutritious for me then no scare tactic save for proof that there are turds, boogers, human phlegm, or ebola virus in it will make me not eat. Plus, the chickens will be eaten even if humans refrain. You can't save the little guys no matter what. I don't know how you can ethically yet speedily kill baby male chickens not needed for breeding or eating without them suffering horribly. Like I said, it's sad.

Preach!! I'm low-carbing I eat meat like 90 going west.....and nothing short of bubonic plague will stop me from eating meat like the native inhabitants of this land did....the key to the health angle the no-meat nazis push is EXERCISE!!! Go do a couple of laps a couple times a week and regardless of what you eat (within reason), you'll be fit!! I'm 42, no history of running track in my life..but thanks to my military exercise program, I can still run 2 miles in about 15 minutes...eating like I do!

So, pardon my bluntness, but the leaf eaters can kiss my ass! If buffalo was good enough for the Native Americans, who am I to disagree?
He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.
(George Eliot)

the video for the above...evillol
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Reply #94 posted 09/02/09 11:34pm


reneGade20 said:

DesireeNevermind said:

My point is...if I like a certain food and feel it is nutritious for me then no scare tactic save for proof that there are turds, boogers, human phlegm, or ebola virus in it will make me not eat. Plus, the chickens will be eaten even if humans refrain. You can't save the little guys no matter what. I don't know how you can ethically yet speedily kill baby male chickens not needed for breeding or eating without them suffering horribly. Like I said, it's sad.

Preach!! I'm low-carbing I eat meat like 90 going west.....and nothing short of bubonic plague will stop me from eating meat like the native inhabitants of this land did....the key to the health angle the no-meat nazis push is EXERCISE!!! Go do a couple of laps a couple times a week and regardless of what you eat (within reason), you'll be fit!! I'm 42, no history of running track in my life..but thanks to my military exercise program, I can still run 2 miles in about 15 minutes...eating like I do!

So, pardon my bluntness, but the leaf eaters can kiss my ass! If buffalo was good enough for the Native Americans, who am I to disagree?

Native Americans ate buffalo and elk among other game with lots of raw veggies and grains and they lived a long time. Lots of meat today has hormones and veggies have pesticides/chemicals added. I eat organic. woot!
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Reply #95 posted 09/02/09 11:45pm



DesireeNevermind said:

reneGade20 said:

Preach!! I'm low-carbing I eat meat like 90 going west.....and nothing short of bubonic plague will stop me from eating meat like the native inhabitants of this land did....the key to the health angle the no-meat nazis push is EXERCISE!!! Go do a couple of laps a couple times a week and regardless of what you eat (within reason), you'll be fit!! I'm 42, no history of running track in my life..but thanks to my military exercise program, I can still run 2 miles in about 15 minutes...eating like I do!

So, pardon my bluntness, but the leaf eaters can kiss my ass! If buffalo was good enough for the Native Americans, who am I to disagree?

Native Americans ate buffalo and elk among other game with lots of raw veggies and grains and they lived a long time. Lots of meat today has hormones and veggies have pesticides/chemicals added. I eat organic. woot!

Trust out in Arizona for the past 4 years has opened my eyes to natural and organic....

..but somehow I still was able to maintain my liberal, demo status...giggle
He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.
(George Eliot)

the video for the above...evillol
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Reply #96 posted 09/03/09 12:10am


DesireeNevermind said:

reneGade20 said:

Preach!! I'm low-carbing I eat meat like 90 going west.....and nothing short of bubonic plague will stop me from eating meat like the native inhabitants of this land did....the key to the health angle the no-meat nazis push is EXERCISE!!! Go do a couple of laps a couple times a week and regardless of what you eat (within reason), you'll be fit!! I'm 42, no history of running track in my life..but thanks to my military exercise program, I can still run 2 miles in about 15 minutes...eating like I do!

So, pardon my bluntness, but the leaf eaters can kiss my ass! If buffalo was good enough for the Native Americans, who am I to disagree?

Native Americans ate buffalo and elk among other game with lots of raw veggies and grains and they lived a long time. Lots of meat today has hormones and veggies have pesticides/chemicals added. I eat organic. woot!

Organics the way to go, if you don't wanna go vegan/vegitarian.

I only eat organic food and I could never go back to non organics. Organic food has a much richer taste and just LOOKS healthier. The eggs I eat are free range meaning the chickens live out on paddocks and have long, healthy lives.

It's more expensive but what's more important? Your overall health and animal welfare or spending a few dollars more?

