thanks all of you.
thanks for the links too. i will read them when i am a bit stronger. yes SIR! | |
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dawntreader said: thanks all of you.
thanks for the links too. i will read them when i am a bit stronger. ![]() Het heeft me wel bezig gehouden hoor ![]() ![]() | |
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abierman said: ![]() I fucking hate drugs, there's nothing cool about them! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I cannot believe how much drugs are still glamourised within the music world, too. As a music fan, I have read story after story after story after story about bands who have been wrecked/ split/ ruined by drugs. Think about it, drug/ alcohol abuse has affected almost every single major band ever - Beatles, Stones, Hendrix, Elvis, Doors, Led Zep, ACDC,Chilis,Metallica, Sex Pistols,The Who, The Smiths... ..and that list just scratches the surface. | |
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dawntreader said: sag10 said: How sad!
![]() I never heard of this drug.. i am not sure it's called the same in english as it is in dutch, but i think so. I am so so sorry to hear this, sorry I can't be of more help and support GHB - Gamma Hydroxy butyrate (Sp?) was glamorised in the 90's in the UK, got the nickname GBH (Grievous Bodily Harm). It comes to something when you change a name like that to “glamorise” a drug. Happy is he who finds out the causes for things.Virgil (70-19 BC). Virgil was such a lying bastard! | |
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Sterke man, maar gun jezelf de rouw. | |
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dawn74 said: Sterke man, maar gun jezelf de rouw.
wtf? ![]() I thought you were the same person as dawntreader ![]() Hé hoe gaat het met je? | |
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Man, I don't know anything about this drug but the story is unbelievably sad and I'm sorry to hear it...
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DawnTreader, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss.
I've had an experience with GHB, though I don't know if it will shed much light on anything for you, but I'll share it. About six or seven years ago I was partying with a girlfriend and her boyfriend, since he was back in town. They were regular Ecstasy users - I was not. My husband had told me that if I'd ever tried Ecstasy that he'd leave me. Anyway, I started off having some drinks with some friends at my house and then moved upstairs to her apartment to hang out with her and her boyfriend. Once I got up there they were getting ready to take their Ecstasy and asked if I'd wanted any. After much prodding, I agreed, but only to take half a pill, which I did. I was sort of lashing out at my husband. I had taken a pill months prior and everything was fine, but figured since I'd been driking a half of a pill was all I needed. Nothing happened. Then her boyfriend brought out a dixie cup half full of liguid and told me to drink it, going on to explain that it was some sort of energy drink that he uses when working out and that it would simply increase the buzz of the Ecstacy. I was leary, but my girlfriend assured me that it was safe... so I drank it. Within minutes I felt a rise in my buzz and the next thing I know he comes with another dixie cup for me to drink. I thought, why not, a little more of an increase won't hurt. Not realizing, until after it all, that my girlfriend was out of the room and didn't have another. Later, when I went into the kitchen, he hurridly put something in the cupboard, and again, I didn't realize this until later. Fast forward to my waking up with my husband yelling and punching the wall. Then, I'm being carried downstairs, in the nude, and him crying. I was barely coherent. All I remember saying was, please don't call the cops or take my anywhere, I'm not going to die, it's not my time. When I awoke the next morning, I was staring at my mother's face. I was laying naked in our living room, on the chair, and my husband had called her and she made the two hour trip to our place. Shame rushed over me, then fear. What had happened was this. After leaving my girlfriend's living room to use the bathroom, she realized that I hadn't come out after a while and found me passed out on the potty. Her and her boyfriend carried me to her bedroom and undressed me completely and she had me covered in cold towels and wash cloths because I was sweating so much (what they'd told me they'd done). She was too scared to call down to tell my husband. My husband happened to call and she ended up breaking down crying and telling him, and that's when he came up to get me. The horrible thing is, the next day, the maintenance man came to my apartment as usual... I'd make him lunch every day, but he started talking to me and asked if I'd had a good time the night prior. I just said no and he said that the neighbor on the other side of my girlfriend said it sounded like an orgy going on in there. ![]() Later, after many talks with supposed girlfriend, he did bring GHB back from California with him when he came to visit her and they had tried some the night before. She wouldn't admit it, but I'm 99.9% sure that is what they'd put in those dixie cups for me to drink. ANd, I'm not sure what happened after I passed out in the bathroom and prior to my husband calling, nor am I aware of how long I was passed out for. She has always claimed minutes, but it doesn't match up with the time I'd been there prior to using the bathroom (I remember walking down the hallway to use it) and from the time I was brought back home. There was a little over a two hour gap in time according to what I remember. I don't talk to her anymore, but my husband does. He says everyone is allowed to make mistakes. *shrug* Again, not sure how much light this will shed on things, but this is my experience with the drug. Again, I am sorry of your loss. Remain strong, you. | |
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![]() Je weet het he?! Ik ben er ook voor jou!! ![]() ![]() ![]() The Borg... Partypoopers of the galaxy.. ( Medical Hologram )
------------------------------------------------- ..Where is my lovelife.. where can it be?? There must be something wrong with the machinery.. | |
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Oh, Dawntreader, I'm so, so sorry to hear about your loss.
