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Let's talk about welfare. We all know the stereotypes surrounding welfare. Lazy, opportunists, thieves. I'm sure many know these types. Many of us know others who are anything but those things. My family went on welfare when my dad left us and we were on it for 2 years. My mom just needed it to help us get by so we had food and wouldn't loose the roof over our head. My mother never stopped working that whole time and when she got a good footing again, she went to the welfare office and told them she didn't need it anymore. They told her she could stay on for another three years since she was pregnant but she said we were good and that was that.
Currently my sister is receiving food stamps. She is working but her boyfriend does not help her. He's a lazy shiftless bum. My sister works full time, contributes to society and just needs a little help to feed the kids. She isn't spending her money wildly, as a matter of fact we help her with lots of things and if it weren't for us she would be on welfare totally. For everyone who thinks people are getting a free ride, my sister receives $118.00 per month for food stamps. This equals
THINK ABOUT THIS. Does that sound like luxurious living to you? To survive on .25 cents per meal? The system requires you to be in the gutter to receive proper help. My sister has been on the HUD waiting list for 6 years while the banks receive $700 billion in a matter of days for their thievery. Once a person starts doing better, assistance is more or less cut off and people need to be able to depend on it as a bridge from hard times to normal survival. It's so easy to label people and hate them but for those that do hopefully you never find yourself truly in need because you'll find out it aint what it's cracked up to be..... 2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past.... | |
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Urine test! Studies have shown the ass crack of the average Prince fan to be abnormally large. This explains the ease and frequency of their panties bunching up in it. |
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Mars23 said: Urine test!
![]() ![]() ![]() 2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past.... | |
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SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said: Mars23 said: Urine test!
![]() ![]() ![]() Sorry. I figured that had to be the inspiration. Those chain emails are just an anonymous way to spread racism and hate in general. Studies have shown the ass crack of the average Prince fan to be abnormally large. This explains the ease and frequency of their panties bunching up in it. |
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Nice read, Supafunky. Yeah, a lot of people buy into the myth that people are living high on the hog with welfare. Having been on the dole when I was younger, I understand what you are talking about. “When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a Communist.” Brazilian bishop Dom Hélder Câmara | |
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There are many that legitimately need our help and those ones i have no issue helping, however there would be more money for those that need it if there were not the scumbag assholes taking it too.
It is a shame that the bad ones give the ones who just need a helping hand, a bad name | |
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mdiver said: There are many that legitimately need our help and those ones i have no issue helping, however there would be more money for those that need it if there were not the scumbag assholes taking it too.
It is a shame that the bad ones give the ones who just need a helping hand, a bad name You won't get an argument about that from one single person. The government should be able to deal with this problem without jeopardizing real people in need. 2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past.... | |
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SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said: mdiver said: There are many that legitimately need our help and those ones i have no issue helping, however there would be more money for those that need it if there were not the scumbag assholes taking it too.
It is a shame that the bad ones give the ones who just need a helping hand, a bad name You won't get an argument about that from one single person. The government should be able to deal with this problem without jeopardizing real people in need. Same problem here bro. There are too many people with no personal responsibility in the world | |
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it's all about perception. young mothers will have bumps and bruises, until they fully adjusted to the welfare system. after a while, she will be an established welfare mom. and if she is really good, she'll send her children to college.
but really, what are gettin at??? [Edited 12/4/08 15:20pm] THE B EST BE YOURSELF AS LONG AS YOUR SELF ISNT A DYCK[/r]
**....Someti | |
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My friend, a single mother, cannot work because of her health (pre-cancerous cells and nodules on her thyroid, which depletes her energy) is on a disability pension, receives rent assistance and some allowance for her child. She is paid each fortnight, and yet by day 12 she usually has nothing left. She can't really prepare proper meals where she lives (and take-out is very expensive and unhealthy, ditto for supermarket baby food) has been on a waiting list for different housing for nearly 2 years now. Yesterday she was assigned a new support worker, and she is eligible for a meals delivery service, she is over the moon, but kind of sad she didn't know about it when she got home alone with a newborn, bewildered and beyond fatigued. People like her fall through the gaps somehow. She will be spending christmas with us. | |
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SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said: We all know the stereotypes surrounding welfare. Lazy, opportunists, thieves. I'm sure many know these types. Many of us know others who are anything but those things. My family went on welfare when my dad left us and we were on it for 2 years. My mom just needed it to help us get by so we had food and wouldn't loose the roof over our head. My mother never stopped working that whole time and when she got a good footing again, she went to the welfare office and told them she didn't need it anymore. They told her she could stay on for another three years since she was pregnant but she said we were good and that was that.
