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Reply #180 posted 12/05/07 6:01pm


ButterscotchPimp said:

just some reading material.....

Rob Stein
Washington Post
Aug. 23, 2006 12:00 AM

WASHINGTON - Bad news for all those baby boomers starting to pile on the pounds as they go through middle age: You don't have to be obese, just a little overweight, to increase your risk of dying prematurely, according to a large government study.

The 10-year study of more than 500,000 U.S. adults found that those who were just slightly overweight in their 50s were 20 to 40 percent more likely to die in the next decade. Another study involving more than 1 million South Korean adults, also being published in this week's New England Journal of Medicine, produced similar results.

The studies, both released Tuesday, were aimed at helping resolve a long debate over whether the millions of Americans who are not obese but are nevertheless considered overweight are at significant risk. advertisement

"These findings are very important," said Michael Leitzmann of the National Cancer Institute, which led the U.S. study. "A substantial proportion of the population in the U.S. is overweight. So if overweight is related to premature death, that's very important to public health."

The findings are particularly relevant to the large number of baby boomers who are going through that critical period of middle age when people typically gain weight.

"What we need to do is try to encourage people to maintain a healthy weight and avoid weight gain," Leitzmann said.

The findings were welcomed by public health and obesity experts as powerful new evidence that people should do whatever they can to maintain a healthful weight.

"The take-home message is that if you are not obese but just overweight, it's still a good idea to lose weight," said Thomas Wadden, president of the Obesity Society. "It's kind of a bummer, but maybe this will help motivate people that it's time to do something about their weight."

Skeptics, however, remain unconvinced, saying the analysis was flawed and would alarm people unnecessarily.

"I think they are just adding to the obesity hysteria," said Glenn Gaesser of the University of Virginia at Charlottesville. "They are presenting the data in a way that paints overweight and obesity in the worst possible light. It's not as bad as they make it seem."

Studies clearly show that obesity increases the risk for a host of ailments - including heart disease, diabetes, cancer and arthritis - and that obese people are more likely to die prematurely.

Although people who are overweight but not obese have been found to have an increased risk of diabetes and are more likely to have high blood pressure and cholesterol levels that put them at increased risk of heart attacks, it has been unclear whether they are more likely to die prematurely.

In the hope of helping settle the question, the National Cancer Institute launched the new study, involving 527,265 men and women ages 50 to 71. The researchers asked the subjects detailed questions about their health and lifestyles, including their diet and physical activity, as well as their height and weight, including how much they weighed when they were 50.

After a decade, the researchers found that those who were overweight when they were 50 were at significantly elevated risk of dying prematurely and that those who were obese were two to three times more likely. Just being overweight was not nearly as dangerous but still boosted the risk by 20 to 40 percent, the study said.

But other researchers are not convinced, saying the findings are questionable for a number of reasons, including the fact that the weight data relied on the participants' recollections, which are notoriously unreliable, instead of direct measurements. Also, the sample was not necessarily representative of the general population.

"I feel like the researchers were trying to manipulate their data to match their conclusion," said Linda Bacon of the University of California-Davis.

Other researchers said they hoped to move the debate beyond arguing over what level of being overweight was dangerous to focusing on finding better ways to prevent people from gaining weight in the first place.

Wait 10 minutes to a year and the tide changes...

updated 6:51 p.m. ET, Tues., Nov. 6, 2007

Being a little heavy may have some benefits
Study: Those up to 25 pounds overweight may better survive some illnesses

CHICAGO - Being 25 pounds overweight doesn’t appear to raise your risk of dying from cancer or heart disease, says a new government study that seems to vindicate Grandma’s claim that a few extra pounds won’t kill you.

Released just a few weeks before Thanksgiving, the findings might comfort some who can’t seem to lose those last 15 pounds. And they hearten proponents of a theory that it’s possible to be “fit and fat.”

The news isn’t all good: Overweight people do have a higher chance of dying from diabetes and kidney disease.

And people who are obese — generally those more than 30 pounds overweight for their height — have a higher risk of death from a variety of ills, including some cancers and heart disease.

'A conundrum'
However, having a little extra weight actually seemed to help people survive some illnesses — results that baffled several leading health researchers.

“This is a very puzzling disconnect,” said Dr. JoAnn Manson, chief of preventive medicine at Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “That is a conundrum.”