As others have said, GHB is usually mainly used as a date rape drug. I havent; had any personal experieinces with it, but I do know a few things about it. It's odorless. colorless and tasteless, so if you put it in someone's drink, they won't know. However, you can buy coasters and bring them with you when you go out. If your drink was tainted, you can place a drop of your drink on the coaster and the coaster will turn another color. I think you can also buy a liquid that comes in an eyedropper that you can place a drop in your drink and your drink will turn another color. And you know everyone here at the org is sending love your way. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
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I'm sorry ![]() I had 2 friends that have taken G. One passed out in her driveway and her parents had to take her to the emergency room. The other one locked himself in a bar bathroom for 5 hours and sweated through all his clothes, couldn't move or talk. I don't understand why people take this. | |
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dawntreader said: yesterday in the morning i received a phonecall from a friend. he had found this friend of ours dead in his bed after they had a wild night of sex. he had taken GHB.
i went there right was like a bad movie. the police was there. i won't tell you all the details... it hurts real bad. what i wanna ask you guys, does any of you have some experience with the drug GHB or even with some fatal accidents because of it? it may shed some light on this nightmare. ![]() ![]() | |
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wow! that's terrible! so sorry for you and your friend ![]() I've known a few people who've done kid passed out in his car, in the middle of the road! not good. "not a fan" ![]() | |
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AzureStarr said: DawnTreader, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss.
I've had an experience with GHB, though I don't know if it will shed much light on anything for you, but I'll share it.... thanks for your story. it was helpful. the man who was examining my friend's body told the detectives something about him lying under the covers and sweating so much. now i understand that this may have to do with the drug... this was exactly why i started the thread. stories like this are helpful, and eventhough this may sound weird, it makes his tragedy (or ours or mine) so much less lonely. and i want to say how sorry i am this happened to you. ![]() all so thanks to all others who responded, that i didn't quote your post doesn't mean you didn't reach me. i love the .org because of this ! ![]() things are better than yesterday by the way. my friend is not being accused of anything (he wasn't guilty of anything in the first place in my opinion, but i am happy both the parents of my friend that passed away and the police think so too). i feel like there's a way to get back on track. we lost a friend... and that pain is still there and it will take a long time to heal. [Edited 2/25/05 11:16am] yes SIR! | |
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hang in! | |
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Dear Jurgen,
I am so very sorry to just hear thoughts are with you... | |
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I'm very sorry to hear about your friend! I do know a lot about Gamma hydroxybutyrate. We used to use it in the club scene regularly and just last year I lost an old friend because he mixed it with other drugs. By the time his parents found him he was already dead for over 24 hours. GHB aka (liquid ecstacy) is not just a date rape drug anymore. These days some use it for their own personal consumption and I could tell you many stories but I'd rather not. I read someone wrote it's odorless and tastless but that is false. It most definetly smells and tastes like a disgusting salty flavor. Usually the saltier it is the more potent! It can be a major aphrodijiac but I have also seen some take a little too much and almost swallow their tongue or go in a deep state of sleep to where their body is like dead weight and they are hard to move. Some people will begin to go into convulsions (some call it doing the fish) and I've seen people urnate themselves or not control their bauls during this state. Regardless it was made illegal here in the states about 5 or 6 years ago and getting caught with it is as serious as getting caught with heroin. Schedule 1 drug is what I think they call that!
