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Reply #30 posted 10/10/07 4:14pm




Mach said:

CarrieMpls said:

But I think the really huge cartoon breasts are distasteful as well. I just think they can be more out of proportion before they reach comical/parody status.

Yes, Vida's ass is a parody of an ass .

someone is going to use that in their quote/sig line fer sure

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Reply #31 posted 10/10/07 4:29pm


Imago said:

It's about depndent origination, a fundemetal buddhist concept, and the foundation for the Holy Eightfold path!

The Christians get to keep their threads, and there are plenty of asses on those! mad

I keed, I keed.

Are you saying there were words under that picture? Seriously?
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Reply #32 posted 10/10/07 6:31pm



This broad makes me want to vomit lol
2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past....
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Reply #33 posted 10/10/07 6:33pm


SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said:

This board makes me want to vomit lol

no no no! should not talk about P&R that way

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Reply #34 posted 10/10/07 6:40pm



Mach said:

SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said:

This board makes me want to vomit lol

no no no! should not talk about P&R that way



lol Seriously, I want to chop that ridiculous siliconed bullshit off her backside lol
2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past....
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Reply #35 posted 10/10/07 6:48pm


SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said:

Mach said:

no no no! should not talk about P&R that way



lol Seriously, I want to chop that ridiculous siliconed bullshit off her backside lol

My friend, and I say this with all {ahem} sincerity, you are not qualified to perform operations on females' posteriors.

Leave that to professionals like me.

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Reply #36 posted 10/10/07 7:06pm



RodeoSchro said:

SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said:


lol Seriously, I want to chop that ridiculous siliconed bullshit off her backside lol

My friend, and I say this with all {ahem} sincerity, you are not qualified to perform operations on females' posteriors.

Leave that to professionals like me.


The power of Christ Compels you Schro! talk to the hand

2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past....
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Reply #37 posted 10/10/07 7:07pm


SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said:

RodeoSchro said:

My friend, and I say this with all {ahem} sincerity, you are not qualified to perform operations on females' posteriors.

Leave that to professionals like me.


The power of Christ Compels you Schro! talk to the hand



so is that her real bum or is that a fixed photo ?
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Reply #38 posted 10/10/07 7:09pm



Mach said:

SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said:

The power of Christ Compels you Schro! talk to the hand



so is that her real bum or is that a fixed photo ?

It's physically there but I doubt it's real lol Are 2 motorcyclists missing helmets? barf
2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past....
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Reply #39 posted 10/10/07 7:12pm


SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said:

Mach said:


so is that her real bum or is that a fixed photo ?

It's physically there but I doubt it's real lol Are 2 motorcyclists missing helmets? barf

WTF ? implanted butt cheeks ?
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Reply #40 posted 10/10/07 7:13pm


RodeoSchro said:

Imago said:

It's about depndent origination, a fundemetal buddhist concept, and the foundation for the Holy Eightfold path!

The Christians get to keep their threads, and there are plenty of asses on those! mad

I keed, I keed.

Are you saying there were words under that picture? Seriously?

I have no clue what yall ramble on about in this forum anymore!
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Reply #41 posted 10/10/07 7:23pm


Imago said:

RodeoSchro said:

Are you saying there were words under that picture? Seriously?

I have no clue what yall ramble on about in this forum anymore!

I just proved EternalDragon is in a box from which he can never leave, so I guess this forum is pretty much over with.

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Reply #42 posted 10/10/07 7:37pm



Mach said:

SupaFunkyOrgangrinderSexy said:

It's physically there but I doubt it's real lol Are 2 motorcyclists missing helmets? barf

WTF ? implanted butt cheeks ?

this type of cosmetic surgery is quite popular. neutral
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Reply #43 posted 10/10/07 8:05pm


XxAxX said:

Mach said:

WTF ? implanted butt cheeks ?

this type of cosmetic surgery is quite popular. neutral
WTH eek

Stop the planet I want off
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Reply #44 posted 10/10/07 8:07pm



Mach said:

XxAxX said:

this type of cosmetic surgery is quite popular. neutral
WTH eek

Stop the planet I want off

I used to see this transexual around who had an ass 3 times that size on a regualar sized body. No way was that shit natural lol
2010: Healing the Wounds of the Past....
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Reply #45 posted 10/10/07 8:59pm



I got Bootay, not booty.
Just saying.
No More Haters on the Internet.
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Reply #46 posted 10/10/07 10:09pm


littlemissG said:

I got Bootay, not booty.
Just saying.