It was the second study by the same government scientists who two years ago first suggested that deaths from being too fat were overstated.

The new report further analyzed the same data, this time looking at specific causes of death along with new mortality figures from 2004 for 2.3 million U.S. adults.

“Excess weight does not uniformly increase the risk of mortality from any and every cause, but only from certain causes,” said the study’s lead author Katherine Flegal, of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The study, which appears in Wednesday’s Journal of the American Medical Association, analyzed the body-mass index of people who died from various diseases.

In many cases, the risks of death were substantial for obese people — those with a body-mass index, or BMI, of at least 30.

Specifically, obesity raised the risk of death from heart disease, diabetes and kidney disease, and several cancers previously linked with excess weight, including breast, colon and pancreatic cancer.

Less likely to die of pneumonia
But being merely overweight — having a BMI between 25 and 30 — did not increase the risk of dying from heart disease or any kind of cancer.

Also surprising was that overweight people were up to about 40 percent less likely than normal-weight people to die from several other causes including emphysema, pneumonia, injuries and various infections. The age group that seemed to benefit most from a little extra padding were people aged 25 to 59; older overweight people had reduced risks for these diseases, too.

Why extra fat isn’t always deadly and might even help people survive some illnesses is unclear and in fact disputed by many health experts.

But University of South Carolina obesity researcher Steven Blair, who says people can be fat and fit, is a believer. He called the report a careful and plausible analysis, and said Americans have been whipped into a “near hysteria” by hype over the nation’s obesity epidemic.

While the epidemic is real, the number of deaths attributed to it and to being overweight has been exaggerated, Blair said.

People should focus instead on healthful eating and exercise, and stop obsessing about carrying a few extra pounds or becoming supermodel thin, Blair said.

He says his hefty grandmother used to justify her extra padding, saying, ’“That way I have protection in case I get sick.’ Maybe there is something to that.”

A little extra weight might provide “additional nutritional reserves” that could help people battle certain diseases, Flegal said.

Dr. Robert Eckel, a spokesman for the American Heart Association, argued that the results may be misleading. For example, diabetes and heart disease often occur together and both often afflict overweight people. So when diabetes is listed as a cause of death, heart disease could have contributed, he said.

Eckel also said the study results might reflect aggressive efforts to treat high blood pressure and cholesterol or other conditions that can lead to fatal heart attacks. Those conditions often occur in overweight people and can be costly and debilitating even if they aren’t always deadly, he said.

Obesity researcher Barry Popkin of the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, agreed, noting that the study “is about death. This is not about health and sickness.”

It doesn’t address whether cancer and heart disease occur more often in overweight people — something that has been suggested by other research.

Dr. Michael Thun of the American Cancer Society noted that staying slim tops a recent list of recommendations for preventing cancer in a report from the World Cancer Research Fund and American Institute for Cancer Research. The report was based on a review of more than 7,000 studies.
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Reply #181 posted 12/05/07 6:21pm



Rhondab said:

NDRU said:

that's a little harsh. We get all upset when someone bashes a woman who is ten pounds overweight, but for some reason it's okay to say a thin woman looks nasty & sick?

Paris isn't my type, but she doesn't exactly look like she's starving to death.

Oh give me a breka...really. Most of the time the skinny chicks get NOTHING but love. I don't care if they look close to death.

10 pounds over weight isn't extreme.....

Nicole is extreme...thus to me yeah...nasty and sick.

I'm not saying what body type you should think is beautiful.

All I'm saying is we all know it's rude to tell someone they're overweight, but people feel free to tell you you're too skinny.

People said it to me and it was fucked up, same as if they said I was getting chubby.

If they're not actually anorexic, then it's just another way for normal healthy people (who aren't on magazine covers) to feel bad about themselves.
[Edited 12/5/07 10:24am]
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Reply #182 posted 12/05/07 6:30pm


NDRU said:

Rhondab said:

Oh give me a breka...really. Most of the time the skinny chicks get NOTHING but love. I don't care if they look close to death.

10 pounds over weight isn't extreme.....

Nicole is extreme...thus to me yeah...nasty and sick.

I'm not saying what body type you should think is beautiful.

All I'm saying is we all know it's rude to tell someone they're overweight, but people feel free to tell you you're too skinny.