There are other formulas such as firewater and just GB but GHB is the one that has the most usage. One thing I was always told was never drink alcohol and take GHB because it's deadly although my friend mixed it with designer drugs so it can vary and I guess everybodys body functions differently. ![]() I feel your pain ![]() To Sir, with Love | |
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PEJ said: I'm very sorry to hear about your friend! I do know a lot about Gamma hydroxybutyrate. We used to use it in the club scene regularly and just last year I lost an old friend because he mixed it with other drugs. By the time his parents found him he was already dead for over 24 hours. GHB aka (liquid ecstacy) is not just a date rape drug anymore. These days some use it for their own personal consumption and I could tell you many stories but I'd rather not. I read someone wrote it's odorless and tastless but that is false. It most definetly smells and tastes like a disgusting salty flavor. Usually the saltier it is the more potent! It can be a major aphrodijiac but I have also seen some take a little too much and almost swallow their tongue or go in a deep state of sleep to where their body is like dead weight and they are hard to move. Some people will begin to go into convulsions (some call it doing the fish) and I've seen people urnate themselves or not control their bauls during this state. Regardless it was made illegal here in the states about 5 or 6 years ago and getting caught with it is as serious as getting caught with heroin. Schedule 1 drug is what I think they call that!
There are other formulas such as firewater and just GB but GHB is the one that has the most usage. One thing I was always told was never drink alcohol and take GHB because it's deadly although my friend mixed it with designer drugs so it can vary and I guess everybodys body functions differently. ![]() I feel your pain ![]() thanks... my friend (the one who found him dead in the morning) tasted it and he said it tasted awful. the friend who died did mix it with alcohol. so apart from not knowing how much he should have taken, he was also doing it with alcohol, eventhough my friend warned him. we do not know where he got the GHB from. this is all so sad. i hope people will learn from it. yes SIR! | |
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dawntreader said: PEJ said: I'm very sorry to hear about your friend! I do know a lot about Gamma hydroxybutyrate. We used to use it in the club scene regularly and just last year I lost an old friend because he mixed it with other drugs. By the time his parents found him he was already dead for over 24 hours. GHB aka (liquid ecstacy) is not just a date rape drug anymore. These days some use it for their own personal consumption and I could tell you many stories but I'd rather not. I read someone wrote it's odorless and tastless but that is false. It most definetly smells and tastes like a disgusting salty flavor. Usually the saltier it is the more potent! It can be a major aphrodijiac but I have also seen some take a little too much and almost swallow their tongue or go in a deep state of sleep to where their body is like dead weight and they are hard to move. Some people will begin to go into convulsions (some call it doing the fish) and I've seen people urnate themselves or not control their bauls during this state. Regardless it was made illegal here in the states about 5 or 6 years ago and getting caught with it is as serious as getting caught with heroin. Schedule 1 drug is what I think they call that!
There are other formulas such as firewater and just GB but GHB is the one that has the most usage. One thing I was always told was never drink alcohol and take GHB because it's deadly although my friend mixed it with designer drugs so it can vary and I guess everybodys body functions differently. ![]() I feel your pain ![]() thanks... my friend (the one who found him dead in the morning) tasted it and he said it tasted awful. the friend who died did mix it with alcohol. so apart from not knowing how much he should have taken, he was also doing it with alcohol, eventhough my friend warned him. we do not know where he got the GHB from. this is all so sad. i hope people will learn from it. I hope so too ! so many people fear nothing or will take risks not thinking that they may be affected. This can happen to anyone.. nobody is a superhuman!!! even those that have used it for years can have a mishap anytime... To Sir, with Love | |
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I just want everyone on the org to know you are a true friend (for your friend but also for me and many others) I know how much you support you are and I am very proud of you!
