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Reply #30 posted 12/19/02 2:01am



savoirfaire is a french term meaning : "Know-how". Someone who has an understanding of most things.

my avatar is a scroll of a violin. It's been a major part of my life, has allowed me to travel worldwide, release two CDs, and meet all sorts of famous and interesting people. The music-related picture I thought was also appropriate given the site.
"Knowledge is preferable to ignorance. Better by far to embrace the hard truth than a reassuring faith. If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal" - Carl Sagan
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Reply #31 posted 12/19/02 2:07am



007= i'm so shmoove in the D.L
69= i'm a freak
my avatar is G.I.R., a quickly thrown together S.I.R.
given to ZIM the INVADER.
G.I.R. has the attentionspan of toast.
I AM King BAD a.k.a. BAD,

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Reply #32 posted 12/19/02 2:09am



The name is just a shotened version of my full name. Nothing special there. The picture of Prince is just one of my favorites. I like the black+white shots he did around this time, plus noone else was using it at the time. Since someone else is using it now for theirs, I've been thinking of changing it. Any ideas would be welcome.
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Reply #33 posted 12/19/02 2:11am



Teller is my real name, believe it or not, though I may have something important to tell you. smile

My avatar is a snippet of one of my Skeleton Trading Cards which you can find by clicking on my signature. These guys represent the creative process--if you go all the way back to card #1, you'll see what I mean.
Fear is the mind-killer.
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Reply #34 posted 12/19/02 2:12am



BattierBeMyDaddy said:


As I've explained before..."Who's your daddy? Battier!" used to be a big Shane Battier cheer during his time at Duke University. Any time he took a charge or made a three, or did something really kick ass, Cameron errupted in the "Who's your daddy?" chant...I made this name originally on AIM several years ago. Eventually, I realized it could be perceived as sexual. Whoops!

I'm glad you mentioned this. I always thought it was something sexual too.innocent
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Reply #35 posted 12/19/02 3:04am



Creamychemist: Cream is a great song, and well, I suppose it could mean other things...and I'm a chemistry PhD student. I thought it would fit.

My avatar used to be the one and only mole - if you've taken any chemistry classes you know what I'm talking about. (and if you haven't taken any chem you should!) Now its a girl earlenmeyer flask and a boy test tube. I got a kick out of it anyway! (thanks Zum!)
Its better to burn out than fade away....
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Reply #36 posted 12/19/02 3:09am


creamychemist said:

My avatar used to be the one and only mole - if you've taken any chemistry classes you know what I'm talking about. (and if you haven't taken any chem you should!) Now its a girl earlenmeyer flask and a boy test tube. I got a kick out of it anyway! (thanks Zum!)

No Google, I swear! Isn't a mole a large number of molecules? 34 million or something like that?

Crick and Watson edit
[This message was edited Wed Dec 18 19:09:53 PST 2002 by 2the9s]
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Reply #37 posted 12/19/02 3:33am



2the9s said:

creamychemist said:

My avatar used to be the one and only mole - if you've taken any chemistry classes you know what I'm talking about. (and if you haven't taken any chem you should!) Now its a girl earlenmeyer flask and a boy test tube. I got a kick out of it anyway! (thanks Zum!)

No Google, I swear! Isn't a mole a large number of molecules? 34 million or something like that?

Crick and Watson edit
[This message was edited Wed Dec 18 19:09:53 PST 2002 by 2the9s]

Its about 6x10^(23) molecules - a lot!
You promise no google? wink smile
Its better to burn out than fade away....
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Reply #38 posted 12/19/02 4:46am





teller said:

Teller is my real name, believe it or not, though I may have something important to tell you. smile

Are u the other half of the Penn & Teller magician-comedian duo??? U know, the little guy that never speaks?


[June7, "ModGod"]
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Reply #39 posted 12/19/02 8:31am



My org name is a Thai word/phrase. 'Sabai' means 'well', 'relaxed', that kind of thing, and I think 'sabai sabai' takes it further. Also, my web site is at

The avetar is a Thai singer/songwriter called Tai Tanawut. He's got some good stuff. I've used his pic as an avetar for no good reason except that I could smile
Life it ain't real funky unless you got that orgPop.
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Reply #40 posted 12/19/02 9:47am



NAME: The song kicks ass! The best on Crystal Ball... nod

AVATAR: P is GORGEOUS horny DUH!! biggrin
heart prince I never met you, but I LOVE you & I will forever!! Thank you for being YOU - my little Princey, the best to EVER do it prince heart
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Reply #41 posted 12/19/02 9:58am


Satu is my real name. It actually means fairytale in Finnish smile
About the avatar: I't's just a good picture of Prince IMHO and as CalhounSq said: Prince is gorgeus love
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Reply #42 posted 12/19/02 10:06am


my name is rhonda and that is me in my avatar.
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Reply #43 posted 12/19/02 12:04pm



Biscuit is what I would name my dog when I get one,
but for now I'll use it for The Org. I don't eat actually
biscuits that often, only once in awhile. They're good with
butter if you didn't know.

My avatar is one I found off of Habbibi's site, and I just
liked it. He's working the curl in that pic!
dancing jig My name is BISCUIT...and I am funky! nod
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Reply #44 posted 12/19/02 12:25pm



My name is probably just wishful thinking...

Favourite Prince song is Adore and a friend of mine who hangs on here occasionally (Hi Matt!), and is an amazing musician himself has a song called Adore Me which I love.

My avatar is a really unusual picture of Madonna, my other idol.

[This message was edited Tue Jan 14 9:20:50 PST 2003 by adoreme]
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Reply #45 posted 12/19/02 1:33pm



BelleBeyond: Is a name which was cobbled together..."Belle"(French) meaning "beauty". And, "Beyond" meaning "beyond". It is my online screen name,, everywheres...

