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Reply #60 posted 08/28/09 3:15pm


meow85 said:

DesireeNevermind said:

wha????? eek

Incredibly tasteless and totally lacking regard for the murder victims' family. disbelief
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Reply #61 posted 08/28/09 3:59pm



DesireeNevermind said:

meow85 said:

Incredibly tasteless and totally lacking regard for the murder victims' family. disbelief

nod PETA strikes again.
"A Watcher scoffs at gravity!"
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Reply #62 posted 08/28/09 4:11pm


Genesia said:

vainandy said:

Those assholes are just cranky because they're so hungry. All they need is a good steak meal and a new fur coat to cheer them up. of the symptoms of B-12 deficiency is a tendency to irrational anger...

nod that would explain a lot. lol
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Reply #63 posted 08/28/09 5:06pm



tackam said:

PETA can suck my fat vegan ass all day and all night.

nod This vegelesbian wave rates them as highly has he rates K-Fed, his former Prime Minister Dickwad and the idea of losing his hair nod
"...and If all of this Love Talk ends with Prince getting married to someone other than me, all I would like to do is give Prince a life size Purple Fabric Cloud Guitar that I made from a vintage bedspread that I used as a Christmas Tree Skirt." Tame, Feb
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Reply #64 posted 08/28/09 6:45pm


Genesia said:

vainandy said:

Those assholes are just cranky because they're so hungry. All they need is a good steak meal and a new fur coat to cheer them up. of the symptoms of B-12 deficiency is a tendency to irrational anger...

IT IS NOT!!!! mad
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Reply #65 posted 08/29/09 3:31am


Not a fan of most PETA ads either but I have to admit it does make me sick to think how many animals are being wasted just so people can gorge themselves on them. I don't mind people being fat (as like many people said you can be fat on a vegetarian, even vegan diet), its just sad that most animals die in vain
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Reply #66 posted 08/29/09 3:37am


reneGade20 said:

Way to keep it classy PETA!! Self righteous bunch of fucking zealots!! No better than the bible thumpers outside an abortion clinic....

and for me, PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Animals...meat is murder..tasty tasty murder!!

Sorry...but I live in a country...hell, I serve in the armed forces of a country....that still judges people, even the goddamned PRESIDENT, by the color of their skin!! I'm all for treating animals humanely...but lets fix the shit that we do to humans first!

just my twocents

fucking PETA! pissed

You wouldnt say that if you actually saw some of the cruelty that goes. Its just so pointless. People abusing the animals in the farms just because of their own little shitty exsistence. I have nothing against killing animals for meat. But could you give them a little bit of respect for what they are giving up for you? I don't get the people that torture them the way they do or why they have to live in the sickening conditions they do. What is it giving these sick bastards to impose even more terribleness on their lives?
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Reply #67 posted 08/29/09 7:40pm


As much as I hate Fox News, this was pretty fair and balanced. Or maybe the Peta guy was just a woos.

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Reply #68 posted 08/30/09 5:44am


DesireeNevermind said:

As much as I hate Fox News, this was pretty fair and balanced. Or maybe the Peta guy was just a woos.


well, let's sum up the events:

PETA created the billboard, PETA gets on TV, and PETA gets their name and website mentioned while millions watch


[Edited 8/30/09 5:46am]
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Reply #69 posted 08/30/09 6:02am



japanrocks said:

well, let's sum up the events:

PETA created the billboard, PETA gets on TV, and PETA gets their name and website mentioned while millions watch



It's true. If PETA's advertising annoys you, it has succeeded. Good luck to them, I say.
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Reply #70 posted 08/30/09 9:42am



DesireeNevermind said:

As much as I hate Fox News, this was pretty fair and balanced. Or maybe the Peta guy was just a woos.

