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Thread started 04/11/07 2:58pm



Child labour

There is a special part of Hell I'd like to reserve for those arses that order every single Sunday paper. Do you know how heavy that makes the bundle of papers some poor kid (ie me) has to lug around? Funny how your papers always seemed to get mangled in your letterbox...

I loved my paper round, but, looking back, I was getting paid peanuts to ruin my back and cycle around in the cold and dark. How were you exploited as a child?
There's Joy In Expatriation.
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Reply #1 posted 04/11/07 3:04pm





I painted my neighbor's fence and got paid for it.

I did a bit of babysitting.

And just recently I got my social security statement and realized I've been working and paying income taxes since 1991! Half of my life!

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Reply #2 posted 04/11/07 3:05pm


Self chosen exploitation but nevertheless... I went to the stables and worked my ass off, also in the cold and often I was freezing my behind off... why did we do these things? I didn't even start getting paid until I was 14 and I'd been doing pretty much the same shit since I was 8 confused
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Reply #3 posted 04/11/07 3:27pm


I remember when I was around 7 I suddenly got obsessed with the idea of earning a bit of money (maybe because my family's economy was so-so at the time and I had overheard my parents worrying about money), so I decided to go out into the street and sell these tiny ginger bread cookies that we'd made, for around $1 a piece. My mom tried her very best to talk me out of it, but I insisted so out I went into the snow and cold. It didn't take more than 10 minutes or so before an old lady came by and felt sorry for me and bought the whole overpriced lot. I was overjoyed. lol
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Reply #4 posted 04/11/07 3:49pm



retina said:

I remember when I was around 7 I suddenly got obsessed with the idea of earning a bit of money (maybe because my family's economy was so-so at the time and I had overheard my parents worrying about money), so I decided to go out into the street and sell these tiny ginger bread cookies that we'd made, for around $1 a piece. My mom tried her very best to talk me out of it, but I insisted so out I went into the snow and cold. It didn't take more than 10 minutes or so before an old lady came by and felt sorry for me and bought the whole overpriced lot. I was overjoyed. lol

What a cute little Peter you were! smile
This one's for you.
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Reply #5 posted 04/12/07 12:26am



living on the farm meant it was pretty hard to do anything until you had your license. and driving every day was a no no. you only did that for important things. so i babysat. and most times that money went to buying prince albums or cassettes from his back catalogue. smile or later sometimes booze smile
doveShe couldn't stop crying 'cause she knew he was gone to stay dove
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Reply #6 posted 04/12/07 12:37am


Worked for my grandma for a $1.00/h in the 60's mowing her vast lawn and pulling weeds. Had to take a shovel and dig a wedge along the cement driveway and the lawn so it looked finished. (before the days of weedeaters)
Also dug a mound at the base of her 15 trees. (Turned the soil up in a pile)
Painted her "Blessed Virgin" statue in the flower garden and the statue of I forget his name, another saint, Franciscan, at the birdbath. Had to take a wire brush and scrape off the bird doo-doo.
Early jobs teach discipline: showing up on time, doing a job properly, dealing with a boss. Don't regret a minute of it.
When I wasn't doing that, I was helping her make pasta and tortollini. Ricota/spinach, and meat fillings. Notice how I segued into food.. razz
[Edited 4/11/07 17:44pm]
[Edited 4/11/07 19:24pm]
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Reply #7 posted 04/12/07 2:14am



I cleaned my dad's office. Made like $25 per week. I bought a Nintendo, an English saddle (I didn't have a horse, but my neighbor let me ride his, and he only had western saddles). . .untold quantities of Laffy Taffy and Snickers bars. . . every Sweet Valley and Saddle Club book ever published. . .it was great.

Gawd, I miss feeling like having $25 per week was living the high life. I need to mentally transport myself back to that time.
[Edited 4/11/07 19:15pm]
oh noes, prince is gonna soo me!!1!
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Reply #8 posted 04/12/07 2:31am


You know what I hated the most about working in a child labour camp?
The taskmaster's whip.
That damn thing stung like a motherfucker!