People said it to me and it was fucked up, same as if they said I was getting chubby.

If they're not actually anorexic, then it's just another way for normal healthy people (who aren't on magazine covers) to feel bad about themselves.
[Edited 12/5/07 10:24am]

you're right. people can be really bitchy towards others who are especially thin and for some reason that's okay. confused
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Reply #183 posted 12/05/07 6:44pm


evenstar said:

NDRU said:

I'm not saying what body type you should think is beautiful.

All I'm saying is we all know it's rude to tell someone they're overweight, but people feel free to tell you you're too skinny.

People said it to me and it was fucked up, same as if they said I was getting chubby.

If they're not actually anorexic, then it's just another way for normal healthy people (who aren't on magazine covers) to feel bad about themselves.
[Edited 12/5/07 10:24am]

you're right. people can be really bitchy towards others who are especially thin and for some reason that's okay. confused

The screwy thing about that is that some really thin women can't help. This one chick I know eats more than I would eat, even when I was one-hundred pounds heavier. However, she would stay stick thin. And, it wasn't her fault. But, the thing about a lot really thin women is that they like to flaunt it in a condescending matter as if they think that someone at a stable weighing range or even maybe just a bit chubby is actually obese.confused

I mean, really. Tell me I'm lying, here! I know that Kate Moss and lots of other women at that size are fucking cunts to a lot of people. I mean, two wrongs don't make a right, but if we're going to be pointing our fingers at a specific crowd, then it just won't be fair to the others that are left out.
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Reply #184 posted 12/05/07 6:54pm



FarrahMoan said:

evenstar said:

you're right. people can be really bitchy towards others who are especially thin and for some reason that's okay. confused

The screwy thing about that is that some really thin women can't help. This one chick I know eats more than I would eat, even when I was one-hundred pounds heavier. However, she would stay stick thin. And, it wasn't her fault. But, the thing about a lot really thin women is that they like to flaunt it in a condescending matter as if they think that someone at a stable weighing range or even maybe just a bit chubby is actually obese.confused

I mean, really. Tell me I'm lying, here! I know that Kate Moss and lots of other women at that size are fucking cunts to a lot of people. I mean, two wrongs don't make a right, but if we're going to be pointing our fingers at a specific crowd, then it just won't be fair to the others that are left out.

That's exactly it. As a guy I was always self conscious about being too skinny. I used to work out, eat protein shakes, and I was still skinny, but healthy.

When people used to say "eat! you're too skinny" it made me feel like shit because I'd been trying to gain weight for years. They just thought I was lucky--have a few pancakes and enjoy it, right? Nope.
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Reply #185 posted 12/05/07 7:04pm


evenstar said:

NDRU said:

I'm not saying what body type you should think is beautiful.

All I'm saying is we all know it's rude to tell someone they're overweight, but people feel free to tell you you're too skinny.

People said it to me and it was fucked up, same as if they said I was getting chubby.

If they're not actually anorexic, then it's just another way for normal healthy people (who aren't on magazine covers) to feel bad about themselves.
[Edited 12/5/07 10:24am]

you're right. people can be really bitchy towards others who are especially thin and for some reason that's okay. confused

are you guys serious? lol

At the end of the day its all wrong on both sides BUT this sudden cry me a river for women who are too thin is really ....odd. The media does nothing BUT promote super thin as ideal and something to be desired and yet its bad for someone to say.....ugh not for me/that looks bad.

When my mom got down to a size 6 and it looked nasty, I said, that is looks nasty. When my ass got too fat, she said, your ass is too fat. shrug

I'm all for fairness. I don't think NATURALLY thin women get a beat down AT ALL.
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Reply #186 posted 12/05/07 7:09pm


evenstar said:

NDRU said:

I'm not saying what body type you should think is beautiful.

All I'm saying is we all know it's rude to tell someone they're overweight, but people feel free to tell you you're too skinny.

People said it to me and it was fucked up, same as if they said I was getting chubby.

If they're not actually anorexic, then it's just another way for normal healthy people (who aren't on magazine covers) to feel bad about themselves.
[Edited 12/5/07 10:24am]

you're right. people can be really bitchy towards others who are especially thin and for some reason that's okay. confused

are you guys serious? lol

At the end of the day its all wrong on both sides BUT this sudden cry me a river for women who are too thin is really ....odd. The media does nothing BUT promote super thin as ideal and something to be desired and yet its bad for someone to say.....ugh not for me/that looks bad.