Currently my sister is receiving food stamps. She is working but her boyfriend does not help her. He's a lazy shiftless bum. My sister works full time, contributes to society and just needs a little help to feed the kids. She isn't spending her money wildly, as a matter of fact we help her with lots of things and if it weren't for us she would be on welfare totally. For everyone who thinks people are getting a free ride, my sister receives $118.00 per month for food stamps. This equals
THINK ABOUT THIS. Does that sound like luxurious living to you? To survive on .25 cents per meal? The system requires you to be in the gutter to receive proper help. My sister has been on the HUD waiting list for 6 years while the banks receive $700 billion in a matter of days for their thievery. Once a person starts doing better, assistance is more or less cut off and people need to be able to depend on it as a bridge from hard times to normal survival. It's so easy to label people and hate them but for those that do hopefully you never find yourself truly in need because you'll find out it aint what it's cracked up to be..... ![]() You took the words right out of my mouth hun. Proud Memaw to Seyhan Olivia Christine ,Zoey Cirilo Jaylee & Ellie Abigail Lillian ![]() | |
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ZombieKitten said: My friend, a single mother, cannot work because of her health (pre-cancerous cells and nodules on her thyroid, which depletes her energy) is on a disability pension, receives rent assistance and some allowance for her child. She is paid each fortnight, and yet by day 12 she usually has nothing left. She can't really prepare proper meals where she lives (and take-out is very expensive and unhealthy, ditto for supermarket baby food) has been on a waiting list for different housing for nearly 2 years now. Yesterday she was assigned a new support worker, and she is eligible for a meals delivery service, she is over the moon, but kind of sad she didn't know about it when she got home alone with a newborn, bewildered and beyond fatigued. People like her fall through the gaps somehow. She will be spending christmas with us.
You and your family are good people Charlotte ![]() | |
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mdiver said: ZombieKitten said: My friend, a single mother, cannot work because of her health (pre-cancerous cells and nodules on her thyroid, which depletes her energy) is on a disability pension, receives rent assistance and some allowance for her child. She is paid each fortnight, and yet by day 12 she usually has nothing left. She can't really prepare proper meals where she lives (and take-out is very expensive and unhealthy, ditto for supermarket baby food) has been on a waiting list for different housing for nearly 2 years now. Yesterday she was assigned a new support worker, and she is eligible for a meals delivery service, she is over the moon, but kind of sad she didn't know about it when she got home alone with a newborn, bewildered and beyond fatigued. People like her fall through the gaps somehow. She will be spending christmas with us.
You and your family are good people Charlotte ![]() I don't care what my folks think, she can't be sitting in her squalid place with her kid by herself on that day. You would do the same Phil, I know it. | |
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ZombieKitten said: mdiver said: You and your family are good people Charlotte ![]() I don't care what my folks think, she can't be sitting in her squalid place with her kid by herself on that day. You would do the same Phil, I know it. ![]() ![]() | |
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mdiver said: ZombieKitten said: I don't care what my folks think, she can't be sitting in her squalid place with her kid by herself on that day. You would do the same Phil, I know it. ![]() ![]() assholes just get the most publicity ![]() | |
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ZombieKitten said: mdiver said: ![]() ![]() assholes just get the most publicity ![]() They tend to shout the loudest ![]() | |
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mdiver said: SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said: You won't get an argument about that from one single person. The government should be able to deal with this problem without jeopardizing real people in need. Same problem here bro. There are too many people with no personal responsibility in the world I don't care anymore.....never wanted to trade life with a welfare cheat.....I and most people are responsible for ourselves if there are cheats let them cheat, they still aren't making 700 billion Le prego di non toccare la macchina per favore! | |
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SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said: My sister has been on the HUD waiting list for 6 years while the banks receive $700 billion in a matter of days for their thievery. Once a person starts doing better, assistance is more or less cut off and people need to be able to depend on it as a bridge from hard times to normal survival.
