may078 said: violator said: I rarely ever have any women over when I have my daughter. There's no way in hell I'd be having sex while she's around.
Good Call Violator! Some parents are selfish and impulsive, I would never think of doping up a kid to have sex! That is some indicator that instant gratification has reached a detrimental point in ones life and one may need to work through issues of self control and self esteem. What happened to being a parent first? I would worry about the guy who posted this question, because it sounds like it gets him off, doing the nasty while Kids are present, I would wonder what's going through his mind and if he is getting some thrill getting off while he can hear the kids. maybe he is hoping to get caught, maybe he has some attraction to children or latent pedophile tendencies. I worry about what is going through his mind during sex, while he is listening to the kids play. And we wonder why we have so many fucked up people in this world. The comments range from fucking someone you are dating and not married to, in the presence of children from another marriage, to lack of self control when it comes to impulsive behavior, all the way to the extreme of doping up the kids or leaving them unattended and unsupervised to go and have sex, and that is by and large and indication of bigger problems along the line of child abuse and neglect. Either we have some adrenaline junkies and serious risk takers, who are willing to risk the safety, lives and well being of their children for some quick gratification of an sexual urge, or it sounds to me like desperately needy needy people responding and posting. Boasting about having sex in the vicinity of kids comes across a very needy, egotistical and insecure person. I mean it sounds like the kids being present was some sort of an ego boost. My kids wouldn't be visiting him or her and I hope the other parent does not see this and try to use it in court. It amazes me how people never try to imagine themselves in the other parents shoes. Suppose you found this online knowing your kids spent time with the ex, and them some jerk is online talking about how they banged while the kids were down stairs. Certainly as Blue0810 is saying, what goes around, comes around and it will not be pretty. Those who dish it out usually can not take it, when it comes back to haunt them. I can see it now, "Mommy was upstairs, having sex with her friend, while I hung the cat, and started that fire." Or better yet, I can imagine the look on your face when your little one comes and says "Mommy,(daddy, friend), gave me drugs so they could have sex with the friend when I was little'. This is told to you after your child becomes a teen all expectations of him/her making a decent life for themselves is ruined because at 16 they are now a crack head, chemically defendant, cause the other parent doped them up to have sex. Fair warning folks, shit happens and it hits fast and hard, when it comes back at you. [Edited 7/9/08 5:23am] ![]() I graduated bitches!!! 12-19-09 ![]() ![]() | |
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PurpleRighteous1 said: may078 said: Good Call Violator! Some parents are selfish and impulsive, I would never think of doping up a kid to have sex! That is some indicator that instant gratification has reached a detrimental point in ones life and one may need to work through issues of self control and self esteem. What happened to being a parent first? I would worry about the guy who posted this question, because it sounds like it gets him off, doing the nasty while Kids are present, I would wonder what's going through his mind and if he is getting some thrill getting off while he can hear the kids. maybe he is hoping to get caught, maybe he has some attraction to children or latent pedophile tendencies. I worry about what is going through his mind during sex, while he is listening to the kids play. And we wonder why we have so many fucked up people in this world. The comments range from fucking someone you are dating and not married to, in the presence of children from another marriage, to lack of self control when it comes to impulsive behavior, all the way to the extreme of doping up the kids or leaving them unattended and unsupervised to go and have sex, and that is by and large and indication of bigger problems along the line of child abuse and neglect. Either we have some adrenaline junkies and serious risk takers, who are willing to risk the safety, lives and well being of their children for some quick gratification of an sexual urge, or it sounds to me like desperately needy needy people responding and posting. Boasting about having sex in the vicinity of kids comes across a very needy, egotistical and insecure person. I mean it sounds like the kids being present was some sort of an ego boost. My kids wouldn't be visiting him or her and I hope the other parent does not see this and try to use it in court. It amazes me how people never try to imagine themselves in the other parents shoes. Suppose you found this online knowing your kids spent time with the ex, and them some jerk is online talking about how they banged while the kids were down stairs. Certainly as Blue0810 is saying, what goes around, comes around and it will not be pretty. Those who dish it out usually can not take it, when it comes back to haunt them. I can see it now, "Mommy was upstairs, having sex with her friend, while I hung the cat, and started that fire." Or better yet, I can imagine the look on your face when your little one comes and says "Mommy,(daddy, friend), gave me drugs so they could have sex with the friend when I was little'. This is told to you after your child becomes a teen all expectations of him/her making a decent life for themselves is ruined because at 16 they are now a crack head, chemically defendant, cause the other parent doped them up to have sex. Fair warning folks, shit happens and it hits fast and hard, when it comes back at you. [Edited 7/9/08 5:23am] ![]() ![]() | |
