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Thread started 04/30/06 2:22pm



paralysis while sleeping

Okay this is a strange question but has anyone ever experienced paralysis in there sleep. It's been happening to me for a couple of years. It comes and goes. Sometimes it doesnt happen for months and months..and then all of a sudden it happens a couple of times a week. My doctor said that it can come from not keeping a regular sleep schedule but it happens regardless sometimes.. i really hate it.
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Reply #1 posted 04/30/06 2:31pm


Do you mean you awake, feeling paralyzed for a few moments after waking?

During REM sleep the body is literally paralyzed. If the body and the brain are out of sync - disconnected - and you wake up on the very verge of going into or out of an REM sleep cycle, you will experience the paralysis -- an experience which, while scary, is not harmful or serious.

Are you under stress during the times this happens to you? Do you have insomnia or any other sleep problems? Did your doctor mention doing a sleep study? It might be helpful to you. smile
[Edited 4/30/06 14:31pm]
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Reply #2 posted 04/30/06 2:33pm



confuse An obvious question would be how do you know you're paralyzed if you're asleep.

But seriously, i've heard this subject discussed on a few Art Bell shows.


peace Tribal Disorder
"Ya see, we're not interested in what you know...but what you are willing to learn. C'mon y'all."
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Reply #3 posted 04/30/06 2:37pm



WillyWonka said:

Do you mean you awake, feeling paralyzed for a few moments after waking?

During REM sleep the body is literally paralyzed. If the body and the brain are out of sync - disconnected - and you wake up on the very verge of going into our out of an REM sleep cycle, you will experience the paralysis -- an experience which while scary, is not harmful or serious.

Are you under stress during the times this happens to you? Do you have insomnia or any other sleep problems?

stress.. at times but who doesnt. i dont really have any other sleep problems thou. it mostly happens just as i am falling asleep i feel like i can't move and have to concentrate to get out of it.
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Reply #4 posted 04/30/06 2:40pm


isthisdadawn said:

Okay this is a strange question but has anyone ever experienced paralysis in there sleep. It's been happening to me for a couple of years. It comes and goes. Sometimes it doesnt happen for months and months..and then all of a sudden it happens a couple of times a week. My doctor said that it can come from not keeping a regular sleep schedule but it happens regardless sometimes.. i really hate it.

You can get a sleep study done. Go to a cardiologist and they will be able to set you up. They monitor you as you sleep and get all sorts of data. That might help figure out what is going on.
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Reply #5 posted 04/30/06 2:41pm



This has happened to me before. I cant open my eyes or move. I just have to wait till it's over...I usually fall back to sleep during this.

I dont know why this happens. I've heard several things like..

- aliens
- ghosts trying to steal your soul
- your soul leaving your body while you're sleeping neutral
[Edited 4/30/06 14:42pm]
"Nobody makes me bleed my own blood...NOBODY!"
johnart says: "I'm THE shit"
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Reply #6 posted 04/30/06 2:42pm


The university I used to work for did studies on this...

WSU School of Medicine to study sleep paralysis, panic disorder in African Americans

Imagine waking up from a night’s sleep and being unable to move. Your body is paralyzed. For a few terrifying seconds or minutes, you can’t call for help.

That’s sleep paralysis, a relatively understudied phenomenon that seems to occur more frequently among African Americans.

“It’s commonly referred to as ‘being ridden by the witch’ in the African-American community,” said Orlena Merritt-Davis, MD, a Wayne State University School of Medicine assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral neurosciences.

Dr. Merritt-Davis is part of a larger effort at the School of Medicine led by Thomas Uhde, MD, associate dean for research and graduate programs, to better understand the link between panic disorder and different types of frightening arousals from sleep. Panic disorder is characterized by sudden episodes of overwhelming anxiety (panic attacks) that often include a number of physical symptoms such as sweating, racing heart and shortness of breath. During an episode, individuals often believe they are having a heart attack or going crazy. Attacks may occur during sleep and, like sleep paralysis, may be extremely frightening.

“Right now, we’re trying to learn more about sleep paralysis and its relationship to panic disorder,” said Dr. Uhde, who is recognized worldwide for his work on panic disorder. “Sleep paralysis in African Americans is remarkably understudied.”

In one study, 15 percent of African Americans who experienced sleep paralysis also had panic disorder, Dr. Merritt-Davis said. “Unfortunately, African Americans are significantly underrepresented in mental health research,” she said. “Reasons cited include mistrust of research, stigma associated with mental illness and the lack of African-American researchers.”

