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Thread started 09/10/06 6:06am


Chicken Dies, Wife Shoots Husband

September 7, 2006

CHESHIRE, Ore. --A woman shot her husband in the back after he killed her pet chicken, the Lane County sheriff's deputies said. Deputies said they were sure that Mary Gray, 58, intended to shoot her husband, Stephen Gray, 43. They weren't certain if the husband meant to fire at the chicken.

"We don't know if it was an accident or if it was on purpose," Sgt. Clint Riley said. "It depends who you ask."

Riley said the couple had been drinking for much of Monday while they did yard work at their rented home in the town northwest of Eugene, and they began arguing after Stephen Gray shot the chicken with a .44-caliber handgun.

Deputies said he was then hit with a shot from a .22-caliber rifle, and is recovering. Mary Gray was arraigned Tuesday on an assault charge.

confused Sounds like a country tune.
[Edited 9/10/06 7:05am]
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Reply #1 posted 09/10/06 8:56am


That reminds me of a story a few years back when the bitch came home and found her husband on the couch fuckin the frozen thanksgiving turkey. He apologized and commented that they could still eat that mutulated bird. Bitch divorced him though.
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Reply #2 posted 09/10/06 9:37am


WilburWiffenpoof said:

That reminds me of a story a few years back when the bitch came home and found her husband on the couch fuckin the frozen thanksgiving turkey. He apologized and commented that they could still eat that mutulated bird. Bitch divorced him though.

i don't blame her - that stain will NEVER come out of that couch! hmph!
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Reply #3 posted 09/10/06 11:01am



"it doesnt need salt"
Eat Carrots and be able to see in the dark.
I dont like carrots I like brussel sprouts
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Reply #4 posted 09/10/06 6:06pm



WilburWiffenpoof said:

That reminds me of a story a few years back when the bitch came home and found her husband on the couch fuckin the frozen thanksgiving turkey. He apologized and commented that they could still eat that mutulated bird. Bitch divorced him though.

Why ? confuse

Was the Turkey cited as being the third Party?

guitar I have a firm grip on reality...Maybe just not this reality biggrin troll guitar

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Reply #5 posted 09/10/06 6:07pm



Yep, sounds like a reasonable response.
Klopf, klopf!

Wer ist dort?

Unterbrechende Kuh.


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Forums > General Discussion > Chicken Dies, Wife Shoots Husband