Oh, and Peta sucks, they're misogynistic bastards who rely on shock tactics and "babes in bikinis" to get their "messages" across. Lame.
[Edited 9/3/09 0:12am]
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Reply #97 posted 09/03/09 12:57am


reneGade20 said:

tackam said:

I understand what you're saying, and I understand that people have limited give-a-fuck energy to go around. Totally.

But the fact that humans do horrible things to each other doesn't make it any easier on the animals that they are also doing horrible things to. The entirety of human depravity doesn't excuse or diminish specific areas of human depravity.

I'm not saying, nor have I said, that one evil excuses the other...but PETA and folks who espouse their dogma want us to look past what we do to each other in the name of saving animals....we still live in a world where humans fuck each other up in diabolical ways for faith...for political ideology...for the color of skin...we haven't evolved enough to deal with ourselves and as such, we're no more prepared or willing to extend that kind of respect to don't find it messed up that many of the same people who rail against the maltreatment of animals are the same folks who have no problem at all with discriminating against other people because of the god they believe in, or who they sleep with?....who have no issue whatsoever with chaining a man to the back of a truck and dragging them until nothing is left because of his race? Yeah, I'll grant that my examples are extreme, but is it so hard to believe that the person carrying a sign protesting Mike Vick is capable of driving that truck?

eek not even sure how to respond to this

and those are not even examples.....just rubbish
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Reply #98 posted 09/03/09 11:59am



japanrocks said:

reneGade20 said:

I'm not saying, nor have I said, that one evil excuses the other...but PETA and folks who espouse their dogma want us to look past what we do to each other in the name of saving animals....we still live in a world where humans fuck each other up in diabolical ways for faith...for political ideology...for the color of skin...we haven't evolved enough to deal with ourselves and as such, we're no more prepared or willing to extend that kind of respect to don't find it messed up that many of the same people who rail against the maltreatment of animals are the same folks who have no problem at all with discriminating against other people because of the god they believe in, or who they sleep with?....who have no issue whatsoever with chaining a man to the back of a truck and dragging them until nothing is left because of his race? Yeah, I'll grant that my examples are extreme, but is it so hard to believe that the person carrying a sign protesting Mike Vick is capable of driving that truck?

eek not even sure how to respond to this

and those are not even examples.....just rubbish

Really? Rubbish how? Do explain....I'm curious!
He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.
(George Eliot)

the video for the above...evillol
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Reply #99 posted 09/03/09 7:59pm


reneGade20 said:

japanrocks said:

eek not even sure how to respond to this

and those are not even examples.....just rubbish

Really? Rubbish how? Do explain....I'm curious!

you are kind mixing up your causes in your last statement

person carring a Vick protest sign = someone that would drive a truck with a black person tied to the back?

are you on crack? lol wink
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Reply #100 posted 09/03/09 9:53pm



japanrocks said:

reneGade20 said:

Really? Rubbish how? Do explain....I'm curious!

you are kind mixing up your causes in your last statement

person carring a Vick protest sign = someone that would drive a truck with a black person tied to the back?

are you on crack? lol wink

Am I? I don't see why you'd think that is such a inconcievable concept....Ted Bundy was charasmatic and a ladies intellectual bordering on genius....and turned out to be quite the serial killer....John Wayne Gacy was huge as a community volunteer and general "good guy" in the eyes of his neighbors until they discovered the bodies buried under his house.....on and on, there are examples of people who have the capability to do horrific things....the point of my post, that you obviously missed, is that the SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS displayed by people can be and is used as a mask to some darker shit in their went for the direct correlation of one plus one equals two...instead of taking a minute to actually read what I was saying.

Like I said, I work in the Equal Opportunity field....I SEE and DEAL WITH the masks that allegedly enlightened people wear on a daily basis....and PETA fucks are no different! So yeah, in my opinion someone carrying a Vick protest sign is just as capable of driving a truck with someone chained to the back of it just as easily as the most committed klansman!

And way to keep it classy with the crack remark!! Says a lot.....
He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.
(George Eliot)

the video for the above...evillol
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Reply #101 posted 09/04/09 12:24am


I stopped paying attention to Peta a long time ago. I thought that thier intentions were good, and perhaps they really are, but the way they go about things is downright silly and uneffective. I believe that they thrive more on tacky publicity stunts than they care about the actual welfare of the animals they are claiming to save. I haven't given them one red cent in ages. My animal protection charitiy of choice is the ASPCA.
[Edited 9/4/09 0:25am]
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Reply #102 posted 09/04/09 1:16am



thekidsgirl said:

Their target audience for this campaign is women, so they put a woman on the billboard.