To this day,
I can almost still feel the lashmarks burning on my back whenever I see a designer purse or a person of South American descent.

[Edited 4/11/07 19:32pm]
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Reply #9 posted 04/12/07 2:52am



I was sent to talk to the senile old bat next door.....I suppose one can only guess what effects that had on my life razz
Poppys, daisys life is crazy
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Reply #10 posted 04/12/07 4:36am


Illustrator said:

You know what I hated the most about working in a child labour camp?
The taskmaster's whip.
That damn thing stung like a motherfucker!

To this day,
I can almost still feel the lashmarks burning on my back whenever I see a designer purse or a person of South American descent.

[Edited 4/11/07 19:32pm]

I can't explain it. You make me want to buy a whip. No "almost feel" about it.
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Reply #11 posted 04/12/07 9:44am


I don't think I ever made any money except my 20 cents each saturday hmmm
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Reply #12 posted 04/12/07 9:58am



meggy said:

I was sent to talk to the senile old bat next door.....I suppose one can only guess what effects that had on my life razz

Hahahaha at least she didn't chase you down the street with that ax of hers.
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"-Dr Seuss

Pain is something to carry, like a radio...You should stand up for your right to feel your pain- Jim Morrison
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Reply #13 posted 04/12/07 12:51pm




HereToRockYourWorld said:

I cleaned my dad's office. Made like $25 per week. I bought a Nintendo, an English saddle (I didn't have a horse, but my neighbor let me ride his, and he only had western saddles). . .untold quantities of Laffy Taffy and Snickers bars. . . every Sweet Valley and Saddle Club book ever published. . .it was great.

Gawd, I miss feeling like having $25 per week was living the high life. I need to mentally transport myself back to that time.
[Edited 4/11/07 19:15pm]

I loved Sweet Valley High books! Those and babysitters club.

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Reply #14 posted 04/12/07 12:53pm



Carrie! drool
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Reply #15 posted 04/12/07 12:56pm




Cloudbuster said:

Carrie! drool

Cloudy! drool
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Reply #16 posted 04/12/07 1:00pm


Cloudbuster said:

Carrie! drool

You did notice this thread right?

There's a fair amount of drooling going on there too. lol
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Reply #17 posted 04/12/07 1:03pm



retina said:

Cloudbuster said:

Carrie! drool

You did notice this thread right?

There's a fair amount of drooling going on there too. lol

You also saved my pic to crack one off to, huh?

Bless. smile
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Reply #18 posted 04/12/07 1:05pm


Cloudbuster said:

retina said:

You did notice this thread right?

There's a fair amount of drooling going on there too. lol

You also saved my pic to crack one off to, huh?

Bless. smile

If "crack one off to" is British slang for "throw darts at" then yes. smile
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Reply #19 posted 04/12/07 1:06pm



retina said:

Cloudbuster said:

You also saved my pic to crack one off to, huh?

Bless. smile

If "crack one off to" is British slang for "throw darts at" then yes. smile

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Reply #20 posted 04/12/07 1:09pm


Cloudbuster said:

retina said:

If "crack one off to" is British slang for "throw darts at" then yes. smile


Jealousy can drive a man into all kinds of pub activities. disbelief
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Reply #21 posted 04/12/07 1:10pm



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Reply #22 posted 04/12/07 9:21pm



CarrieMpls said:

HereToRockYourWorld said:

I cleaned my dad's office. Made like $25 per week. I bought a Nintendo, an English saddle (I didn't have a horse, but my neighbor let me ride his, and he only had western saddles). . .untold quantities of Laffy Taffy and Snickers bars. . . every Sweet Valley and Saddle Club book ever published. . .it was great.

Gawd, I miss feeling like having $25 per week was living the high life. I need to mentally transport myself back to that time.
[Edited 4/11/07 19:15pm]

I loved Sweet Valley High books! Those and babysitters club.


My best friend had all of the Babysitters Club books. I read a lot of those too. nod
oh noes, prince is gonna soo me!!1!
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