When my mom got down to a size 6 and it looked nasty, I said, that is looks nasty. When my ass got too fat, she said, your ass is too fat. shrug

I'm all for fairness. I don't think NATURALLY thin women get a beat down AT ALL.
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Reply #187 posted 12/05/07 7:09pm


Rhondab said:

evenstar said:

you're right. people can be really bitchy towards others who are especially thin and for some reason that's okay. confused

are you guys serious? lol

At the end of the day its all wrong on both sides BUT this sudden cry me a river for women who are too thin is really ....odd. The media does nothing BUT promote super thin as ideal and something to be desired and yet its bad for someone to say.....ugh not for me/that looks bad.

When my mom got down to a size 6 and it looked nasty, I said, that is looks nasty. When my ass got too fat, she said, your ass is too fat. shrug

I'm all for fairness. I don't think NATURALLY thin women get a beat down AT ALL.

it's one thing to think that, but to criticize other people's natural body types (not saying that most of the women in the media are naturally that thin lol), is kinda shitty. you'd probably think my little sister's disgustingly thin, but that's just her body type. she has gotten SO much shit her entire life from other girls criticizing her/making fun of how thin she is. why is okay to say someone looks 'nasty' if they're built that way?
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Reply #188 posted 12/05/07 7:13pm



NDRU said:

Rhondab said:

Oh give me a breka...really. Most of the time the skinny chicks get NOTHING but love. I don't care if they look close to death.

10 pounds over weight isn't extreme.....

Nicole is extreme...thus to me yeah...nasty and sick.

I'm not saying what body type you should think is beautiful.

All I'm saying is we all know it's rude to tell someone they're overweight, but people feel free to tell you you're too skinny.

People said it to me and it was fucked up, same as if they said I was getting chubby.

If they're not actually anorexic, then it's just another way for normal healthy people (who aren't on magazine covers) to feel bad about themselves.
[Edited 12/5/07 10:24am]

thumbs up!

A GREAT point.
Believe me, i get shit from my family and friends CONSTANTLY for being "too thin".

Fat people don't want you to point out that they're overweight but usually don't have a problem at all telling someone that they're too skinny.

I like how i look. i'm 5'9" and 130 lbs. It works FOR ME.
If you're fat and you like how you look, great!!!!
Again, at the end of the day be true to YOURSELF!!!!!

But to re-direct, i'm supposed to feel bad for a chick who's "barely an actress" and basically got famous for being a skinny, cute chick with a huge natural rack, and is now mad that the same media that made her rich has now noticed that her ass and legs have caught up with her boobs?

y'all gone keep messin' around wit me and turn me back to the old me......
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Reply #189 posted 12/05/07 7:21pm


evenstar said:

Rhondab said:

are you guys serious? lol

At the end of the day its all wrong on both sides BUT this sudden cry me a river for women who are too thin is really ....odd. The media does nothing BUT promote super thin as ideal and something to be desired and yet its bad for someone to say.....ugh not for me/that looks bad.

When my mom got down to a size 6 and it looked nasty, I said, that is looks nasty. When my ass got too fat, she said, your ass is too fat. shrug

I'm all for fairness. I don't think NATURALLY thin women get a beat down AT ALL.

it's one thing to think that, but to criticize other people's natural body types (not saying that most of the women in the media are naturally that thin lol), is kinda shitty. you'd probably think my little sister's disgustingly thin, but that's just her body type. she has gotten SO much shit her entire life from other girls criticizing her/making fun of how thin she is. why is okay to say someone looks 'nasty' if they're built that way?

It isn't exactly right. Especially if she isn't flaunting it, snootily (I'm not saying that she is. So, please cope with me on this one.). But, a lot of women are. A lot of people that judge either side might just be self-conscious. Others might voice that someone being skinny is disgusting because the roles are often switched to other side, moreso.

But, say if, like in your baby sister's case, she can't help that her weight is stagnant and she's often a sweet girl that won't go around pointing fingers at someone she may feel is a bit too chubby or thick for her eyes, then I feel for that sort of person. But, there aren't a lot of people like that.

