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Thread started 01/31/07 1:46am


Org Parents

Do you ever feel like you are a total failure as a mom or dad?
My son had a routine vision screening at his daycare Friday. Well, the results were not great.

Well, they were not even good. Sooo, after crying in my bathroom for about 10 minutes. I am sitting at my computer tonight, filled with Budweiser Select, wondering why I did not notice that my boy's vision was poor.
Anyway, sometimes (rarely) these screenings tend to be inaccurate because of the kids' ages (my son will be 4 in May). I am hoping this is the case.
I love my son. This is the only child I will ever have (seriously). Anyway, I am being a whiney baby. Boo Hoo... glug glug glugg.....booo hoo hooooo glug glug glug. I love my son....and beer.
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Reply #1 posted 01/31/07 1:51am


Not noticing ure sons vision does not make u a bad parent hon....I never knew my son was dyslexic until he was in second grade. When kids are young we tend not to always pick up on the little things so relax and put the beer down. Im sure u are a terrific parent and give that little boy all the love he needs and at the end of the day that's what counts, besides he is still very young and usually it takes the professionals to pick up on those things. Give ure son a hug and know that we are never perfect...but we are perfect in our own way and our children love us unconditionaly. wink
PRINCE IS WATCHING U evillol" When an Artist Creates, whatever they create belongs to society"chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate chocolate

U can't polish a turd.. but u can roll it in glitter
In my Profile Pic
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Reply #2 posted 01/31/07 1:58am


I have three kids and I feel like a failure all the time. Then, I look at how some other people raise their kids and I become Mother Theresa. dancing jig

Always, don't worry so much about it. No one has the parenting thing down perfect.
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Reply #3 posted 01/31/07 2:03am


I am sometimes filled with the darkest anxiety when I consider what I have done and what the future holds. I kid you not.

At other times, I just let Lucy put her used bib on my head and we both laugh hilariously!

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Reply #4 posted 01/31/07 2:04am


I admire you and all the parents on the org. I wish I had a child of my own.

MyeternalgrattitudetoPhil&Val.Herman said "We want sweaty truckers at the truck stop! We want cigar puffing men that look like they wanna beat the living daylights out of us" Val"sporking is spooning with benefits"
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Reply #5 posted 01/31/07 2:14am


2the9s said:

I am sometimes filled with the darkest anxiety when I consider what I have done and what the future holds. I kid you not.

At other times, I just let Lucy put her used bib on my head and we both laugh hilariously!


sometimes I wish he was an infant again. It was easier for me then to be his mother then. But now he has his own personality. he is an opinionated loud mouth, like his mama. And I am raising this little man all by myself. I taught him how to pee standing up by myself, ( a fact that I am very proud of.....oh my God I am crying right now). His dad is dead and even though he betrayed me I wish he was alive so I wouldn't have to be mom and dad to this boy all alone. I keep feeling like I am not doing everything I am supposed to do. Now this vision thing has really got me worried. But I am just hoping that he'll be fine. He's a smart boy. I do not want to screw this kid up.
[Edited 1/30/07 18:15pm]
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Reply #6 posted 01/31/07 2:47am



I admire you and all the parents on the org. I wish I had a child of my own.


I hear ya!!!

Much love and respect to all parents.
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Reply #7 posted 01/31/07 2:49am


2the9s said:

I am sometimes filled with the darkest anxiety when I consider what I have done and what the future holds. I kid you not.

At other times, I just let Lucy put her used bib on my head and we both laugh hilariously!


Just love her and be thankful for the blessing you were given.
I have no doubt that you are a great dad.
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Reply #8 posted 01/31/07 2:55am



I admire you and all the parents on the org. I wish I had a child of my own.

M hat's off to you all smile
My Italian grandmother had 14 kids and my mom had six of us...I really don't know how they did it.
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Reply #9 posted 01/31/07 3:12am


I would think a lot of vision and auditory problems are realized in school. We had vision tests in grade school way back in the 60's. If there is a problem thank god it's diagnosed early and can be corrected. Otherwise, your child would struggle and not learn at his capacity. Don't feel remorseful. See what can be done to diagnose it and treat it.
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Reply #10 posted 01/31/07 4:23am



are you an eye doctor? no! biggrin
is your son old enough to vocalize that sometimes things look blurry?? no! biggrin
that's why they check stuff like that through school!

hug don't be so hard on yourself. you sound like a fantastic mommy
doveShe couldn't stop crying 'cause she knew he was gone to stay dove
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Reply #11 posted 01/31/07 5:03am



alwayslate said:

sometimes I wish he was an infant again. It was easier for me then to be his mother then. But now he has his own personality. he is an opinionated loud mouth, like his mama. And I am raising this little man all by myself. I taught him how to pee standing up by myself, ( a fact that I am very proud of.....oh my God I am crying right now). His dad is dead and even though he betrayed me I wish he was alive so I wouldn't have to be mom and dad to this boy all alone. I keep feeling like I am not doing everything I am supposed to do. Now this vision thing has really got me worried. But I am just hoping that he'll be fine. He's a smart boy. I do not want to screw this kid up.