The study seeks to recruit 100 volunteers. Half of the group will be African American.

For more information on the study or to volunteer, call (888) 362-7792.
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Reply #7 posted 04/30/06 2:43pm


No, but do you ever have them dreams whereby you either fall, trip or jump off something and you actually physically jump?! giggle
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Reply #8 posted 04/30/06 2:44pm




No, but do you ever have them dreams whereby you either fall, trip or jump off something and you actually physically jump?! giggle

Yes!! Those scare me.

Have u ever laughed in dream and its so funny,you laugh while sleeping boxed

lol edit
[Edited 4/30/06 14:45pm]
"Nobody makes me bleed my own blood...NOBODY!"
johnart says: "I'm THE shit"
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Reply #9 posted 04/30/06 2:45pm


I've woken up in the middle of the night and found that my arm was totally numb and barely able to function because I had slept on it and cut off the circulation, but that's a little different. razz
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Reply #10 posted 04/30/06 2:46pm


ThreadCula said:


No, but do you ever have them dreams whereby you either fall, trip or jump off something and you actually physically jump?! giggle

Yes!! Those scare me.

Have u ever laughed in dream and its so funny,you laugh while sleeping boxed

lol edit
[Edited 4/30/06 14:45pm]

Cant say I have although Ive farted in bed so loud that it woke me up and I laughed. smile
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Reply #11 posted 04/30/06 2:46pm




ThreadCula said:

Yes!! Those scare me.

Have u ever laughed in dream and its so funny,you laugh while sleeping boxed

lol edit
[Edited 4/30/06 14:45pm]

Cant say I have although Ive farted in bed so loud that it woke me up and I laughed. smile

"Nobody makes me bleed my own blood...NOBODY!"
johnart says: "I'm THE shit"
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Reply #12 posted 04/30/06 2:47pm


ThreadCula said:


No, but do you ever have them dreams whereby you either fall, trip or jump off something and you actually physically jump?! giggle

Yes!! Those scare me.

Have u ever laughed in dream and its so funny,you physically laugh boxed

Stuff has made me angry in dreams and I've screamed and woke myself up. I also kicked my couch really hard because I was kicking something in my dream. It was the same foot I'd just had surgery on. It hurt like a mf the next day. neutral
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Reply #13 posted 04/30/06 2:48pm




ThreadCula said:


No, but do you ever have them dreams whereby you either fall, trip or jump off something and you actually physically jump?! giggle

Yes!! Those scare me.

Have u ever laughed in dream and its so funny,you laugh while sleeping boxed

lol edit
[Edited 4/30/06 14:45pm]

Both of those have happened to me! Sometimes I have very funny dreams. smile
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Reply #14 posted 04/30/06 2:49pm


CarrieMpls said:

ThreadCula said:

Yes!! Those scare me.

Have u ever laughed in dream and its so funny,you laugh while sleeping boxed

lol edit
[Edited 4/30/06 14:45pm]

Both of those have happened to me! Sometimes I have very funny dreams. smile

Stop eating cheese then before bed time. smile
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Reply #15 posted 04/30/06 2:50pm


u2prnce said:

Stuff has made me angry in dreams and I've screamed and woke myself up. I also kicked my couch really hard because I was kicking something in my dream. It was the same foot I'd just had surgery on. It hurt like a mf the next day. neutral


I wish for you only happy dreams in the future. rose
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Reply #16 posted 04/30/06 2:51pm


I quite often wet the bed!

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Reply #17 posted 04/30/06 2:51pm


fathermcmeekle said:

I quite often wet the bed!


I think I've mis-judged this thread!

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Reply #18 posted 04/30/06 2:51pm


When I was a child I used to sleepwalk sometimes.

Luckily I grew out of that.
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Reply #19 posted 04/30/06 2:52pm





CarrieMpls said:

Both of those have happened to me! Sometimes I have very funny dreams. smile

Stop eating cheese then before bed time. smile

You're the one with gas problems. smile
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Reply #20 posted 04/30/06 2:53pm


WillyWonka said:

u2prnce said:

Stuff has made me angry in dreams and I've screamed and woke myself up. I also kicked my couch really hard because I was kicking something in my dream. It was the same foot I'd just had surgery on. It hurt like a mf the next day. neutral


I wish for you only happy dreams in the future. rose

Thanks. I felt so stupid. No serious damnage was done, though, since I had a preliminary cast. smile
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Reply #21 posted 04/30/06 2:53pm


CarrieMpls said:


Stop eating cheese then before bed time. smile

You're the one with gas problems. smile

At least they smell of cheese so everyone's a winner. smile
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Reply #22 posted 04/30/06 2:54pm





CarrieMpls said:

You're the one with gas problems. smile

At least they smell of cheese so everyone's a winner. smile

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Reply #23 posted 04/30/06 3:12pm


applekisses said:

The university I used to work for did studies on this...