That's my point. Either way, either side; it isn't really mature. But, in a lot of cases, the reasons for the snootily thin ones being as thin as they are is because they spare "LOTS" of food as in either using the anorexia or bulemia methods just to get by. I'm just saying.....
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Reply #190 posted 12/05/07 7:21pm



Rhondab said:

evenstar said:

you're right. people can be really bitchy towards others who are especially thin and for some reason that's okay. confused

are you guys serious? lol

At the end of the day its all wrong on both sides BUT this sudden cry me a river for women who are too thin is really ....odd. The media does nothing BUT promote super thin as ideal and something to be desired and yet its bad for someone to say.....ugh not for me/that looks bad.

When my mom got down to a size 6 and it looked nasty, I said, that is looks nasty. When my ass got too fat, she said, your ass is too fat. shrug

I'm all for fairness. I don't think NATURALLY thin women get a beat down AT ALL.

I know where you're coming from. This culture celebrates skinny people. But that's where my problem comes from.

Our culture will tell you you're overweight, but most people wouldn't say it to your face. But people will say right to you're face if you're too skinny.

And unless you're truly truly unhealthy, people shouldn't be saying either unless they want their own flaws pointed out to them. smile
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Reply #191 posted 12/05/07 7:34pm


ButterscotchPimp said:

I like how i look. i'm 5'9" and 130 lbs. It works FOR ME.
If you're fat and you like how you look, great!!!!
Again, at the end of the day be true to YOURSELF!!!!!

But to re-direct, i'm supposed to feel bad for a chick who's "barely an actress" and basically got famous for being a skinny, cute chick with a huge natural rack, and is now mad that the same media that made her rich has now noticed that her ass and legs have caught up with her boobs?


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Reply #192 posted 12/05/07 7:59pm



FarrahMoan said:

evenstar said:

you're right. people can be really bitchy towards others who are especially thin and for some reason that's okay. confused

The screwy thing about that is that some really thin women can't help. This one chick I know eats more than I would eat, even when I was one-hundred pounds heavier. However, she would stay stick thin. And, it wasn't her fault. But, the thing about a lot really thin women is that they like to flaunt it in a condescending matter as if they think that someone at a stable weighing range or even maybe just a bit chubby is actually obese.confused

I mean, really. Tell me I'm lying, here! I know that Kate Moss and lots of other women at that size are fucking cunts to a lot of people. I mean, two wrongs don't make a right, but if we're going to be pointing our fingers at a specific crowd, then it just won't be fair to the others that are left out.

yeah the more common judgement is against being overweight. I have heard people saying 20 pounds overweight is obese! fucking crazy
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Reply #193 posted 12/05/07 8:07pm


this is why people take drugs stoned
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Reply #194 posted 12/05/07 8:10pm



and to throw out an example that's near and dear to my heart?

I was in LOVE with Amy before. HOT and healthy.
Now, not so much.....
y'all gone keep messin' around wit me and turn me back to the old me......
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Reply #195 posted 12/05/07 8:19pm



ButterscotchPimp said:

and to throw out an example that's near and dear to my heart?

I was in LOVE with Amy before. HOT and healthy.
Now, not so much.....

Not saying she's not really skinny, because she is, but part of what's alarming about her & nicole isn't just being skinny, but the massive change they underwent.

Someone starts losing/gaining tons of weight and you wonder why, and when it's going to stop.

Staying at a consistent weight, thin or round, is healthier than up & down.
[Edited 12/5/07 12:20pm]
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Reply #196 posted 12/05/07 8:22pm



NDRU said:

ButterscotchPimp said:

and to throw out an example that's near and dear to my heart?

I was in LOVE with Amy before. HOT and healthy.
Now, not so much.....

Not saying she's not really skinny, because she is, but part of what's alarming about her & nicole isn't just being skinny, but the massive change they underwent.

Someone starts losing/gaining tons of weight and you wonder why, and when it's going to stop.