Women are more likely to be dieting and figure conscious than men, so grab their attention by implying that becoming veggie will help you be thin

Nail on the head with that one... nod
Formally known as Mr_Nos on Housequake

Hate is such a strong word, I'm just disillusioned...
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Reply #103 posted 09/04/09 7:01am


reneGade20 said:

japanrocks said:

you are kind mixing up your causes in your last statement

person carring a Vick protest sign = someone that would drive a truck with a black person tied to the back?

are you on crack? lol wink

Am I? I don't see why you'd think that is such a inconcievable concept....Ted Bundy was charasmatic and a ladies intellectual bordering on genius....and turned out to be quite the serial killer....John Wayne Gacy was huge as a community volunteer and general "good guy" in the eyes of his neighbors until they discovered the bodies buried under his house.....on and on, there are examples of people who have the capability to do horrific things....the point of my post, that you obviously missed, is that the SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS displayed by people can be and is used as a mask to some darker shit in their went for the direct correlation of one plus one equals two...instead of taking a minute to actually read what I was saying.

Like I said, I work in the Equal Opportunity field....I SEE and DEAL WITH the masks that allegedly enlightened people wear on a daily basis....and PETA fucks are no different! So yeah, in my opinion someone carrying a Vick protest sign is just as capable of driving a truck with someone chained to the back of it just as easily as the most committed klansman!

And way to keep it classy with the crack remark!! Says a lot.....

great there may possibly be a serial killer lurking behind animal rights activists

man this thread goes nowhere fast with so much hate for PETA when nobody really knows the facts

well, all i can say is they wanted controversy - and they got it

PETA wins.....end of story

check your facts everyone before you come down hard on an organization that is just trying to do good work

go bark up another tree.....maybe an MJ thread or something
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Reply #104 posted 09/04/09 8:24am


oh renegade.....guess who did this when he was a kid?

He biked around his neighborhood looking for dead animals, which he dissected at home, going so far as to put a dog's head on a stake.

any clue?
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Reply #105 posted 09/04/09 8:38am


Jeffrey Dahmer.

This post makes about as much sense as your complaints against PETA.

They never claimed to be enlightened. They just have a point of view different from yours. They are a nice bunch of people actually. They care about people as much as you do, if not more.

If you do not like what they do - then do not reply to this thread. If you do like what they do - reply to this thread so that the thousands of orgers can see the PETA name on the first page every day.

PETA wins again. And no, they do not hate fat people.
[Edited 9/4/09 8:42am]
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Reply #106 posted 09/04/09 4:03pm


japanrocks said:

Jeffrey Dahmer.

This post makes about as much sense as your complaints against PETA.

They never claimed to be enlightened. They just have a point of view different from yours. They are a nice bunch of people actually. They care about people as much as you do, if not more.

If you do not like what they do - then do not reply to this thread. If you do like what they do - reply to this thread so that the thousands of orgers can see the PETA name on the first page every day.

PETA wins again. And no, they do not hate fat people.
[Edited 9/4/09 8:42am]

nod i've met a number of them over the years, and every last one of them was exceptionally nice, even when confronted by critics. some of them have worked in social services, so they are not the people-hating-animal-nutjobs some want to make them out to be. and the whole serial killer analogy is just ridiculous.
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Reply #107 posted 09/04/09 4:05pm


IrresistibleB1tch said:

japanrocks said:

Jeffrey Dahmer.

This post makes about as much sense as your complaints against PETA.

They never claimed to be enlightened. They just have a point of view different from yours. They are a nice bunch of people actually. They care about people as much as you do, if not more.

If you do not like what they do - then do not reply to this thread. If you do like what they do - reply to this thread so that the thousands of orgers can see the PETA name on the first page every day.

PETA wins again. And no, they do not hate fat people.
[Edited 9/4/09 8:42am]

nod i've met a number of them over the years, and every last one of them was exceptionally nice, even when confronted by critics. some of them have worked in social services, so they are not the people-hating-animal-nutjobs some want to make them out to be. and the whole serial killer analogy is just ridiculous.

it is a bit of an extreme comparison to be making.
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Reply #108 posted 09/04/09 9:59pm


you hear that renegade?

what you said.....

"I don't see why you'd think that is such a inconcievable concept....Ted Bundy was charasmatic and a ladies intellectual bordering on genius....and turned out to be quite the serial killer....John Wayne Gacy was huge as a community volunteer and general "good guy" in the eyes of his neighbors until they discovered the bodies buried under his house.....on and on, there are examples of people who have the capability to do horrific things....the point of my post, that you obviously missed, is that the SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS displayed by people can be and is used as a mask to some darker shit in their character."