That hostess is a tw@, seriously. She was in no way fair and balanced. Notice how she lets the dietitian finish all of her sentences and is constantly cutting of the PETA guy,

That and she looks like someone made her in a barbie factory.
"...and If all of this Love Talk ends with Prince getting married to someone other than me, all I would like to do is give Prince a life size Purple Fabric Cloud Guitar that I made from a vintage bedspread that I used as a Christmas Tree Skirt." Tame, Feb
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Reply #71 posted 08/30/09 9:44am



Arnotts said:

Not a fan of most PETA ads either but I have to admit it does make me sick to think how many animals are being wasted just so people can gorge themselves on them. I don't mind people being fat (as like many people said you can be fat on a vegetarian, even vegan diet), its just sad that most animals die in vain

Plants are living things also so if you don't eat anything living, then you are going to starve to death.
Andy is a four letter word.
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Reply #72 posted 08/30/09 9:57am


vainandy said:

Plants are living things also so if you don't eat anything living, then you are going to starve to death.

plants don't have nervous systems, and a lot of the food that comes from plants are fruits and seeds, which don't necessitate the killing of the plant for us to enjoy.

i'm not going to haggle with you on this, though. everyone has their own sense of what's right and everyone has their own limits as to what they can do to practice what they believe. there is no "law" that everyone has to follow in terms of what is animal-friendly, plant-friendly, human-friendly, etc. - we all do what we can and we RESPECT other people's choices in life.
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Reply #73 posted 08/30/09 1:54pm



DesireeNevermind said:

I was watching a debate between the Peta prez and this lady who was a rep or something for an organization of obese people. I think it aired on CNN a couple nights ago. Anyway, the overweight representative made a good point about it still being acceptable to hate on fat people, particularly fat women. What was interesting was she kept saying over and over things like "stop hating us" and "stop the hate."

Now, regardless of what your views on hate are, clearly PETA is trying to encourage vegetanarism (sp) but at the expense of fat people via their billboard ad. But is it really hate or is that the new buzz word to get people to stop doing something you don't like? I would think hate would be in the form of job or housing discrimination, slurs from people on the street, denying health insurance, inaccessibility to public places or flat out abusing and teasing someone who is overweight. confused





P o o |/,
P o o |\
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Reply #74 posted 08/30/09 2:08pm



these are the days of wild....
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Reply #75 posted 08/30/09 6:26pm



Arnotts said:

reneGade20 said:

Way to keep it classy PETA!! Self righteous bunch of fucking zealots!! No better than the bible thumpers outside an abortion clinic....

and for me, PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Animals...meat is murder..tasty tasty murder!!

Sorry...but I live in a country...hell, I serve in the armed forces of a country....that still judges people, even the goddamned PRESIDENT, by the color of their skin!! I'm all for treating animals humanely...but lets fix the shit that we do to humans first!

just my twocents

fucking PETA! pissed

You wouldnt say that if you actually saw some of the cruelty that goes. Its just so pointless. People abusing the animals in the farms just because of their own little shitty exsistence. I have nothing against killing animals for meat. But could you give them a little bit of respect for what they are giving up for you? I don't get the people that torture them the way they do or why they have to live in the sickening conditions they do. What is it giving these sick bastards to impose even more terribleness on their lives?

Don't get me wrong....I don't advocate the torture of animals in any sense....No, I'm not a slaughterhouse worker, nor do I fight dogs, or any other venue for animal torture, so I don't have that specific vantage point. But I am a 3 time Iraq vet, and was in Bosnia towards the end of that conflict, when many of the mass graves were being discovered, so I do have the vantage point of seeing what humans do to other forgive me if my perspective is a bit skewed towards the depravity of what we're capable of doing to other humans...excuse me for remembering briefings before convoys where you're reminded to exercise extreme caution because if you don't, you might end up strung up on a bridge and burned to death, complete with the pictures to enhance the point....

terribleness? You want to talk to me about terribleness? Respectfully, you're barking up the wrong tree!
He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.
(George Eliot)

the video for the above...evillol
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Reply #76 posted 08/31/09 9:07am


Well when people bring up torturing animals to put food on our table, I think of what goes on in the wild when animals eat each other. It seems pretty torturous to me and a very slow torture at that.