I'm an asstheist myself.
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Reply #47 posted 10/11/07 7:52am


Mach said:

XxAxX said:

this type of cosmetic surgery is quite popular. neutral
WTH eek

Stop the planet I want off

Fake breasts?? Why NOT ass?


It is not for me personally - I gotta love what the creator gave me..well I try to at least confused
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Reply #48 posted 10/11/07 6:33pm


shanti0608 said:

Mach said:

WTH eek

Stop the planet I want off

Fake breasts?? Why NOT ass?


It is not for me personally - I gotta love what the creator gave me..well I try to at least confused

I'm going to give all of you the benefit of the doubt and asume that when you say "fake" breasts, you're using it as an metaphor for the illusion of permanence and the transcient nature of all supposed things even if they appear everlasting and real. shrug
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Reply #49 posted 10/11/07 6:38pm



Imago said:

shanti0608 said:

Fake breasts?? Why NOT ass?


It is not for me personally - I gotta love what the creator gave me..well I try to at least confused

I'm going to give all of you the benefit of the doubt and asume that when you say "fake" breasts, you're using it as an metaphor for the illusion of permanence and the transcient nature of all supposed things even if they appear everlasting and real. shrug

no i think it means as in plastic like these nod

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Reply #50 posted 10/11/07 6:40pm



her name translates as LIFE & WAR.

how you like those apples?

the ancient greek philosopher Heraclitus once said that War is the father of ALL and the king of all. It's all flux, and strife. opposites coincide.

He also said i think that you never poop from the same ass twice.

So i guess that is how i cosmically understand the dependent origination of Vida Guerra's Gluteus Maiximus.
Welcome to the New World Odor and
the Mythmaking Moonbattery of Obamanation.

Chains We Can Bereave In

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Reply #51 posted 10/11/07 6:43pm


HiinEnkelte said:

her name translates as LIFE & WAR.

how you like those apples?


wow ..

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Reply #52 posted 10/11/07 7:05pm



A "Junk in the trunk" thread! Cool! I'm in! razz

nWo: bboy87 - Timmy84 - LittleBlueCorvette - MuthaFunka - phunkdaddy - Christopher

MuthaFunka - popular demand
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Reply #53 posted 10/12/07 4:06am


HiinEnkelte said:

her name translates as LIFE & WAR.

how you like those apples?

the ancient greek philosopher Heraclitus once said that War is the father of ALL and the king of all. It's all flux, and strife. opposites coincide.

He also said i think that you never poop from the same ass twice.

So i guess that is how i cosmically understand the dependent origination of Vida Guerra's Gluteus Maiximus.

Thanks for postig a serious response boo hug

Hericlitus is actually to be considered Sidhartha Guatama's only western contemporary, living around the same time and having the same view on impermanence to some extent I believe.

And like the Buddha, he refuted the idea of any permanence to “things” in the Universe, other than his proclamation that all things are made from atoms and that those are indestructible. But I digress, both would have looked at Vida Guerra’s ass and viewed it not as something to behold as it currently is, but as a frame in a movie that is speeding towards the end. In other words, those plump, juicy lobes of her ass would eventually droop down so low that they sweep up after her when she walks. shrug

However, unless I’m mistaken (And I could very well be as I know little of the Greek Philosopher), Hericlitus would have viewed the process of her ass drooping through time, as a linear set of occurrences. Meaning that Vida’s ass droops down to the floor because i was old. Or that because of time, the sun, and a bad diet, her ass is now a wrinkled old prune. Very much a statement of causation, in a linear fashion, like the drumbeat of time.

The Buddha would have stated that Vida’s ass drooped down so low because of conditions--an entire mesh of conditions, in which the space/time continuum was but one of the factors. Rather than a 1, 2, 3 linear timeline, he would have drawn a huge mesh of interconnected “conditions” and explained the slow decay and drooping of her ass in such a manner.

Why would the distinction even matter? Becuase the interconnected conditions, to the Buddha, is all that is going on. Her ass is made of blood, skin, atoms, bones, etc. etc. and all the conditions which arise to make it such a fine ass. But those conditions are in a flux, like Hericlitus would have agreed. But if you strip away the conditions, then there is no ass to behold. It’s as if the ass is but an illusion, and a desperate “object” that our minds grasp to in order to understand the process of what is taking place.