It's so easy to label people and hate them but for those that do hopefully you never find yourself truly in need because you'll find out it aint what it's cracked up to be..... You always hear politicians and their shills on the radio demonize folks who truly need help, yet these same pols have no problem doling out corporate welfare. Just shows you whoever has the gold makes the rules. | |
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mdiver said: ZombieKitten said: I don't care what my folks think, she can't be sitting in her squalid place with her kid by herself on that day. You would do the same Phil, I know it. ![]() ![]() Bless you Phil for what you and Val just did ![]() ![]() | |
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ZombieKitten said: mdiver said: ![]() ![]() Bless you Phil for what you and Val just did ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
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I'm all for welfare for those who need it. I remember years ago when I was unemployed I considered getting food stamps. And the counselor at the office told me I wasn't eligible cuz I had a car. I asked her how am I supposed to get to work if I don't have a car and she said that was just the rule and she could not help me. Luckily, I found a job the next week but it was discouraging. I know a lot of people who've tried to get assistance and couldn't. On the flip side, I know people that mail their food stamp card to others in exchange for cash. So, there are lots of folks taking advantage of the system. ![]() [Edited 12/4/08 16:06pm] | |
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Here is one of my favorite myths about welfare....and the truth of it...
Myth: A Huge Chunk of My Tax Dollars Supports Welfare Recipients
Fact: Welfare Costs 1 Percent of the Federal Budget Widespread misperception about the extent of welfare exacerbate the problems of poverty. The actual cost of welfare programs-about 1 percent of the federal budget and 2 percent of state budgets (McLaughlin, 1997)-is proportionally less than generally believed. During the 104th Congress, more than 93 percent of the budget reductions in welfare entitlements came from programs for low-income people (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 1996). Ironically, middle-class and wealthy Americans also receive "welfare" in the form of tax deductions for home mortgages, corporate and farm subsidies, capital gains tax limits, Social Security, Medicare, and a multitude of other tax benefits. Yet these types of assistance carry no stigma and are rarely considered "welfare" (Goodgame, 1993). Anti-welfare sentiment appears to be related to attitudes about class and widely shared and socially sanctioned stereotypes about the poor. Racism also fuels negative attitudes toward welfare programs (Quadagno, 1994). I found this article that busts a bunch of other myths, including the one it if you like.... welfare to work myths He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.
(George Eliot) the video for the above... ![]() | |
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When my personal savings ran out after my contract with a company was suddenly not extended due to budget cuts and I had still not found a replacement job, I panicked. Terrified that I wouldn't be able to pay my rent, feed my child I swallowed my pride and applied for it. No one knew I did it because I felt totally embarrassed about it....but I had a child to take care of so it had to be done. I received one cheque and landed a new job like a week after getting it so I was in and out of the system in a matter of one month. My cheque (which was the maximum they give) didn't even cover my rent, btw.
But I'm very grateful for the help I received. | |
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alright, i'll share... ![]() ![]() i got on welfare for six months. welfare has nothing to do with intelligence as much as it has to do with just plain needing it. however, with the challenges.....I wasn't able to see my daughter follow in my footsteps and go out to find employment/education, etc. she fell into a whirlwind and came out with 2 children and is on what. huh?. SHe gets more money from insurance, etc. than i have being an ass about not being able to go to work from 9-5 anymore. I have another daughter who is 20 and has to bust her ass extra hard to work and attend college....I was always her financial cushion. Can we talk about the government and their shady ways??? They can make billions, trillions, and millions then turn around and slap me for a couple thousand to feed my folks!!! But, I'm the reason the fukkin government needs all the extra cushion tho.... ![]() Thanks govenmentals! ! ! ![]() THE B EST BE YOURSELF AS LONG AS YOUR SELF ISNT A DYCK[/r]
**....Someti | |
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myfavorite said: it's all about perception. young mothers will have bumps and bruises, until they fully adjusted to the welfare system. after a while, she will be an established welfare mom. and if she is really good, she'll send her children to college.
but really, what are gettin at??? [Edited 12/4/08 15:20pm] What are you getting at? 2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past.... | |
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SCNDLS said: I'm all for welfare for those who need it. I remember years ago when I was unemployed I considered getting food stamps. And the counselor at the office told me I wasn't eligible cuz I had a car. I asked her how am I supposed to get to work if I don't have a car and she said that was just the rule and she could help me. Luckily, I found a job the next week but it was discouraging. I know a lot of people who've tried to get assistance and couldn't. On the flip side, I know people that mail their food stamp card to others in exchange for cash. So, there are lots of folks taking advantage of the system.