Would it make Peta feel any better if we gave cows, chickens and pigs a shot of poison to make them sleep then die in place of chopping their heads off? Probably not. And what about people who don't eat meat but wear leather? Leather is animal skin so the animal is still going to die whether you are cosuming its meat or wearing its skin. I think Peta is being unrealistic in their effort to get people to give up all animal flesh for whatever purpose. It just won't happen. Perhaps it isn't meant to happen. Humans are omnivores and have been that way for thousands of years.
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Reply #77 posted 08/31/09 10:18am



reneGade20 said:

Arnotts said:

You wouldnt say that if you actually saw some of the cruelty that goes. Its just so pointless. People abusing the animals in the farms just because of their own little shitty exsistence. I have nothing against killing animals for meat. But could you give them a little bit of respect for what they are giving up for you? I don't get the people that torture them the way they do or why they have to live in the sickening conditions they do. What is it giving these sick bastards to impose even more terribleness on their lives?

Don't get me wrong....I don't advocate the torture of animals in any sense....No, I'm not a slaughterhouse worker, nor do I fight dogs, or any other venue for animal torture, so I don't have that specific vantage point. But I am a 3 time Iraq vet, and was in Bosnia towards the end of that conflict, when many of the mass graves were being discovered, so I do have the vantage point of seeing what humans do to other forgive me if my perspective is a bit skewed towards the depravity of what we're capable of doing to other humans...excuse me for remembering briefings before convoys where you're reminded to exercise extreme caution because if you don't, you might end up strung up on a bridge and burned to death, complete with the pictures to enhance the point....

terribleness? You want to talk to me about terribleness? Respectfully, you're barking up the wrong tree!

I understand what you're saying, and I understand that people have limited give-a-fuck energy to go around. Totally.

But the fact that humans do horrible things to each other doesn't make it any easier on the animals that they are also doing horrible things to. The entirety of human depravity doesn't excuse or diminish specific areas of human depravity.
"What's 'non-sequitur' mean? Do I look it up in a Fag-to-English dictionary?"
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Reply #78 posted 08/31/09 10:22am



DesireeNevermind said:

Well when people bring up torturing animals to put food on our table, I think of what goes on in the wild when animals eat each other. It seems pretty torturous to me and a very slow torture at that.

Would it make Peta feel any better if we gave cows, chickens and pigs a shot of poison to make them sleep then die in place of chopping their heads off? Probably not. And what about people who don't eat meat but wear leather? Leather is animal skin so the animal is still going to die whether you are cosuming its meat or wearing its skin. I think Peta is being unrealistic in their effort to get people to give up all animal flesh for whatever purpose. It just won't happen. Perhaps it isn't meant to happen. Humans are omnivores and have been that way for thousands of years.

I agree with you that PETA is unrealistic in their goals.

But an animal that lives and dies in the wild has a chance to live a natural life, with its normal pleasures, and then dies pretty quickly. And regardless, we aren't responsible for it.

When we breed and raise an animal in confinement, we are responsible for its experience of life. And from what you wrote, I suspect that you don't know just how hideous conditions are in factory farms (ie. the places where 99% of food animals live). It's not 5 minutes of discomfort at slaughter. It's an entire life of misery. And we choose to make it that way, to increase profits. It's not ok.
"What's 'non-sequitur' mean? Do I look it up in a Fag-to-English dictionary?"
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Reply #79 posted 08/31/09 10:26am



meow85 said:

The PETA people are fucking nuts, and make a lifestyle out of offending every possible group on the planet under the guise of fighting for animal rights. Personally, I think they just get a kick out of annoying people, because God knows none of their ad campaigns have ever accomplished anything but preaching to the choir.

clapping yes.
I will forever love and miss sweet Prince.
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Reply #80 posted 08/31/09 12:34pm


tackam said:

DesireeNevermind said:

Well when people bring up torturing animals to put food on our table, I think of what goes on in the wild when animals eat each other. It seems pretty torturous to me and a very slow torture at that.

Would it make Peta feel any better if we gave cows, chickens and pigs a shot of poison to make them sleep then die in place of chopping their heads off? Probably not. And what about people who don't eat meat but wear leather? Leather is animal skin so the animal is still going to die whether you are cosuming its meat or wearing its skin. I think Peta is being unrealistic in their effort to get people to give up all animal flesh for whatever purpose. It just won't happen. Perhaps it isn't meant to happen. Humans are omnivores and have been that way for thousands of years.