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PurpleRighteous1 said: may078 said: Good Call Violator! Some parents are selfish and impulsive, I would never think of doping up a kid to have sex! That is some indicator that instant gratification has reached a detrimental point in ones life and one may need to work through issues of self control and self esteem. What happened to being a parent first? I would worry about the guy who posted this question, because it sounds like it gets him off, doing the nasty while Kids are present, I would wonder what's going through his mind and if he is getting some thrill getting off while he can hear the kids. maybe he is hoping to get caught, maybe he has some attraction to children or latent pedophile tendencies. I worry about what is going through his mind during sex, while he is listening to the kids play. And we wonder why we have so many fucked up people in this world. The comments range from fucking someone you are dating and not married to, in the presence of children from another marriage, to lack of self control when it comes to impulsive behavior, all the way to the extreme of doping up the kids or leaving them unattended and unsupervised to go and have sex, and that is by and large and indication of bigger problems along the line of child abuse and neglect. Either we have some adrenaline junkies and serious risk takers, who are willing to risk the safety, lives and well being of their children for some quick gratification of an sexual urge, or it sounds to me like desperately needy needy people responding and posting. Boasting about having sex in the vicinity of kids comes across a very needy, egotistical and insecure person. I mean it sounds like the kids being present was some sort of an ego boost. My kids wouldn't be visiting him or her and I hope the other parent does not see this and try to use it in court. It amazes me how people never try to imagine themselves in the other parents shoes. Suppose you found this online knowing your kids spent time with the ex, and them some jerk is online talking about how they banged while the kids were down stairs. Certainly as Blue0810 is saying, what goes around, comes around and it will not be pretty. Those who dish it out usually can not take it, when it comes back to haunt them. I can see it now, "Mommy was upstairs, having sex with her friend, while I hung the cat, and started that fire." Or better yet, I can imagine the look on your face when your little one comes and says "Mommy,(daddy, friend), gave me drugs so they could have sex with the friend when I was little'. This is told to you after your child becomes a teen all expectations of him/her making a decent life for themselves is ruined because at 16 they are now a crack head, chemically defendant, cause the other parent doped them up to have sex. Fair warning folks, shit happens and it hits fast and hard, when it comes back at you. [Edited 7/9/08 5:23am] ![]() ![]() | |
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Stymie said:[quote] may078 said: Pixies? Nope, pooches. | |
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PurpleRighteous1 said:[quote] may078 said: ![]() Don't worry about it, if you don't get it, its not for you, capisce? | |
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Dude, the Dali Lama could be crashing in the bedroom next door, and I'll still try to get me some... | |
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Stymie said: PurpleRighteous1 said: ![]() ![]() Adults are sitting here, discussing medicating kids in order to have sex, and you call me crazy? Go figure. Sex will always be there, who could be that desperate to have sex? Except someone very very needy. [Edited 7/9/08 10:46am] | |
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may078 said: Stymie said: Back away from the crazy.
![]() Adults are sitting here, discussing medicating kids in order to have sex, and you call me crazy? Go figure. Sex will always be there, who could be that desperate to have sex? Except someone very very needy. [Edited 7/9/08 10:46am] They were joking. | |
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Come on JustErin- there were so not joking! They were exchanging recipes- if someone will delete an account because someone said...let me stop, I am sure some one will read that shit and try it, I am so sure it. All anyone has to do is plant a seed. said: may078 said: Adults are sitting here, discussing medicating kids in order to have sex, and you call me crazy? Go figure. Sex will always be there, who could be that desperate to have sex? Except someone very very needy. [Edited 7/9/08 10:46am] They were joking. | |
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may078 said: Not.
