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Thread started 12/18/02 10:57pm





What Does Your Org Name & Avatar Mean? (Version III)

I know we've done this b4,
but there's a lot of new cats here,
and I'd like 2 get a new perspective
on some o' y'all.

Let's try this again, shall we?


(corrected the fucking title... biggrin ) hammer
[This message was edited Wed Dec 18 15:22:15 PST 2002 by June7]

[June7, "ModGod"]
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Reply #1 posted 12/18/02 10:58pm






June7 - both mine & Prince's birthday
Avatar - is from my fave Prince era... he was on top o' the world around that time, and I was lovin' it!

[June7, "ModGod"]
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Reply #2 posted 12/18/02 11:05pm



NAME: IceNine

Ice-9 was the substance that ended nearly all life on earth in Kurt Vonnegut's BRILLIANT novel, "Cat's Cradle."

AVATAR: He Who Kills

My avatar is meant to represent the horrors of the forums and should inspire org members to have nightmares after seeing it.

[This message was edited Wed Dec 18 15:06:14 PST 2002 by IceNine]
A Lethal Dose of American Hatred
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Reply #3 posted 12/18/02 11:06pm


sparxxxtresss = what billysparxxx called me when i was allthatglitters

avatar = wonder woman
[This message was edited Wed Jan 8 9:00:19 PST 2003 by sparxxxtresss]
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Reply #4 posted 12/18/02 11:06pm


AzureStar: I am a Leo and the star in the heart of the lion in the Leo constellation is a pale blue star ( thought it was fitting)... and I used it for naming my dog and took it from him when I signed up. Alexander Azure Star... a husky.. (I miss him).

Avatar: It's my favorite flower.

[This message was edited Wed Dec 18 15:07:03 PST 2002 by AzureStar]
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Reply #5 posted 12/18/02 11:08pm



IceNine said:

My avatar is meant to represent the horrors of the forums and should inspire org members to have nightmares after seeing it.

[This message was edited Wed Dec 18 15:06:14 PST 2002 by IceNine]

I know precisely what you mean!!!

The bags under my eyes bear sad witness to that fact...

"You don't frighten us, English pig dogs. Go and boil your bottoms, sons of a silly person."
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Reply #6 posted 12/18/02 11:08pm





IceNine said:

My avatar is meant to represent the horrors of the forums and should inspire org members to have nightmares after seeing it.

It's kept me up at nite!!! boxed

[June7, "ModGod"]
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Reply #7 posted 12/18/02 11:08pm



Dickie = Richard Ashcroft, solo artist and former singer/frontman of The Verve

Potter = Harry Potter

Avatar = Ralph Wiggum from the Simpsons -because everytime his caracter speaks, I laugh.

None of it is Prince related, but that doesn't mean I love him any less!
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Reply #8 posted 12/18/02 11:08pm


LaVisHh is an artistic version of lavish...generosity, giving...and all that good stuff...named by a fellow gamer, years ago.

The avatar changes regularly, this time it's Prince lookin like he would as he anticipates sex. imho. wink
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Reply #9 posted 12/18/02 11:10pm


Chickengrease: It's the Folgers coffee can that my mama kept on the shelves for frying shit.

My avatar: it's Chicken from the Cow & Chicken show lookin like he would as he anticipates sex. imho.
[This message was edited Wed Dec 18 15:22:34 PST 2002 by chickengrease]
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Reply #10 posted 12/18/02 11:17pm


LILITH: is my magic name. Lilith is the lust demon, a really powerful one. Hes the wife of Lucifer.

MY AVATAR: Dimmu Borgir
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Reply #11 posted 12/18/02 11:27pm


Wellbeyond: It don't really mean shit, actually...just two words put together as if one word..."Well" meaning "good", I guess...and "Beyond", "beyond"...