.....was ridiculous

thanks Anx and Irresistible for backing me up

my Dahmer reference was merely poking fun at Renegade - who uses the same right wing attacks that all the others use

but the scary thing is they are the ones filled with the most hate

and they give reason for PETA to exist and keep doing the good work they do

most of them and their supporters are against racism, sexism, homophobia and any other kind of hatred so - renegade - your comments are way off the mark

oh, and one reason they seem extreme is because they can't get caught wearing leather or eating a hamburger because if they do, the media and PETA-hating losers will have a field day talking about it

btw....sorry if i hijacked this malinformed thread
[Edited 9/4/09 22:02pm]
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Reply #109 posted 09/05/09 2:00am


I find the billboard to be humourous and don't take offence to it at all. Kind of a wake up call for some though. Others here I think are missing the entire point and seem to forget about some of the good that PETA indeed tries to accomplish with their cause. One of the last emails I received was the following link that was secretly taped. The video is excruciating and not for the weak of heart and mind. If we don't even try to protect them from this type of violence and brutality, then we are all responsible.>
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Reply #110 posted 09/05/09 6:35am


PanthaGirl said:

I find the billboard to be humourous and don't take offence to it at all. Kind of a wake up call for some though. Others here I think are missing the entire point and seem to forget about some of the good that PETA indeed tries to accomplish with their cause. One of the last emails I received was the following link that was secretly taped. The video is excruciating and not for the weak of heart and mind. If we don't even try to protect them from this type of violence and brutality, then we are all responsible.>

for real

but it does not surprise me that people miss the point (look at the thread title)

notice the OP has not responded in a while either....she must be speechless

after all - PETA would not exist without humans being humans and missing the point when it comes to life in general

....i think what disturbs me most is the negativity that is directed at groups like PETA

i mean that is the kind of negativity that comes from a dark place if you ask me

by the way, could not see a video on your link but i know enough about that kinda stuff already

i know a lot about dog fighting too and although i can't put the blame on Vick himself - i think there could have been a better punishment for him that would have made a difference in the dog fighting world (which is pretty much what Vick protestors were angry about)

pit bulls get a raw deal, esp. if they are born i the ghettos of america but they can also be the best dogs ever if raised properly
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Reply #111 posted 09/07/09 7:04am



reneGade20 said:

tackam said:

I understand what you're saying, and I understand that people have limited give-a-fuck energy to go around. Totally.

But the fact that humans do horrible things to each other doesn't make it any easier on the animals that they are also doing horrible things to. The entirety of human depravity doesn't excuse or diminish specific areas of human depravity.

I'm not saying, nor have I said, that one evil excuses the other...but PETA and folks who espouse their dogma want us to look past what we do to each other in the name of saving animals....we still live in a world where humans fuck each other up in diabolical ways for faith...for political ideology...for the color of skin...we haven't evolved enough to deal with ourselves and as such, we're no more prepared or willing to extend that kind of respect to don't find it messed up that many of the same people who rail against the maltreatment of animals are the same folks who have no problem at all with discriminating against other people because of the god they believe in, or who they sleep with?....who have no issue whatsoever with chaining a man to the back of a truck and dragging them until nothing is left because of his race? Yeah, I'll grant that my examples are extreme, but is it so hard to believe that the person carrying a sign protesting Mike Vick is capable of driving that truck?

Sorry, but I work in the EO field, and it's not that much of a stretch...and until humans figure out how to deal with each other humanely, the poor animals don't stand a chance....

Huh? Look, I'm not going to claim that there are no crazy, violent AR people. They're human, so some of them will be crazy and violent. But virtually all of the AR people I've met have been very progressive, non-violent people. MUCH lower percentage of racists and homophobes than the general population. I think you're pretty far off on this.

But you're also missing the point. Yes, humans do fucked up shit. But that doesn't remove our personal responsibility for what WE do. And if WE, as individuals, buy factory farmed animal products, then WE, as individuals, are paying for animals to have horrific lives in order to provide those products more cheaply. WE, as individuals, are being inhumane. And there is no excuse for that. The inhumanity of others doesn't get us off the hook.

You wanna go hunt a buffalo, I got no problem with that. None at all. Don't get it twisted; this isn't about what you eat, it's about what you BUY.

But still, fuck PETA and their counterproductive tactics.
"What's 'non-sequitur' mean? Do I look it up in a Fag-to-English dictionary?"
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