Come on JustErin- there were so not joking! They were exchanging recipes- if someone will delete an account because someone said...let me stop, I am sure some one will read that shit and try it, I am so sure it. All anyone has to do is plant a seed. ![]() You have very little knowledge of Funkmiss and I then if you ASSume we were not joking ![]() That and you have zero knowledge of just what I would and would not do in my home concerning my children and my sex life your assumptions are far more telling and a refelction on you then anything you try to say about others . [Edited 7/9/08 11:16am] | |
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Mach said: may078 said: Not.
Come on JustErin- there were so not joking! They were exchanging recipes- if someone will delete an account because someone said...let me stop, I am sure some one will read that shit and try it, I am so sure it. All anyone has to do is plant a seed. ![]() You have very little knowledge of Funkmiss and I then if you ASSume we were not joking ![]() That and you have zero knowledge of just what I would and would not do in my home concerning my children and my sex life your assumptions are far more telling and a refelction on you then anything you try to say about others . [Edited 7/9/08 11:16am] ![]() ![]() I graduated bitches!!! 12-19-09 ![]() ![]() | |
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may078 said: Stymie said: Back away from the crazy.
![]() Adults are sitting here, discussing medicating kids in order to have sex, and you call me crazy? Go figure. Sex will always be there, who could be that desperate to have sex? Except someone very very needy. [Edited 7/9/08 10:46am] As long as people are not fucking in front of their kids, fuck on. | |
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Well, Mach this is an open forum.. and if my comments should tell you anything it should tell you that anyone can read what is being written and take it as either advise, or the norm, and were kids are involved, we all have to be some what responsible for what we put out there. We would not joke about doing other things to kids, and find it amusing, so I suffer to say that this is no different.
Other than that, all I can tell you that I do not have intimate knowledge of you and your values in life, all I have is what I see posted here- and that is all that I can respond to. Please do not hold me accountable for any impression you might make on a total stranger, by writing what you write when you write it. I've seen worst and I know shit happens, all the time, that;s why we have so many fucked up people in the world today. At some point we have to be accountable, to our selves, and to others, for what we put out here and how we contribute to the evils of the world. I totally agree with the other poster on that point. Some fool will google the key words, it will come up and they might, take it as advice and fact. I'm cool with that, as I am cool with free speech, but perhaps, by my openly, expressing outrage, and by you and I and others having this discussion, more and more of an understanding and awareness of how unacceptable doping might be, will also be present, to counter any misunderstandings. Thanks for the dialog. said: may078 said: Not.
Come on JustErin- there were so not joking! They were exchanging recipes- if someone will delete an account because someone said...let me stop, I am sure some one will read that shit and try it, I am so sure it. All anyone has to do is plant a seed. ![]() You have very little knowledge of Funkmiss and I then if you ASSume we were not joking ![]() That and you have zero knowledge of just what I would and would not do in my home concerning my children and my sex life your assumptions are far more telling and a refelction on you then anything you try to say about others . [Edited 7/9/08 11:16am] [Edited 7/9/08 11:25am] | |
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FunkMistress said: WTF, there are ALWAYS kids in my house! I'd never get laid if I waited for them to be gone!
I was going to say the same thing ![]() It isn't the load that breaks us down, it's the way we carry it. | |
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may078 said: Stymie said: Back away from the crazy.
![]() Adults are sitting here, discussing medicating kids in order to have sex, and you call me crazy? Go figure. Sex will always be there, who could be that desperate to have sex? Except someone very very needy. [Edited 7/9/08 10:46am] I don't think they're joking. Shit, this kind of stuff never entered my mind. We just disappear while the kids are outside or stuck in front of the hellevision then bang bang! God Lawd Have Mercy Jesus! . [Edited 7/9/08 11:26am] | |
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If this were real life, somebody's shirt would have been torn off by now and I'd be masturbating. | |
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Not at all. Read my last post.