I agree with you that PETA is unrealistic in their goals.

But an animal that lives and dies in the wild has a chance to live a natural life, with its normal pleasures, and then dies pretty quickly. And regardless, we aren't responsible for it.

When we breed and raise an animal in confinement, we are responsible for its experience of life. And from what you wrote, I suspect that you don't know just how hideous conditions are in factory farms (ie. the places where 99% of food animals live). It's not 5 minutes of discomfort at slaughter. It's an entire life of misery. And we choose to make it that way, to increase profits. It's not ok.

Well I eat organic and local farm raised cattle and chicken so yeah I'm not familiar with "factory farms". Actually factory and farm don't even seem to go together. Perhaps Peta should focus its energy on supporting local family farms but then again, they can't produce enough food to feed the masses. Another thing to consider is that even if everyone became vegetarian tomorrow, we would have to compete with the millions of cattle for food as they are also vegetarian. What would we do with them? They need land for grazing yet we need the land for planting crops. If we give the meat to foregin countries then we still have the problem of factory farming.
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Reply #81 posted 08/31/09 8:51pm



DesireeNevermind said:

tackam said:

I agree with you that PETA is unrealistic in their goals.

But an animal that lives and dies in the wild has a chance to live a natural life, with its normal pleasures, and then dies pretty quickly. And regardless, we aren't responsible for it.

When we breed and raise an animal in confinement, we are responsible for its experience of life. And from what you wrote, I suspect that you don't know just how hideous conditions are in factory farms (ie. the places where 99% of food animals live). It's not 5 minutes of discomfort at slaughter. It's an entire life of misery. And we choose to make it that way, to increase profits. It's not ok.

Well I eat organic and local farm raised cattle and chicken so yeah I'm not familiar with "factory farms". Actually factory and farm don't even seem to go together. Perhaps Peta should focus its energy on supporting local family farms but then again, they can't produce enough food to feed the masses. Another thing to consider is that even if everyone became vegetarian tomorrow, we would have to compete with the millions of cattle for food as they are also vegetarian. What would we do with them? They need land for grazing yet we need the land for planting crops. If we give the meat to foregin countries then we still have the problem of factory farming.

Everybody won't become vegetarian tomorrow, so that's not a real-life concern. But in that fantasy land, I would suggest that we treat the remaining animals humanely until their death. I don't actually give a fuck if anybody is vegetarian...I'd be perfectly happy if everybody would just do what you do, and get meat from humane sources. I do wish that PETA would stop being so black-and-white about it.

And you're right, ethical farming couldn't give western nations the quantities of meat that we eat now. But Americans are killing themselves with the quantity that they eat now, so that's probably ok.
"What's 'non-sequitur' mean? Do I look it up in a Fag-to-English dictionary?"
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Reply #82 posted 08/31/09 9:02pm


tackam said:

DesireeNevermind said:

Well I eat organic and local farm raised cattle and chicken so yeah I'm not familiar with "factory farms". Actually factory and farm don't even seem to go together. Perhaps Peta should focus its energy on supporting local family farms but then again, they can't produce enough food to feed the masses. Another thing to consider is that even if everyone became vegetarian tomorrow, we would have to compete with the millions of cattle for food as they are also vegetarian. What would we do with them? They need land for grazing yet we need the land for planting crops. If we give the meat to foregin countries then we still have the problem of factory farming.

Everybody won't become vegetarian tomorrow, so that's not a real-life concern. But in that fantasy land, I would suggest that we treat the remaining animals humanely until their death. I don't actually give a fuck if anybody is vegetarian...I'd be perfectly happy if everybody would just do what you do, and get meat from humane sources. I do wish that PETA would stop being so black-and-white about it.

And you're right, ethical farming couldn't give western nations the quantities of meat that we eat now. But Americans are killing themselves with the quantity that they eat now, so that's probably ok.