Staying at a consistent weight, thin or round, is healthier than up & down.
[Edited 12/5/07 12:20pm]

Yes, just think of Janet Jackson and her weight loosing evertime she puts out a new record and gaining so much weight afterwards again disbelief
With a very special thank you to Tina: Is hammer already absolute, how much some people verändern...ICH hope is never so I will be! And if, then I hope that I would then have wen in my environment who joins me in the A....
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Reply #197 posted 12/05/07 8:27pm



FarrahMoan said:

evenstar said:

it's one thing to think that, but to criticize other people's natural body types (not saying that most of the women in the media are naturally that thin lol), is kinda shitty. you'd probably think my little sister's disgustingly thin, but that's just her body type. she has gotten SO much shit her entire life from other girls criticizing her/making fun of how thin she is. why is okay to say someone looks 'nasty' if they're built that way?

It isn't exactly right. Especially if she isn't flaunting it, snootily (I'm not saying that she is. So, please cope with me on this one.). But, a lot of women are. A lot of people that judge either side might just be self-conscious. Others might voice that someone being skinny is disgusting because the roles are often switched to other side, moreso.

But, say if, like in your baby sister's case, she can't help that her weight is stagnant and she's often a sweet girl that won't go around pointing fingers at someone she may feel is a bit too chubby or thick for her eyes, then I feel for that sort of person. But, there aren't a lot of people like that.

That's my point. Either way, either side; it isn't really mature. But, in a lot of cases, the reasons for the snootily thin ones being as thin as they are is because they spare "LOTS" of food as in either using the anorexia or bulemia methods just to get by. I'm just saying.....

Well some skinny people critisize less skinny people of being fat and some not so skinny folks make stupid comments about people who are too skinny in their opinion. Personally I don't think that the skinny people do it more than the not so skinny ones.
And I don't agree that most skinny peole are " using the anorexia or bulemia methods". IMO in most cases it is their netural body-type.
With a very special thank you to Tina: Is hammer already absolute, how much some people verändern...ICH hope is never so I will be! And if, then I hope that I would then have wen in my environment who joins me in the A....
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Reply #198 posted 12/05/07 8:31pm


Fast metabolism is a blessing. Believe me....
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Reply #199 posted 12/05/07 8:47pm



The bottom line is people seem to think that they have the right to comment, and cruelly I must add, about someone's weight, or lack there of.

Just because someone is in the public eye doesn't mean that hearing/reading all the extremely nasty, very hurtful comments doesn't have a profound effect on them...that it doesn't hurt them. So they're rich, so they're famous, who fucking cares? Shit like this still hurts no matter who you are.

The reason someone like Nicole is so thin is because she has an illness that was most likely brought on by all the comments about her being fat. The same goes for Lindsey Lohan.

It always amazes me how cruel people can be to each other. I've said it time and time again on here. It doesn't matter if it stems from envy or out of genuine concern for someone, whatever the reason - the cruel comments that some people say will always say much more about them then the person they are talking about. That they are cruel and it makes them despicable people in my eyes.

We live in an age where people take no accountability for the things they say.
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Reply #200 posted 12/05/07 8:51pm


JustErin said:

The bottom line is people seem to think that they have the right to comment, and cruelly I must add, about someone's weight, or lack there of.

Just because someone is in the public eye doesn't mean that hearing/reading all the extremely nasty, very hurtful comments doesn't have a profound effect on them...that it doesn't hurt them. So they're rich, so they're famous, who fucking cares? Shit like this still hurts no matter who you are.

The reason someone like Nicole is so thin is because she has an illness that was most likely brought on by all the comments about her being fat. The same goes for Lindsey Lohan.

It always amazes me how cruel people can be to each other. I've said it time and time again on here. It doesn't matter if it stems from envy or out of genuine concern for someone, whatever the reason - the cruel comments that some people say will always say much more about them then the person they are talking about. That they are cruel and it makes them despicable people in my eyes.

We live in an age where people take no accountability for the things they say.

dead on. clapping
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Reply #201 posted 12/05/07 8:55pm


JustErin said:

The bottom line is people seem to think that they have the right to comment, and cruelly I must add, about someone's weight, or lack there of.

Just because someone is in the public eye doesn't mean that hearing/reading all the extremely nasty, very hurtful comments doesn't have a profound effect on them...that it doesn't hurt them. So they're rich, so they're famous, who fucking cares? Shit like this still hurts no matter who you are.

The reason someone like Nicole is so thin is because she has an illness that was most likely brought on by all the comments about her being fat. The same goes for Lindsey Lohan.