Stymie said: may078 said: Adults are sitting here, discussing medicating kids in order to have sex, and you call me crazy? Go figure. Sex will always be there, who could be that desperate to have sex? Except someone very very needy. [Edited 7/9/08 10:46am] As long as people are not fucking in front of their kids, fuck on. | |
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Imago said: If this were real life, somebody's shirt would have been torn off by now and I'd be masturbating.
you mean it's not ![]() ![]() It isn't the load that breaks us down, it's the way we carry it. | |
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may078 said: Not.
Come on JustErin- there were so not joking! They were exchanging recipes- if someone will delete an account because someone said...let me stop, I am sure some one will read that shit and try it, I am so sure it. All anyone has to do is plant a seed. Yeah, I definitely give weed and beer to my kids when I want have sex ![]() ![]() What makes it hard, though, is that I'm divorced and my daughter lives 3,000 miles if I ever want to have sex I have to buy a plane ticket and fly out there to give her the weed and beer, and then fly back home to my waiting lover who is hopefully still in the mood. I also have to hope that my daughter is still buzzed out 10 hours later when I finally DO get home. It's a bitch, let me tell ya. And what's REALLY hard about those times when I hit on my son's girlfriends is that I don't even HAVE a son. Talk about difficult. But you're soooo right, everyone was being serious here...good work calling us out. ![]() | |
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eVeRsOlEsA said: Imago said: If this were real life, somebody's shirt would have been torn off by now and I'd be masturbating.
you mean it's not ![]() ![]() I guess what I meant is that if this were a face-to-face argument in the flesh. Either way, I need a good wank tonight. A man has needs. | |
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Byron said: may078 said: Not.
Come on JustErin- there were so not joking! They were exchanging recipes- if someone will delete an account because someone said...let me stop, I am sure some one will read that shit and try it, I am so sure it. All anyone has to do is plant a seed. Yeah, I definitely give weed and beer to my kids when I want have sex ![]() ![]() What makes it hard, though, is that I'm divorced and my daughter lives 3,000 miles if I ever want to have sex I have to buy a plane ticket and fly out there to give her the weed and beer, and then fly back home to my waiting lover who is hopefully still in the mood. I also have to hope that my daughter is still buzzed out 10 hours later when I finally DO get home. It's a bitch, let me tell ya. And what's REALLY hard about those times when I hit on my son's girlfriends is that I don't even HAVE a son. Talk about difficult. But you're soooo right, everyone was being serious here...good work calling us out. ![]() ![]() | |
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Imago said: eVeRsOlEsA said: you mean it's not ![]() ![]() I guess what I meant is that if this were a face-to-face argument in the flesh. Either way, I need a good wank tonight. A man has needs. freak ![]() ![]() It isn't the load that breaks us down, it's the way we carry it. | |
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Byron said: may078 said: Not.
Come on JustErin- there were so not joking! They were exchanging recipes- if someone will delete an account because someone said...let me stop, I am sure some one will read that shit and try it, I am so sure it. All anyone has to do is plant a seed. Yeah, I definitely give weed and beer to my kids when I want have sex ![]() ![]() What makes it hard, though, is that I'm divorced and my daughter lives 3,000 miles if I ever want to have sex I have to buy a plane ticket and fly out there to give her the weed and beer, and then fly back home to my waiting lover who is hopefully still in the mood. I also have to hope that my daughter is still buzzed out 10 hours later when I finally DO get home. It's a bitch, let me tell ya. And what's REALLY hard about those times when I hit on my son's girlfriends is that I don't even HAVE a son. Talk about difficult. But you're soooo right, everyone was being serious here...good work calling us out. ![]() I think I love you ![]() ![]() It isn't the load that breaks us down, it's the way we carry it. | |
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Byron said: may078 said: Not.
