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Thread started 08/03/06 6:03pm


do you know...

your strong points? people compliment you on something and you wonder inside what it is they see that you don't?...or do you know exactly what they're talking about?..
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Reply #1 posted 08/03/06 6:06pm


purplerein said:

your strong points? people compliment you on something and you wonder inside what it is they see that you don't?...or do you know exactly what they're talking about?..

I really don't know..... neutral
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Reply #2 posted 08/03/06 6:13pm


people have complimented me on being a good mom. all i can see is where i fall short.
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Reply #3 posted 08/03/06 6:19pm



purplerein said:

your strong points? people compliment you on something and you wonder inside what it is they see that you don't?...or do you know exactly what they're talking about?..


I mean, come on...I can't even spell.
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Reply #4 posted 08/03/06 6:21pm


I know my strong points and weaknesses. But the funny thing is, is that a lot of people compliment me on stuff, that are actually my weaknesses, but I fake them as my strengths and apparently pull it off.
Make sense?
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Reply #5 posted 08/03/06 6:22pm




I pretty much know all of my strong points and my downfalls. I generally agree with other's opinions of me.
Of course, I'm really good at hiding my downfalls. My closest friends might not think that's so true, but damn, you gotta get pretty close to me for me to allow you to see that out of me.
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Reply #6 posted 08/03/06 6:32pm


I have a good sense of self awareness I feel. Although I have a tendency to brood upon my weaknesses more than I am embrace my strengths. I always feel good about myself when folks say amiable things about me. That's natural to everyone.
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Reply #7 posted 08/03/06 7:11pm


I have been told a lot that I am a strong person for turning out so good after having shitty parents.. I don't see it. I am just human.. we all do what we have to so we can survive..
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Reply #8 posted 08/03/06 7:12pm


shanti0608 said:

I have been told a lot that I am a strong person for turning out so good after having shitty parents.. I don't see it. I am just human.. we all do what we have to so we can survive..

i think that is how most people are. unless you're overly egotistical most people don't see themselves as anything special.... when really we all are.

hug rose
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Reply #9 posted 08/03/06 7:15pm


fantasyislander said:

shanti0608 said:

I have been told a lot that I am a strong person for turning out so good after having shitty parents.. I don't see it. I am just human.. we all do what we have to so we can survive..

i think that is how most people are. unless you're overly egotistical most people don't see themselves as anything special.... when really we all are.

hug rose

Thanks girl.. and I know that you are a great mom.. no second guessing that my friend..
Maybe I will be one of those someday if I get my life straightened out and find someone who would make a good dad to my child..
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Reply #10 posted 08/03/06 7:15pm


people often compliment me on being on top of things and very put together when really i'm not. i always wonder where they get that idea from.
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Reply #11 posted 08/03/06 7:16pm


purplerein said:

your strong points? people compliment you on something and you wonder inside what it is they see that you don't?...or do you know exactly what they're talking about?..

a combination of both factors
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Reply #12 posted 08/03/06 7:18pm


shanti0608 said:

fantasyislander said:

i think that is how most people are. unless you're overly egotistical most people don't see themselves as anything special.... when really we all are.

hug rose

Thanks girl.. and I know that you are a great mom.. no second guessing that my friend..
Maybe I will be one of those someday if I get my life straightened out and find someone who would make a good dad to my child..

thanks, and i'm sure you're stronger than you give yourself credit for as well.
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Reply #13 posted 08/03/06 7:21pm


fantasyislander said:

shanti0608 said:

Thanks girl.. and I know that you are a great mom.. no second guessing that my friend..
Maybe I will be one of those someday if I get my life straightened out and find someone who would make a good dad to my child..

thanks, and i'm sure you're stronger than you give yourself credit for as well.

Thanks Hillary rose.. I hope so- not feeling strong these days. Hope the future gets better...
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