It always amazes me how cruel people can be to each other. I've said it time and time again on here. It doesn't matter if it stems from envy or out of genuine concern for someone, whatever the reason - the cruel comments that some people say will always say much more about them then the person they are talking about. That they are cruel and it makes them despicable people in my eyes.

We live in an age where people take no accountability for the things they say.

Since when in the hell was Lindsay Lohan "EVER" fat? Since when in the hell was Lindsay Lohan "EVER" chubby? When she had first turned the age of eighteen, she was at a pretty desirable thickness range. Not too big. Not too small. Then, six months of that thickness was up when she decided to reduce her breast size and lose weight off of her glutes. A bit too much, quite frankly. Which brings the question back. Since when was the lady "FAT?!!?" Quite frankly, she was nearly the perfect type of "THICK" at one brief time (As mentioned above.). Not to analyze too much, :boxed even though you probably won't catch this damn post, anyhow.....
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Reply #202 posted 12/05/07 8:58pm



FarrahMoan said:

JustErin said:

The bottom line is people seem to think that they have the right to comment, and cruelly I must add, about someone's weight, or lack there of.

Just because someone is in the public eye doesn't mean that hearing/reading all the extremely nasty, very hurtful comments doesn't have a profound effect on them...that it doesn't hurt them. So they're rich, so they're famous, who fucking cares? Shit like this still hurts no matter who you are.

The reason someone like Nicole is so thin is because she has an illness that was most likely brought on by all the comments about her being fat. The same goes for Lindsey Lohan.

It always amazes me how cruel people can be to each other. I've said it time and time again on here. It doesn't matter if it stems from envy or out of genuine concern for someone, whatever the reason - the cruel comments that some people say will always say much more about them then the person they are talking about. That they are cruel and it makes them despicable people in my eyes.

We live in an age where people take no accountability for the things they say.

Since when in the hell was Lindsay Lohan "EVER" fat? Since when in the hell was Lindsay Lohan "EVER" chubby? When she had first turned the age of eighteen, she was at a pretty desirable thickness range. Not too big. Not too small. Then, six months of that thickness was up when she decided to reduce her breast size and lose weight off of her glutes. A bit too much, quite frankly. Which brings the question back. Since when was the lady "FAT?!!?" Quite frankly, she was nearly the perfect type of "THICK" at one brief time (As mentioned above.). Not to analyze too much, :boxed even though you probably won't catch this damn post, anyhow.....

Dude, that chick was ridiculed on the net for being too fat.

I for one am sure as hell not saying the girl was ever fat...but I remember all the nasty comments about her at one time.
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Reply #203 posted 12/05/07 9:10pm


JustErin said:

FarrahMoan said:

Since when in the hell was Lindsay Lohan "EVER" fat? Since when in the hell was Lindsay Lohan "EVER" chubby? When she had first turned the age of eighteen, she was at a pretty desirable thickness range. Not too big. Not too small. Then, six months of that thickness was up when she decided to reduce her breast size and lose weight off of her glutes. A bit too much, quite frankly. Which brings the question back. Since when was the lady "FAT?!!?" Quite frankly, she was nearly the perfect type of "THICK" at one brief time (As mentioned above.). Not to analyze too much, :boxed even though you probably won't catch this damn post, anyhow.....

Dude, that chick was ridiculed on the net for being too fat.

I for one am sure as hell not saying the girl was ever fat...but I remember all the nasty comments about her at one time.

Well, I don't know why. But, the media is like that. Paparazzi are basically stalkers with cameras. Oh, wow. Even worse. Not only can I stalk my favorite celebrity/celebrities (As long as I have I camera.), but I could make their lives a living hell by invading their privacy and the privacy of their other tangible loved-ones, record it on camera for my own (And maybe even the rest of the viewing world's pleasure.) entertainment, and not get away with it. What's next, huh? Do I get permission to knock them unconscious, have my way with them, and put it on tape as legalized rape. It's all the same. Our priorities and many of our standards are fucked-up! Sadly, this ain't just an American Quality. It's a global flaw.....
[Edited 12/5/07 13:10pm]
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Reply #204 posted 12/05/07 9:14pm



FarrahMoan said:

JustErin said:

Dude, that chick was ridiculed on the net for being too fat.

I for one am sure as hell not saying the girl was ever fat...but I remember all the nasty comments about her at one time.

