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Thread started 04/26/07 3:27pm



to concerning possible interaction

with underage myspace user...
sexy lil beast lolzhehehe

the musical project named seven FORBIDS its

music to be played or it's profile(s) to be

viewed by underage (under myspace accepted

guidelines for membership)
children, SEVEN's art is strictly for ADULTS...
this means children are FORBIDDEN to look at,

listen to, talk about, jest, angrily

jesticulate.. or pontificate...

from another page that i had accepted this add

request this person included was asked given

standard add request without any information or

prior email... the email i recieved back was a

simple "ok... "seven" what is your real name?"
seen below is the one response "my real name is:
s=v=n s+v~n(sq2) 7. ...seriously... it is! smile "
i have recieved TWO messages back for the same

one message sent back with no provocation... as

you can see through your records... the message

trade is accurate:

please note the format of reply messages is

message reply first THEN message given replyed


message trail received back is listed below....

ADD REQUEST SENT ~APR 23 or so through standard

click through from

----- Original Message -----




6bbf1d85db70'>sexy lil beast lolz!!!hehehe
Date: Apr 23, 2007 2:31 PM

wuts ur reel name?

recieved this first....

----- Original Message -----





95ef7423a42d'>sexy lil beast lolz!!!hehehe
Date: Apr 24, 2007 2:23 PM

no its not u asshole i dont want to be ur frend

cuz u sound like a stalker got it byby bitch and

never mail me again got it





----- Original Message -----





Date: Apr 24, 2007 9:25 AM

my real name is:
s=v=n s+v~n(sq2) 7.

...seriously... it is! smile

then i received this one later....

mmmmk whatever bitchi still dont want to be ur

freind cause im smarter than i look and im not

falling for some rapest to be my

friend!!!!! got it i dont want to be

raped by a complete psycho or something else



----- Original Message -----

From: seven
Date: Apr 24, 2007 9:25 AM

my real name is:
s=v=n s+v~n(sq2) 7.

...seriously... it is! smile

please note that the time stamp of both messages

are exactly the same... perplexed i looked at my

page and thought maybe the response was elicited

by the michael jackson link... except for one

thing... he wasn't proven guilty in a court of

law... so i looked at the profile and picture...

the picture upon closer inspection is of what

appears to be a 5 year old little girl!!! a

deception that me as a consumer linked to this

website should not have to be exposed to this

possible lapse in security...

this person clearly doesn't belong online on

myspace... there are very clear age restrictions

and this lapse creates unnecessary exposure to

issues that include misunderstandings,

slanderous behavior and possible need to

litigate against this child's parents... this

being the same thing as the man who allowed his

toddler to run around alongside the football

field comes to mind.

i will save these files in my inbox for possible

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Reply #1 posted 04/26/07 3:31pm


So, what is your real name?

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Reply #2 posted 04/26/07 3:32pm


ground control

to major tom

your circuit's dead

there's something wrong

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Reply #3 posted 04/26/07 4:33pm


There's a whole lotta crazy goin' on.
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Reply #4 posted 04/27/07 12:30pm


fathermcmeekle said:

So, what is your real name?


s=v=n s+v~n(sq2) 7. <<<< otherwise known as seven
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Reply #5 posted 04/27/07 12:31pm


live4lust said:

There's a whole lotta crazy goin' on.

yes... AND the earth is spinning silently into the sun smile
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Reply #6 posted 04/27/07 12:32pm


Anx said:

ground control

to major tom

your circuit's dead

there's something wrong


i loved that song... AND the other one by the peppy guy!
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Reply #7 posted 04/27/07 12:45pm


7e7e7 said:

Anx said:

ground control

to major tom

your circuit's dead

there's something wrong


i loved that song... AND the other one by the peppy guy!

i forget that guy's name but i know who you mean lol
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Reply #8 posted 04/28/07 11:43am


Anx said:

7e7e7 said:

i loved that song... AND the other one by the peppy guy!

i forget that guy's name but i know who you mean lol

peter schilling:
major tom (i'm coming home)
This is a sequel to a song by another artist. It's a follow-up to David Bowie's 1969 song "Space Oddity," and continues the story of Major Tom, an astronaut who cuts off communication with Earth and floats into space.
In this song, having determined that Major Tom is, in fact, sober, Earth decides to bring Tom home. However, just as he is about to turn on the thrusters and jet down to Earth, he cuts off communication with the line "Give my wife my love" and turns off the power to the ship. It is assumed that, sadly, Tom died in the process of re-entry, but in fact he has faked his death so he can return to the depths of space, which he now considers his home. (thanks, Brett - Edmonton, Canada)
Bowie released his own sequel to "Space Oddity" in 1980 called "Ashes To Ashes," where Major Tom reestablishes communication with Earth.
Musically, this is nothing like the David Bowie song it is based on. Schilling uses a techno beat on this
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Reply #9 posted 04/28/07 11:46am


lyrics to ashes to ashes (about major tom re-establishing contact with earth)
Do you remember a guy thats been
In such an early song
Ive heard a rumour from ground control
Oh no, dont say its true

They got a message from the action man
Im happy, hope youre happy too
Ive loved all Ive needed love
Sordid details following

The shrieking of nothing is killing
Just pictures of jap girls in synthesis and i
Aint got no money and I aint got no hair
But Im hoping to kick but the planet its glowing

Ashes to ashes, funk to funky
We know major toms a junkie
Strung out in heavens high
Hitting an all-time low

Time and again I tell myself
Ill stay clean tonight
But the little green wheels are following me
Oh no, not again
Im stuck with a valuable friend
Im happy, hope youre happy too
One flash of light but no smoking pistol

I never done good things
I never done bad things
I never did anything out of the blue, woh-o-oh
Want an axe to break the ice
Wanna come down right now

Ashes to ashes, funk to funky
We know major toms a junkie
Strung out in heavens high
Hitting an all-time low

My mother said to get things done
Youd better not mess with major tom
My mother said to get things done
Youd better not mess with major tom
My mother said to get things done
Youd better not mess with major tom
My mother said to get things done
Youd better not mess with major tom

by david bowie
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Reply #10 posted 04/28/07 12:21pm


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Reply #11 posted 04/28/07 12:55pm


heeere am i floating in my tin can

faaar above fuck never mind
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Reply #12 posted 04/28/07 8:18pm


I am confuse oh wait that is normal...but no really what is this all about??
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