WSU School of Medicine to study sleep paralysis, panic disorder in African Americans

Imagine waking up from a night’s sleep and being unable to move. Your body is paralyzed. For a few terrifying seconds or minutes, you can’t call for help.

That’s sleep paralysis, a relatively understudied phenomenon that seems to occur more frequently among African Americans.

“It’s commonly referred to as ‘being ridden by the witch’ in the African-American community,” said Orlena Merritt-Davis, MD, a Wayne State University School of Medicine assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral neurosciences.

Dr. Merritt-Davis is part of a larger effort at the School of Medicine led by Thomas Uhde, MD, associate dean for research and graduate programs, to better understand the link between panic disorder and different types of frightening arousals from sleep. Panic disorder is characterized by sudden episodes of overwhelming anxiety (panic attacks) that often include a number of physical symptoms such as sweating, racing heart and shortness of breath. During an episode, individuals often believe they are having a heart attack or going crazy. Attacks may occur during sleep and, like sleep paralysis, may be extremely frightening.

“Right now, we’re trying to learn more about sleep paralysis and its relationship to panic disorder,” said Dr. Uhde, who is recognized worldwide for his work on panic disorder. “Sleep paralysis in African Americans is remarkably understudied.”

In one study, 15 percent of African Americans who experienced sleep paralysis also had panic disorder, Dr. Merritt-Davis said. “Unfortunately, African Americans are significantly underrepresented in mental health research,” she said. “Reasons cited include mistrust of research, stigma associated with mental illness and the lack of African-American researchers.”

The study seeks to recruit 100 volunteers. Half of the group will be African American.

For more information on the study or to volunteer, call (888) 362-7792.

this has happened to me many of times even when i was little.
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Reply #24 posted 04/30/06 5:38pm


I've had that when I was little...I use to feel like I had a pressure put down on my chest...I felt I was being held on the bed...I remember that specifically cause it happened to me when I was four...and I remember I came out of the room screaming and crying cause I couldnt move.

Also...sometimes I dont know if its the same but I dream with my eyes open...I can be completely asleep but when I open my eyes I see stuff....usually a spider coming down ontop of me and I'm trying to move away from it but I can't until I blink and snap out of it...but I'm still convinced its there...I usually wake up screaming. And there has been a few instances I've fallen asleep so deep that I wake mouth is open...but I'm not breathing like...I'm trying to breathe throuhg my mouth and I cant...and I end up coughing....weird.
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Reply #25 posted 04/30/06 5:46pm


yeah, it's called sleep paralysis. I had it almost every night, then I changed my sleeping position. Sleep paralysis can lead to other amazing things. Sometimes if I stay up very late and I'm very tired, my body will fall asleep first.
[Edited 4/30/06 17:48pm]
[Edited 4/30/06 17:49pm]
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Reply #26 posted 04/30/06 5:47pm


theAudience said:

confuse An obvious question would be how do you know you're paralyzed if you're asleep.

But seriously, i've heard this subject discussed on a few Art Bell shows.


peace Tribal Disorder

you wake up, and you're not able to're in an in between state.
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Reply #27 posted 04/30/06 6:10pm



isthisdadawn said:

Okay this is a strange question but has anyone ever experienced paralysis in there sleep. It's been happening to me for a couple of years. It comes and goes. Sometimes it doesnt happen for months and months..and then all of a sudden it happens a couple of times a week. My doctor said that it can come from not keeping a regular sleep schedule but it happens regardless sometimes.. i really hate it.

Look up Sleep Apnea and stuff like that. It is a serious condition that you have to have a sleep study.
Wanted: Virtual Sugar Daddy to help me buy stuff on Farmville and move up the ranks. Use of Viagra not authorized. Get your two minutes and go!
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Reply #28 posted 04/30/06 6:13pm



I wake up and parts of me are stiff sometimes. batting eyes
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Reply #29 posted 04/30/06 6:13pm


Yes, I used to get those all the time as a teenager.

I think they are called sleep terrors or "bag lady syndrome".
Your mind think's it's fully awake, but in reality you'r actually in some form of in between state where you're more fully aware than in a dream, but not yet capable of moving your body.

I found that after bouts of insomnia it happens the most. Or if I'm suffering from alot of stress, etc.
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