Avatar: the results of me fuckin' around on the computer a long time ago...
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Reply #12 posted 12/18/02 11:29pm



I wanted to come here and just lurk, and that's what a silent chatter means. but then I remember how cool the people are, and so now I can't shut up! biggrin

My avatar still hasn't been approved, but when it does, it means nothing. I love funny pictures and comic strips, and that's what you'll see in my profiles.
and you better check from time to time, because it changes.
heart Miss Cute
For whatever it's worth, I'm sorry.
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Reply #13 posted 12/18/02 11:31pm


Haystack was the nickname my brother gave me when I was younger (never bothered combing or brushing my hair, y'see).
My password to log on is the nickname that I gave him back in return.

My Avatar is the beautiful Sadako - the baddie in 'Ringu'. I just think that she is the most scary horror film baddie ever! In a staring contest, she'd crucify Samara.
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Reply #14 posted 12/18/02 11:37pm


My name 'sawat dii khrap' means 'hello' in Thai, but can also be used when leaving to be polite.

My avatar is a picture of my wife taken in our room.
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Reply #15 posted 12/18/02 11:38pm


NuPwrSoul is the first screen name I chose when I first got online through AOL back in '96. AOL limited the number of characters in a screen name back then so I had to abbreviate Newpower Soul, a name, sound, and concept that I've been intrigued with every since Prince invoke the idea in Lovesexy back in '88.

My avatar is some JPEG I found laying around that some poeple think looks like me.
"That...magic, the start of something revolutionary-the Minneapolis Sound, we should cherish it and not punish prince for not being able to replicate it."-Dreamshaman32
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Reply #16 posted 12/18/02 11:39pm


sawatdiikhrap said:

My name 'sawat dii khrap' means 'hello' in Thai, but can also be used when leaving to be polite.

My avatar is a picture of my wife taken in our room.

That is a very pretty picture. smile Your wife is very beautiful... (I saw her picture when you had it up under another name).
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Reply #17 posted 12/18/02 11:42pm



I have and always will believe in the concept of Lovesexy. Therefore I live 4 lovesexy. smile

I like to change my avatar alot, in case you haven't noticed. My current avatar is from the cover of a Grüvis Malt album because I am very much into GM right now.
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Reply #18 posted 12/18/02 11:43pm


AzureStar said:

sawatdiikhrap said:

My name 'sawat dii khrap' means 'hello' in Thai, but can also be used when leaving to be polite.

My avatar is a picture of my wife taken in our room.

That is a very pretty picture. smile Your wife is very beautiful... (I saw her picture when you had it up under another name).

Thank u very much. Was it the same picture only larger?

I like this picture because it's kinda sexy but not too nasty.

She is a sweetheart, I love her to bits!
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Reply #19 posted 12/18/02 11:44pm


Pagey...Jimmy Page's nickname, no reason other than I'm a Zep/Pagey FREAK...has been for about 20 years now. Believe it or not but Zep, in a REALLY weird way, introduced me to Prince's music. When I bought the Coda album way back when I heard 1999 in the store (only side 1 obviously) and flipped after hearing Little Red Corvette (this was before it was on the radio). I bought 1999 when I got Coda, andit got WAY more turns on the turntable than Zeps hodgepodge of a record.

The a cool pic of Pagey.

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Reply #20 posted 12/18/02 11:45pm


sawatdiikhrap said:

AzureStar said:

sawatdiikhrap said:

My name 'sawat dii khrap' means 'hello' in Thai, but can also be used when leaving to be polite.

My avatar is a picture of my wife taken in our room.

That is a very pretty picture. smile Your wife is very beautiful... (I saw her picture when you had it up under another name).

Thank u very much. Was it the same picture only larger?

I like this picture because it's kinda sexy but not too nasty.

She is a sweetheart, I love her to bits!

No, it wasn't this picture... it was a picture of her face.