The fact that you are worried about 'screwing him up' indicates to me that you won't. Like emm pointed out you are not an optomitrist (are you?) so why would you necessarily notice? I had to get glasses when I was in 3rd parents didn't notice my poor eyesight. shrug I would think most parents wouldn't notice (unless they are optomitrists). I think you are being way too hard on yourself, I'm sure you are doing just fine.

The check. The string he dropped. The Mona Lisa. The musical notes taken out of a hat. The glass. The toy shotgun painting. The things he found. Therefore, everything seen–every object, that is, plus the process of looking at it–is a Duchamp.
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Reply #12 posted 01/31/07 11:03am



when a baby is born, it should come with an operating manual, with regular up dates!
this is what i thought when my son was born,8 years later, i still think the same!

i have found that being a parent is like being on a never ending rollercoaster, with many ups and downs. its one big learning curve.

as others have said, picking up vision problems can b very hard. kids adapt very easily, and often these things are not picked up until they start school, when they r in a different enviroment to home, (the place they have spent the most of there lives in, and therefore adapt to change more readily in). how could you have known if a problem exsisted b 4, unless you r a trained eye doctor/g.p. etc

be kind 2your self, parenting can b hard on 2 parents, and u r doing it all by yourself!

b proud of your achievements (i couldnt toilet train my son, i had 2 get his dad 2 do it). you sound like a great mum, dont beat yourself up.

heres to your future on that rollercoaster thats life, may it have be full of ups.
hug (one for you)
hug (and one to give to your son)
[Edited 1/31/07 3:13am]
seems that i was busy doing something close to nothing, but different than the day before music beret
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Reply #13 posted 01/31/07 11:31am


I always ALWAYS feel like I have no business guiding two children in this world. I fuck up all the time.

But I also love them with all my heart, so I try to focus on that and just hope for the best.

Don't sweat it, none of us are the Huxtables.
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Reply #14 posted 01/31/07 11:48am



jerseykrs said:

I always ALWAYS feel like I have no business guiding two children in this world. I fuck up all the time.

But I also love them with all my heart, so I try to focus on that and just hope for the best.

Don't sweat it, none of us are the Huxtables.

nod co-sign (1 kid in my case,not 2)

wow, well said! (is it 2 late 2 re-edit my post?)
seems that i was busy doing something close to nothing, but different than the day before music beret
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Reply #15 posted 01/31/07 11:56am


jerseykrs said:

I always ALWAYS feel like I have no business guiding two children in this world. I fuck up all the time.

But I also love them with all my heart, so I try to focus on that and just hope for the best.

Don't sweat it, none of us are the Huxtables.

Your a great dad....

The kids always look happy and well cared for when you photowhore them here giggle

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Reply #16 posted 01/31/07 12:16pm



alwayslate said:

Do you ever feel like you are a total failure as a mom or dad?
My son had a routine vision screening at his daycare Friday. Well, the results were not great.

Well, they were not even good. Sooo, after crying in my bathroom for about 10 minutes. I am sitting at my computer tonight, filled with Budweiser Select, wondering why I did not notice that my boy's vision was poor.
Anyway, sometimes (rarely) these screenings tend to be inaccurate because of the kids' ages (my son will be 4 in May). I am hoping this is the case.
I love my son. This is the only child I will ever have (seriously). Anyway, I am being a whiney baby. Boo Hoo... glug glug glugg.....booo hoo hooooo glug glug glug. I love my son....and beer.

octopus.. Always...cheer up ! You are definitely not a bad parent!! Not at all. Matter of fact you sound like a wonderful mother. Children's eye sight changes continuously as they grow. Like some of the others have said before, feel blessed that your daycare takes the time to exam the little ones, this is actually an added benefit for you and your little one. Raising children is one of the most difficult challenges a person has to do. There will be many a time you will feel like you should have "caught" something that should seem obvious. Don't beat yourself up over such things...EVER. Just as our children are growing and learning, every day is a learning experience for parents as well. Unfortunately children don't come with a instruction manual, and even if they did, it would only be based on one persons child, not the many different scenarios that each of us face. No 2 children are alike ( well except maybe twins), they grow, learn, change at different paces. All we can do is love them the best we can, show them things we know, and in the end hope that we have done what we feel in our hearts is the right thing. lol
Because of God..we 2 r 1~~Darren & Suzyn forever
"If we got married...would that be cool?"
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Reply #17 posted 01/31/07 1:00pm


alwayslate said:

Do you ever feel like you are a total failure as a mom or dad?
My son had a routine vision screening at his daycare Friday. Well, the results were not great.