Plus it seems to me many Americans like their meat undercooked which in and of itself can and probably does contribute to a lot of health problems. We are designed to process raw meat and fish. Our digestive systems can't break it down the way a dog or lion might. Plus our systems can't fully digest raw and fibrous material like roots and grass which is why we must also chew our food thoroughly. So many people are practically inhaling their meals...6 chomps and swallow. Your stomach acid, strong though it maybe, wont break down all that material quick enough. I think we just need to relearn how to eat and what to eat. We don't need fuckin' PETA for that. Many a grandma said it best..."chew your food before you swallow it, eat until you are full, and don't eat raw meat." lol lol
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Reply #83 posted 09/01/09 4:56am



The sad thing is: try to communicate to people that eating too much meat can make a contribution to getting overweight, and you have a point.

I've reduced my meat consumption (and I love meat!) to one meal per week, plus one meal with fish on Fridays, and have changed to vegetarian salad for lunch otherwise (plus maybe a bit of sausage for supper). It has helped me to lose more than 10 kilos already this year (in combination with sports).

Take home message: don't try to convince people to follow you 100 % if, let's say, 70 % also would improve things, but your 100 % attitude puts people down to doing nothing.

But the animal rights taliban, I mean, PETA, won't understand that, I'm afraid.
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Reply #84 posted 09/01/09 7:10am



EmancipationLover said:

The sad thing is: try to communicate to people that eating too much meat can make a contribution to getting overweight, and you have a point.

I've reduced my meat consumption (and I love meat!) to one meal per week, plus one meal with fish on Fridays, and have changed to vegetarian salad for lunch otherwise (plus maybe a bit of sausage for supper). It has helped me to lose more than 10 kilos already this year (in combination with sports).

Take home message: don't try to convince people to follow you 100 % if, let's say, 70 % also would improve things, but your 100 % attitude puts people down to doing nothing.

But the animal rights taliban, I mean, PETA, won't understand that, I'm afraid.

Agreed. If everybody would do what you're doing, there would be no problem. It doesn't have to be all-or-nothing.
"What's 'non-sequitur' mean? Do I look it up in a Fag-to-English dictionary?"
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Reply #85 posted 09/01/09 7:13am


The hairy-legs hate must stop!!! mad
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Reply #86 posted 09/01/09 7:00pm


something like 34% of Americans are obese

so in my opinion - that billboard is just reminding everyone of the facts

now put that burger down


or better yet, go live in japan - you will lose weight you did not know you had
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Reply #87 posted 09/01/09 7:07pm


japanrocks said:

something like 34% of Americans are obese

so in my opinion - that billboard is just reminding everyone of the facts

now put that burger down


or better yet, go live in japan - you will lose weight you did not know you had

tell me what you eat on an average day hammer
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Reply #88 posted 09/02/09 12:42am


new story out today about a video taken at a chicken factory pretty much sums up what organizations like PETA try to help with (warning....this is graphic)

story here

now go enjoy your KFC extra crispy (it's male chick free!!)
[Edited 9/2/09 1:53am]
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Reply #89 posted 09/02/09 9:43pm



tackam said:

reneGade20 said:

I understand what you're saying, and I understand that people have limited give-a-fuck energy to go around. Totally.

But the fact that humans do horrible things to each other doesn't make it any easier on the animals that they are also doing horrible things to. The entirety of human depravity doesn't excuse or diminish specific areas of human depravity.

I'm not saying, nor have I said, that one evil excuses the other...but PETA and folks who espouse their dogma want us to look past what we do to each other in the name of saving animals....we still live in a world where humans fuck each other up in diabolical ways for faith...for political ideology...for the color of skin...we haven't evolved enough to deal with ourselves and as such, we're no more prepared or willing to extend that kind of respect to don't find it messed up that many of the same people who rail against the maltreatment of animals are the same folks who have no problem at all with discriminating against other people because of the god they believe in, or who they sleep with?....who have no issue whatsoever with chaining a man to the back of a truck and dragging them until nothing is left because of his race? Yeah, I'll grant that my examples are extreme, but is it so hard to believe that the person carrying a sign protesting Mike Vick is capable of driving that truck?

Sorry, but I work in the EO field, and it's not that much of a stretch...and until humans figure out how to deal with each other humanely, the poor animals don't stand a chance....
He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.
(George Eliot)

the video for the above...evillol
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