![]() Yes I've known those who take advantage as well. But that is a prime example of why the sytem is so fucked. You are required to have nothing to get it when sometimes people just need a little help to go along with their own contributions. The system didn't need to be revamped to keep it out of the hands of as many people as possible, it needed to be revamped to be a reality based program. They would rather you fuck yourself and need the shit for good than to give you the little bit of help when you need it. That isn't the life of riley people want to make it out as..... 2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past.... | |
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JustErin said: When my personal savings ran out after my contract with a company was suddenly not extended due to budget cuts and I had still not found a replacement job, I panicked. Terrified that I wouldn't be able to pay my rent, feed my child I swallowed my pride and applied for it. No one knew I did it because I felt totally embarrassed about it....but I had a child to take care of so it had to be done. I received one cheque and landed a new job like a week after getting it so I was in and out of the system in a matter of one month. My cheque (which was the maximum they give) didn't even cover my rent, btw.
But I'm very grateful for the help I received. A full check doesn't cover standard living. It just doesn't. 2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past.... | |
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myfavorite said: alright, i'll share...
![]() ![]() i got on welfare for six months. welfare has nothing to do with intelligence as much as it has to do with just plain needing it. however, with the challenges.....I wasn't able to see my daughter follow in my footsteps and go out to find employment/education, etc. she fell into a whirlwind and came out with 2 children and is on what. huh?. SHe gets more money from insurance, etc. than i have being an ass about not being able to go to work from 9-5 anymore. I have another daughter who is 20 and has to bust her ass extra hard to work and attend college....I was always her financial cushion. Can we talk about the government and their shady ways??? They can make billions, trillions, and millions then turn around and slap me for a couple thousand to feed my folks!!! But, I'm the reason the fukkin government needs all the extra cushion tho.... ![]() Thanks govenmentals! ! ! ![]() Well the agency that issues food stamps overpaid my sister a whopping $200 in food stamps over an extended period of time and now they want her to pay it back in cash, deduct from the $118 she and the kids receive or take her to court ![]() ![]() ![]() 2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past.... | |
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I totally understand you, Supa. My family received welfare when I was a child too. My mother had food stamps, cash and medical insurance for us, but it was no picnic. You're only getting but so much. Some people think welfare recipients are lazy, shiftless and stupid. People don't take into consideration that shit happens and you are forced to accept welfare as means of spport until you can do better. Whenyou my mom was able to do better, she was able to eventually drop it.
I remember when a truck used to come around and give out free lunches, big ass bricks of yellow cheese and butter to families. I hated all of it except the butter. ![]() About ten years ago, I was laid off from a job and collecting unemployment. I decided I would try to get health insurance and food stamps to help. The case worker denied my application, said my UNEMPLOYMENT check was too high and that you basically had to be destitute to get any help. ![]() | |
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SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said: myfavorite said: alright, i'll share...
![]() ![]() i got on welfare for six months. welfare has nothing to do with intelligence as much as it has to do with just plain needing it. however, with the challenges.....I wasn't able to see my daughter follow in my footsteps and go out to find employment/education, etc. she fell into a whirlwind and came out with 2 children and is on what. huh?. SHe gets more money from insurance, etc. than i have being an ass about not being able to go to work from 9-5 anymore. I have another daughter who is 20 and has to bust her ass extra hard to work and attend college....I was always her financial cushion. Can we talk about the government and their shady ways??? They can make billions, trillions, and millions then turn around and slap me for a couple thousand to feed my folks!!! But, I'm the reason the fukkin government needs all the extra cushion tho.... ![]() Thanks govenmentals! ! ! ![]() Well the agency that issues food stamps overpaid my sister a whopping $200 in food stamps over an extended period of time and now they want her to pay it back in cash, deduct from the $118 she and the kids receive or take her to court ![]() ![]() ![]() Those sons of bitches are fucking merciless!!! | |
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