Well, they were not even good. Sooo, after crying in my bathroom for about 10 minutes. I am sitting at my computer tonight, filled with Budweiser Select, wondering why I did not notice that my boy's vision was poor.
Anyway, sometimes (rarely) these screenings tend to be inaccurate because of the kids' ages (my son will be 4 in May). I am hoping this is the case.
I love my son. This is the only child I will ever have (seriously). Anyway, I am being a whiney baby. Boo Hoo... glug glug glugg.....booo hoo hooooo glug glug glug. I love my son....and beer.

OMG, yeah, like every single night after I put them to bed. I lay there and think, did I do this right? Why was I so hard about that? Why didn't I just do this?

We all feel that way. Parenting is like thee most difficult and one of thee most important jobs. But your worried so it shows you care.

And OMG, how is it YOUR fault about the vision. disbelief

Sorry about it though. hug
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Reply #18 posted 01/31/07 1:35pm



jone70 said:

alwayslate said:

sometimes I wish he was an infant again. It was easier for me then to be his mother then. But now he has his own personality. he is an opinionated loud mouth, like his mama. And I am raising this little man all by myself. I taught him how to pee standing up by myself, ( a fact that I am very proud of.....oh my God I am crying right now). His dad is dead and even though he betrayed me I wish he was alive so I wouldn't have to be mom and dad to this boy all alone. I keep feeling like I am not doing everything I am supposed to do. Now this vision thing has really got me worried. But I am just hoping that he'll be fine. He's a smart boy. I do not want to screw this kid up.

The fact that you are worried about 'screwing him up' indicates to me that you won't. Like emm pointed out you are not an optomitrist (are you?) so why would you necessarily notice? I had to get glasses when I was in 3rd parents didn't notice my poor eyesight. shrug I would think most parents wouldn't notice (unless they are optomitrists). I think you are being way too hard on yourself, I'm sure you are doing just fine.


amen! i was seven before anyone noticed how blind i was. seriously, i have horrible eyesight. my daughter is four, and knowing how bad my eyesight was/is is the reason i took her to the optometrist when she was a baby. otherwise i wouldn't have done anything. but ya know what? the doc told me that yes, she will need glasses but there wasn't really anything to do about it yet anyway. so, it might have been that even if you had taken him somewhere to check it out they would have told you to just wait til now anyway. hug

and i feel like a failure everyday too. like SureThing said, i will go over everything that happened in the day and think "did i react the right way? maybe i was too hard on her? maybe i should have given in b/c it wasn't that big a deal? maybe i shouldn't have given in and stood my ground?" the fact that you are worried about this shows how much you love him. so just keep loving him and things will be fine.

and i'm raising my daughter on my own too. i know how hard it is to be the mommy and the daddy. hug sad
There is no perfect place
Yes I know this is true
I'm just learning how to smile
Thats not easy to do
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Reply #19 posted 01/31/07 5:43pm



emm said:

are you an eye doctor? no! biggrin
is your son old enough to vocalize that sometimes things look blurry?? no! biggrin
that's why they check stuff like that through school!

hug don't be so hard on yourself. you sound like a fantastic mommy

hrmph realized i am not a parent so i should shut the censored up

but you still sound like a fantastic mommy tease
doveShe couldn't stop crying 'cause she knew he was gone to stay dove
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Reply #20 posted 01/31/07 5:46pm


emm said:

hrmph realized i am not a parent so i should shut the censored up

Let's change all that. batting eyes
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Reply #21 posted 01/31/07 5:56pm



If it was one of those vision tests where they stand away from a pic and cover one eye and so on and so on he may not have a problem he is four and probably did not want to do what the person wanted him to do. Those tests are bogus for young kids. You are a great parent cause you give a damb. there is a more definative test for kids you can request from an opthamologist.
[Edited 1/31/07 9:57am]
Don't take life too seriously, noone gets out alive.
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Reply #22 posted 01/31/07 5:57pm



retina said:

emm said:

hrmph realized i am not a parent so i should shut the censored up

Let's change all that. batting eyes

batting eyes even though i put all that weight back on?

ahhh i won't even give you the option boff
doveShe couldn't stop crying 'cause she knew he was gone to stay dove
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Reply #23 posted 01/31/07 6:04pm



emm said:

retina said:

Let's change all that. batting eyes

batting eyes even though i put all that weight back on?

ahhh i won't even give you the option boff


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Reply #24 posted 01/31/07 7:27pm


emm said:

retina said:

Let's change all that. batting eyes

batting eyes even though i put all that weight back on?

ahhh i won't even give you the option boff


I don't mind the weight at all. I want a woman, not a girl. wink
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Reply #25 posted 01/31/07 9:47pm


One time, when my daughter was 11 months old, I was driving home from the supermarket and I noticed she had gone really quiet. Usually she would babble away or just scream for the whole journey. Anyway, instead of checking she was okay, I just enjoyed the quiet! smile

It wasn't until I got home that The Wife said "Where's our daughter? That's a melon, you fucking idiot!" Oops!

You've got to laugh! lol
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Reply #26 posted 01/31/07 9:47pm


fathermcmeekle said:

You've got to laugh! lol

Or maybe you don't!

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Forums > General Discussion > Org Parents