Well, I don't know why. But, the media is like that. Paparazzi are basically stalkers with cameras. Oh, wow. Even worse. Not only can I stalk my favorite celebrity/celebrities (As long as I have I camera.), but I could make their lives a living hell by invading their privacy and the privacy of their other tangible loved-ones, record it on camera for my own (And maybe even the rest of the viewing world's pleasure.) entertainment, and not get away with it. What's next, huh? Do I get permission to knock them unconscious, have my way with them, and put it on tape as legalized rape. It's all the same. Our priorities and many of our standards are fucked-up! Sadly, this ain't just an American Quality. It's a global flaw.....
[Edited 12/5/07 13:10pm]

But we (and certainly not everyone of us, but a it seems a lot of people) are the ones who buy the magazines and watch the programs where such paparazzi shots are shown. The paparazzi wouldn't care to "stalk" any celebrity if they couldn't make crazy amounts of money because there is a market for their pictures.
With a very special thank you to Tina: Is hammer already absolute, how much some people verändern...ICH hope is never so I will be! And if, then I hope that I would then have wen in my environment who joins me in the A....
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Reply #205 posted 12/05/07 9:23pm


Serious said:

FarrahMoan said:

Well, I don't know why. But, the media is like that. Paparazzi are basically stalkers with cameras. Oh, wow. Even worse. Not only can I stalk my favorite celebrity/celebrities (As long as I have I camera.), but I could make their lives a living hell by invading their privacy and the privacy of their other tangible loved-ones, record it on camera for my own (And maybe even the rest of the viewing world's pleasure.) entertainment, and not get away with it. What's next, huh? Do I get permission to knock them unconscious, have my way with them, and put it on tape as legalized rape. It's all the same. Our priorities and many of our standards are fucked-up! Sadly, this ain't just an American Quality. It's a global flaw.....
[Edited 12/5/07 13:10pm]

But we (and certainly not everyone of us, but a it seems a lot of people) are the ones who buy the magazines and watch the programs where such paparazzi shots are shown. The paparazzi wouldn't care to "stalk" any celebrity if they couldn't make crazy amounts of money because there is a market for their pictures.

Honestly, I've gotten so used to hear about all of the drama that it's boring even seeing "THE COVER" of "The Enquirer" lying of cheapened newsstands. We already have "SUPPOSEDLY" established unreliable news outlets in the world, as is.

We don't need jokes and lowlifes for legalized stalkers and publishers that get off ("CONSTANTLY!!!!") at the adversity of celebrities who might or might not be struggling to live their everyday life.

What happened to boundaries? What happened to limits? This and a lot of other things like piracy are the reason for the abysmal breakdown that the "WHOLE" entertainment universe suffers from. Nothing is subtle, anymore. Nothing is surprising.
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Reply #206 posted 12/05/07 11:50pm


JustErin said:

Just because someone is in the public eye doesn't mean that hearing/reading all the extremely nasty, very hurtful comments doesn't have a profound effect on them...that it doesn't hurt them. So they're rich, so they're famous, who fucking cares? Shit like this still hurts no matter who you are

But that's the price of fame. You put yourself out there, everyone(from the media to the average joe on the street) is going to comment. Might not be fair, but it's the rules of the game.

Bottom lne, humans basically suck.
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Reply #207 posted 12/05/07 11:59pm


ButterscotchPimp said:

and to throw out an example that's near and dear to my heart?

I was in LOVE with Amy before. HOT and healthy.
Now, not so much.....

agree 100%....damn, she had a kick-ass body, but now....

Amy, come back to us.
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Reply #208 posted 12/06/07 1:46am


CalhounSq said:

purplesweat said:

Nicole is looking a lot healthier since pregnancy, people :

falloff Are you on crack?? She's looking healthier BECAUSE she's pregnant!! lol As if she gained a decent amount of weight FIRST & then got pregnant, please hammer Good Lord...

Learn to read. I said SINCE pregnancy!!!!
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Reply #209 posted 12/06/07 2:16am





purplesweat said:

CalhounSq said:

falloff Are you on crack?? She's looking healthier BECAUSE she's pregnant!! lol As if she gained a decent amount of weight FIRST & then got pregnant, please hammer Good Lord...

Learn to read. I said SINCE pregnancy!!!!

The baby is growing mushy

Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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