Avatar: It is a representation of myself, I icon...


...Enjoy your day, everyone... smile
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Reply #46 posted 12/19/02 1:53pm



Cloudbuster is a play on the title of Kate Bush's Cloudbusting and the pic is a still from the video of the same song. With many thanx to Teller. biggrin
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Reply #47 posted 12/19/02 2:12pm



Freedom is my favorite word.
I enjoy being free from fear of the future. AND it is the name of a Prince song (Duh).

Child, because I am a rainbow child.

Avitar = what I do for a living, work in the field of transfusion alternatives.
The truth sounds like a memory.
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Reply #48 posted 12/19/02 2:14pm



The name is a combination of my first and middle names.

The picture is an ad of Billy Dee Williams selling Colt45. That ad convinced me that if I drank lots of beer I could get beautiful women . . . Billy Dee didn't mention that after a couple of cans of Colt, even the guys looked like beautiful women . . .
[This message was edited Thu Dec 19 6:17:42 PST 2002 by MKevon]
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Reply #49 posted 12/19/02 2:15pm


Gooey The Hamster is of course a Bill Watterson reference.

In his genial comic called Calvin & Hobbes, the father of Calvin always reads a bedtime story about the same heroes; Hamster Huey And The Gooey Kablooey.

When getting bored at work I tried to register as Hamster Huey there had been someone else already who had registered in this name, same as Huey_The_Hamster. So, instead, I became Gooey The Hamster. I had loads of fun looking for a kewl hamster pic.

Admire it here;

Avatar-wsie, the story about my online name explains itself; it is Calvin, just hit by a stroke of evil genius.
I love the pic lots.
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Reply #50 posted 12/19/02 2:32pm


The name is from a secret gig Eric Clapton did under that name. Liked the name so it stuck.

The avatar is the badge of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, London's number 1 football team! The club motto is Audere - Est - Facere ( To dare is to do ).
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Reply #51 posted 12/19/02 5:22pm


CarrieMpls said:

My name is pretty self-explanatory. My name is Carrie, and I live in Minneapolis.

My current avatar is of Emily Strange. A 13 year-old character with a posse of 4 cats (named Sabbath, NeeChee, Miles and Mystery) and they all pretty much kick ass.

You can visit her at

[This message was edited Wed Dec 18 16:27:15 PST 2002 by CarrieMpls]

Hmmm. I thought it was a cartoon representation of Bjork. Ya learn something new every day!
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Reply #52 posted 12/19/02 5:28pm


TRON: One of my favorite 80's movies and video games. Early "Virtual Reality" type stuff.

Avatar: A digitally enhanced image of Ian Curtis from Joy Division, my favorite band. Goes with the computer personality theme of my name, profile picture and signature.

Signature: Me glancing curiously. smile

Profile Pic: Compliments of Rio. smile
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Reply #53 posted 12/19/02 5:32pm



geminito: Gemini + TO.
I'm a Gemini and live in Toronto (aka, "T.O."). Also, I love how Prince called himself Gemini for the Batman soundtrack and took on the personalities of both Batman/Bruce Wayne and the Joker. He really got into the characters and ran with it! Batman is the first album I ever owned, a gift from my brother.

My avatar is a picture from a cartoon that I only vaguely remember from when I was a kid. It's a French cartoon called "The Secret Railroad", and that character is Simon (I think). I like his scarf... The cartoon disturbed me as a child, and I'm still recovering. My profile has a picture from the show of the train flying through the underground. I still don't understand it.

Flying trains underground. Cool scarf.

The French are MESSED! I love them...
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Reply #54 posted 12/19/02 6:19pm



Jack Flash was my college nickname (virtually no one knew me by my real name).

My avatar is a photo of the coolest person I was aware of when growing up; of course, I'm so old that, quite possibly, no one here knows who it is. Do you?
"Yes - bold steps must be taken, 2 bump a nation, their scrutiny is what I'm facin' " - "Jughead" W. Bush
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Reply #55 posted 12/19/02 6:47pm


Moonbeam: Taken from one of Prince's outtakes, "Moonbeam Levels," from 1982.

Avatar: Annie Lennox looking sexy, defiant and mysterious circa 1983. biggrin
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Reply #56 posted 12/19/02 6:49pm


CarrieLee came from CarrieCee which is a nickname from my friends. So many Tommy haters, and I'm a ball buster razz

Avatar is a sweet booty, who doesn't like a sweet booty? It's eye candy for most of you all...but there's always a few who won't like it!
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Reply #57 posted 12/19/02 6:49pm


jackflash said:

Jack Flash was my college nickname (virtually no one knew me by my real name).

My avatar is a photo of the coolest person I was aware of when growing up; of course, I'm so old that, quite possibly, no one here knows who it is. Do you?

Is it Brian Jones? biggrin
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Reply #58 posted 12/19/02 6:56pm




well... i LOVE Purple & my Favorite number has always been 7 & from my Wife telling me when we 1st met & i used that name that purple love was a Term Xtra P used in the song: "All The Critics Love U In New York".

Purple love - amour is all u're headed 4...

Peace ... & Stay Funky ...

~* The only love there is, is the love "we" make *~
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Reply #59 posted 12/19/02 6:58pm


chickengrease said:

Chickengrease: It's the Folgers coffee can that my mama kept on the shelves for frying shit.

My avatar: it's Chicken from the Cow & Chicken show lookin like he would as he anticipates sex. imho.
[This message was edited Wed Dec 18 15:22:34 PST 2002 by chickengrease]

lol I just noticed this lol
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