You do love her to bits... it shows! She is a very lucky lady to have a man who loves her as much as you do. smile
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Reply #21 posted 12/18/02 11:47pm


I was looking for an original nick name, and that's what I came up with. The feel you get when you hear the name is enough to make you love it.
My avatar is just to make people smile.
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Reply #22 posted 12/18/02 11:48pm



my nick...
lillith was the first woman created after Adam. Adam and lillith never got along because when he wanted to lie with her she took offense to the recumbant position and demanded 'why must i lie beneath you? i was also made from dust and therefore your equal.' Adam tried to force lillith into obedience, this didn't work. lillith , in rage, uttered the name of God and rose into the air and left him.
she ended up by the Red Sea where she could have as much freaky sex as she wanted and ended up helping the residing demons bear children. she became charge of newborn infants and seducing sleeping/dreaming men. she has been heralded as the epitome of female sexuality, the wife of Satan and the first ever female vampire...
8 years ago upon reading this story i became facinated and adopted it as my online nick...

my avatar...
changes almost bi-weekly, but my current (angelina jolie) is because a close friend of mine says i remind her of angelina...i took this as a huge compliment and therefore made her this weeks avatar...

you're only as old as you how old do i feel horny

Now that food has replaced sex in my life, I can't even get into my own pants.
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Reply #23 posted 12/18/02 11:50pm


AzureStar said:

sawatdiikhrap said:

AzureStar said:

sawatdiikhrap said:

My name 'sawat dii khrap' means 'hello' in Thai, but can also be used when leaving to be polite.

My avatar is a picture of my wife taken in our room.

That is a very pretty picture. smile Your wife is very beautiful... (I saw her picture when you had it up under another name).

Thank u very much. Was it the same picture only larger?

I like this picture because it's kinda sexy but not too nasty.

She is a sweetheart, I love her to bits!

No, it wasn't this picture... it was a picture of her face.

You do love her to bits... it shows! She is a very lucky lady to have a man who loves her as much as you do. smile

That's cool that u can see that. U have to be one of THE nicest people on the org.

I do love my wife, but I have to stay without her for another 2 months at least while I get a teaching qualification. sad This long distance thing right now is hard work, but it's not impossible.

It's alright though, it's only a little time, that's all.

By the way, what does your name mean?

(apologies if u already answered this above)
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Reply #24 posted 12/18/02 11:51pm


Whoops, u did answer it! If only I had just scrolled but a little.


Nice avatar pray

(think I might stick another nice pic on my profile now u mention it...)

[This message was edited Wed Dec 18 15:58:29 PST 2002 by sawatdiikhrap]
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Reply #25 posted 12/18/02 11:56pm


Black Satin- From On The Corner
5:15- How long it lasts smile
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Reply #26 posted 12/19/02 12:03am



PurpleElectricity is from one of my favorite songs, Temptation. Plus Prince is too sexy in that avatar!
"Hot Thing...Barely 21"
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Reply #27 posted 12/19/02 12:11am




As I've explained before..."Who's your daddy? Battier!" used to be a big Shane Battier cheer during his time at Duke University. Any time he took a charge or made a three, or did something really kick ass, Cameron errupted in the "Who's your daddy?" chant...I made this name originally on AIM several years ago. Eventually, I realized it could be perceived as sexual. Whoops!

My avatar is teller-made! It's a picture of my dear Shane.
A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti...
"I've just had an apostrophe!"
"I think you mean an epiphany..."
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Reply #28 posted 12/19/02 12:22am




My name is pretty self-explanatory. My name is Carrie, and I live in Minneapolis.

My current avatar is of Emily Strange. A 13 year-old character with a posse of 4 cats (named Sabbath, NeeChee, Miles and Mystery) and they all pretty much kick ass.

You can visit her at

[This message was edited Wed Dec 18 16:27:15 PST 2002 by CarrieMpls]
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Reply #29 posted 12/19/02 12:23am



Lovemachine is a nickname I've had for a while because it kind of works with my actual name (and as a bonus Prince wrote a song called Lovemachine).

My avatar is Brett Favre because I'm a Packers fan.

My profile picture (presently) is my dog Dayzee and my Grandpa, who is confined to his house because he is dying due to congenital heart failure. This picture means a lot to me because he looks so happy and so does Dayzee. My Grandpa has been a very important influence in my life.

[This message was edited Wed Dec 18 16:25:57 PST 2002 by lovemachine]
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