Come on JustErin- there were so not joking! They were exchanging recipes- if someone will delete an account because someone said...let me stop, I am sure some one will read that shit and try it, I am so sure it. All anyone has to do is plant a seed. Yeah, I definitely give weed and beer to my kids when I want have sex ![]() ![]() What makes it hard, though, is that I'm divorced and my daughter lives 3,000 miles if I ever want to have sex I have to buy a plane ticket and fly out there to give her the weed and beer, and then fly back home to my waiting lover who is hopefully still in the mood. I also have to hope that my daughter is still buzzed out 10 hours later when I finally DO get home. It's a bitch, let me tell ya. And what's REALLY hard about those times when I hit on my son's girlfriends is that I don't even HAVE a son. Talk about difficult. But you're soooo right, everyone was being serious here...good work calling us out. ![]() ![]() I graduated bitches!!! 12-19-09 ![]() ![]() | |
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I don't know what mf'rs would do. But like I said in my last post-Byron, I felt it worth the type to respond and elaborate, and I can do that, understand?
said: may078 said: Not.
Come on JustErin- there were so not joking! They were exchanging recipes- if someone will delete an account because someone said...let me stop, I am sure some one will read that shit and try it, I am so sure it. All anyone has to do is plant a seed. Yeah, I definitely give weed and beer to my kids when I want have sex ![]() ![]() What makes it hard, though, is that I'm divorced and my daughter lives 3,000 miles if I ever want to have sex I have to buy a plane ticket and fly out there to give her the weed and beer, and then fly back home to my waiting lover who is hopefully still in the mood. I also have to hope that my daughter is still buzzed out 10 hours later when I finally DO get home. It's a bitch, let me tell ya. And what's REALLY hard about those times when I hit on my son's girlfriends is that I don't even HAVE a son. Talk about difficult. But you're soooo right, everyone was being serious here...good work calling us out. ![]() | |
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may078 said: Please do not hold me accountable for any impression you might make on a total stranger, by writing what you write when you write it. I've seen worst and I know shit happens, all the time, that;s why we have so many fucked up people in the world today. At some point we have to be accountable, to our selves, and to others, for what we put out here and how we contribute to the evils of the world.
What in the sam hell ? Is this something you feel you do and then project that out towards me like it's something I would do ... ( another assumption ) Okay It's been nice ![]() Blessings to you and yours and may the life you create engulf you ![]() | |
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Mach said: may078 said: Please do not hold me accountable for any impression you might make on a total stranger, by writing what you write when you write it. I've seen worst and I know shit happens, all the time, that;s why we have so many fucked up people in the world today. At some point we have to be accountable, to our selves, and to others, for what we put out here and how we contribute to the evils of the world.
What in the sam hell ? Is this something you feel you do and then project that out towards me like it's something I would do ... ( another assumption ) Okay It's been nice ![]() Blessings to you and yours and may the life you create engulf you ![]() ![]() | |
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WTF Sam Hell has happened? ![]() | |
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Byron said: may078 said: Not.
Come on JustErin- there were so not joking! They were exchanging recipes- if someone will delete an account because someone said...let me stop, I am sure some one will read that shit and try it, I am so sure it. All anyone has to do is plant a seed. Yeah, I definitely give weed and beer to my kids when I want have sex ![]() ![]() What makes it hard, though, is that I'm divorced and my daughter lives 3,000 miles if I ever want to have sex I have to buy a plane ticket and fly out there to give her the weed and beer, and then fly back home to my waiting lover who is hopefully still in the mood. I also have to hope that my daughter is still buzzed out 10 hours later when I finally DO get home. It's a bitch, let me tell ya. And what's REALLY hard about those times when I hit on my son's girlfriends is that I don't even HAVE a son. Talk about difficult. But you're soooo right, everyone was being serious here...good work calling us out. ![]() Are you serious? This story seems a bit outlandish. | |
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Exactly Stymie, we are discussing the issue here, not people. I dont know what mf'r would or would not do. There are some simply minded mf'r out here would try that shit.
said: Mach said: What in the sam hell ? Is this something you feel you do and then project that out towards me like it's something I would do ... ( another assumption ) Okay It's been nice ![]() Blessings to you and yours and may the life you create engulf you ![]() ![]() | |
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