I have 2 girls. I did not find out their sex prior to their births.
I'm firmly planted in denial | |
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RodeoSchro said: 2the9s said: We just wanted to know. Not for any practical reason and not because the suspense was killing us or we had a prefernece or anything...
But why not? There is no wrong answer to this question! Did you read Imago's?! | |
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RodeoSchro said: JustErin said: "NEXT!" maybe....? Ya got me! Yes, next! | |
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I wanted to wait to find out, but my husband wanted to know beforehand. I always thought it would be fun to find out at the birth. But, it did make the planning easier. | |
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We don't know. Baby is due in the next couple of weeks.
The speculation is amazing and i can't wait to hear the words ' congratulations you have a baby ..... ' It has driven my parents crazy not knowing but everyone else has been really cool about it. Initially I wanted to know but am so pleased that I didn't find out. | |
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I don't wanna know what sex my child is until he/she is the age of 18. I don't want society to drive what gender he/she associates best with. My Mario Kart Wii Friend Code: 2020-0055-3691
Let's Race!!!! Vrrrrrooooooooooooommmmm!!! Orgnote me! | |
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hubby wanted 2 know, so we found out....
guess what....they were wrong seems that i was busy doing something close to nothing, but different than the day before | |
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I wouldn't want to know... Maybe we can go to the movies and cry together | |
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the first one was a surprise
the next 2 I could not stand not knowing I even named them both before they were born | |
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Ill add a reply to this.
In my family there is no need for the fancy tests they have to determine a boy or a girl in the womb/making.Its fail proof and has been correct through our family for a LONG time. If the woman is having a GIRL in our family she has morning sickness the first 3-4 months of pregnancy. And will crave the taste of lemons and eating them 24/7.(This is true, I did this with my own daughter 12 years ago) If the woman is having a BOY in our family she will NOT get the morning sickness, OR she will literaly smell the food coming from the television and barf then. ( my mom did this with my younger brother and my sister did the same when being preggers with her son). It work different with every family and Im not saying all familys do things the same. Smurf theme song-seriously how many fucking "La Las" can u fit into a dam song
Proud Wendy and Lisa Fancy Lesbian asskisser | |
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I say yea to finding out, unless of course you plan to abort the "wrong" sex then I'd say
My wife is an obstetrician so I said I wanted to know cus she was getting scanned almost every week and would have found out anyway - I wanted to be in the loop! Happy is he who finds out the causes for things.Virgil (70-19 BC). Virgil was such a lying bastard! | |
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I don't want kids but if hell freezes over and that changes AND I was preggers I don't think I'd want to find out. If I did I sure as hell wouldn't tell anyone else the sex because I *HATE* that people always buy pink, frilly shit for girls and blue shit for boys. I would specifically request that people buy gender neutral baby clothes, seriously. I have a 5 year old niece and have yet to buy her anything frilly or pink!
My good friend is expecting and they found out they were having a girl. (Which I bought light green outfits for. lol.) She said a lot of people kept asking why didn't they want to be surprised. She was like, we were still surprised when we found out--it was just before the baby was born. | |
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I'm too impatient, I need to know Rhythm floods my heart♥The melody it feeds my soul | |
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