He would have stated, that there is much drooping, but no ass to be found.

grammar edit
[Edited 10/13/07 14:16pm]
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Reply #54 posted 10/12/07 4:42am


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Reply #55 posted 10/12/07 4:42am


[Edited 10/11/07 21:44pm]
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Reply #56 posted 10/12/07 4:43am


There are no 'things' with independent existence. No essence to something that can be pointed to in order to show 'that' is what 'it' is. There are only interdependent processes. Vida Guerra's ass is divine though, so may well transcend such things, as faith allows. There's no reason why when worship, faith, omnipotence, devotion and things of that ilk are put into the equation that Vida Guerra's ass couldn't be perceived by some as the the hand, or rather, cheeks, that shaped the very 'nature' of how life is, and thus stand, or rather squat, above its constructs. Her face has no case though. It's just a set of interdependent processes that when necessarily fixed into conventional human thinking is a 'thing', that pushed through the metaphorical fruit blender that is the concept of 'quality', produces a jankity beverage of assuredly very mortal conception. barf
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Reply #57 posted 10/12/07 4:48am


Fauxie said:

There are no 'things' with independent existence. No essence to something that can be pointed to in order to show 'that' is what 'it' is. There are only interdependent processes. Vida Guerra's ass is divine though, so may well transcend such things, as faith allows. There's no reason why when worship, faith, omnipotence, devotion and things of that ilk are put into the equation that Vida Guerra's ass couldn't be perceived by some as the the hand, or rather, cheeks, that shaped the very 'nature' of how life is, and thus stand, or rather squat, above its constructs. Her face has no case though. It's just a set of interdependent processes that when necessarily fixed into conventional human thinking is a 'thing', that pushed through the metaphorical fruit blender that is the concept of 'quality', produces a jankity beverage of assuredly very mortal conception. barf

How does a Toaist view her ass?

I mean, I know that Toaism, along with some cofusionism, and to a lesser extent Budhism, influenced Feng Shui, and her ass would be a Feng Shui nightmare. shrug

tha to that edit
[Edited 10/11/07 21:49pm]
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Reply #58 posted 10/12/07 5:16am


Imago said:

Fauxie said:

There are no 'things' with independent existence. No essence to something that can be pointed to in order to show 'that' is what 'it' is. There are only interdependent processes. Vida Guerra's ass is divine though, so may well transcend such things, as faith allows. There's no reason why when worship, faith, omnipotence, devotion and things of that ilk are put into the equation that Vida Guerra's ass couldn't be perceived by some as the the hand, or rather, cheeks, that shaped the very 'nature' of how life is, and thus stand, or rather squat, above its constructs. Her face has no case though. It's just a set of interdependent processes that when necessarily fixed into conventional human thinking is a 'thing', that pushed through the metaphorical fruit blender that is the concept of 'quality', produces a jankity beverage of assuredly very mortal conception. barf

How does a Toaist view her ass?

I mean, I know that Toaism, along with some cofusionism, and to a lesser extent Budhism, influenced Feng Shui, and her ass would be a Feng Shui nightmare. shrug

tha to that edit
[Edited 10/11/07 21:49pm]

Oh, a Taoist would not fixate himself on Vida Guerra's ass, instead like the 'peripheral mind' using his peripheral vision to sneak glances at her voluptuous posterior while meditating first on what happens to his fist when he opens his hand, and then what would happen to Vida Guerra's necessarily but regretably 'good karma regulated' face if he pimp slapped it with resultant palm. barf

Vida Guerra's ass would indeed be a feng shui nightmare, but also a serious temple discipline issue. No-one in their rightmindfulness would allow that ass around a bunch of horny old monks. Think of the robe rage! eek
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Reply #59 posted 10/12/07 5:23am


Fauxie said:

Imago said:

How does a Toaist view her ass?

I mean, I know that Toaism, along with some cofusionism, and to a lesser extent Budhism, influenced Feng Shui, and her ass would be a Feng Shui nightmare. shrug

tha to that edit
[Edited 10/11/07 21:49pm]

Oh, a Taoist would not fixate himself on Vida Guerra's ass, instead like the 'peripheral mind' using his peripheral vision to sneak glances at her voluptuous posterior while meditating first on what happens to his fist when he opens his hand, and then what would happen to Vida Guerra's necessarily but regretably 'good karma regulated' face if he pimp slapped it with resultant palm. barf

Vida Guerra's ass would indeed be a feng shui nightmare, but also a serious temple discipline issue. No-one in their rightmindfulness would allow that ass around a bunch of horny old monks. Think of the robe rage! eek


I think this is one of the better P&R threads. Mach should be proud of me.
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