![]() ![]() I wish you strength next wednesday and hope it's gonna be a beautiful goodbye! [Edited 2/26/05 11:09am] | |
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Whateva said: I just want everyone on the org to know you are a true friend (for your friend but also for me and many others) I know how much you support you are and I am very proud of you!
![]() ![]() I wish you strength next wednesday and hope it's gonna be a beautiful goodbye! [Edited 2/26/05 11:09am] thank you girlie! mucho amor! i don't know if we'll go to the actual funeral because we don't want to make things difficult for the family, but i'll make sure it'll be a good goodbye (already doing that) [Edited 2/26/05 11:12am] yes SIR! | |
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![]() ![]() very sad ... | |
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Sr. Moderator
MIGUELGOMEZ said: GHB is basically a rape drug like roofies
Just to set the record straight on Rohypnol (flunitrazepam), a/k/a "roofies".... Rohypnol is a benzodiazepine. Other benzodiazepines include Xanax (alprazolam), Valium (diazepam), and Klonopin (clonazepam). All of these medications, including Rohypnol, are Schedule IV controlled substances, at least at the federal level (some state laws may put Rohypnol in Schedule I, which includes things such as heroin and ecstasy). Schedule IV is a pretty low level (the lowest is Schedule V). Why has Rohypnol never been available legally in the United States? Simple: getting a new medication approved by the FDA is a major hassle. Roche, the manufacturer of Rohypnol, decided it wasn't worth going through the FDA approval process, because there were already plenty of benzodiazepines available in the U.S., including two of their own (Valium and Klonopin). So they decided to market it only in countries where it's easier to get a medication approved. I've often read the claim, "Roofies are 10 times more powerful than Valium!" That's a very misleading statement. Now, it's basically true that, milligram for milligram, Rohypnol is much more potent as Valium. But Valium comes in 2 mg, 5 mg, and 10 mg tablets, whereas Rohypnol comes in only 1 mg or 2 mg tablets. It's also worth noting that Xanax is 10 to 20 times as powerful as Valium (milligram for milligram), and yet there are plenty of doctors who will prescribe Xanax like candy. Again, the dosages of Xanax are much smaller than those of Valium: 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1.0 mg, and 2.0 mg. Now, don't get me wrong. The stronger benzodiazepine tablets will very likely make someone with no tolerance either pretty loopy or unconscious. Furthermore, benzodiazepines work in synergy with alcohol; they're both depressants, and the combination is more than the sum of its parts. Slipping any benzodiazepine into someone else's drink is a very bad thing to do. My point is simply this: Rohypnol doesn't deserve its bad reputation. Xanax can be just as much of a "date-rape" drug as Rohypnol. And with all that said... my sympathies to the original poster. ![]() Please note: effective March 21, 2010, I've stepped down from my Moderator position. |
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it has been a week and today he was buried, i will visit the graveyard tomorrow.
i will try to close the book, and i kept thinking off this Joni Mitchell song: nothing lasts for long. thanks again! CHINESE CAFE/UNCHAINED MELODY Caught in the middle Carol, we're middle class We're middle aged We were wild in the old days Birth of rock 'n roll days Now your kids are coming up straight And my child's a stranger I bore her But, I could not raise her Nothing lasts for long-- Nothing lasts for long-- Nothing lasts for long-- Down at the Chinese Cafe We'd be dreaming on our dimes We'd be playing-- "Oh my love, my darling" One more time Uranium money Is booming in the old home town now It's putting up sleek concrete Tearing the old landmarks down now Paving over brave little parks Ripping off Indian land again How long--how long Short sighted business men Ah, nothing lasts for long-- Nothing lasts for long-- Nothing lasts for long-- Down at the Chinese Cafe We'd be dreaming on our dimes We'd be playing-- "You give your love, so sweetly" One more time Christmas is sparkling Out on Carol's lawn This girl of my childhood games With kids nearly grown and gone Grown so fast Like the turn of a page We look like our mothers did now When we were those kids' age Nothing lasts for long-- Nothing lasts for long-- Nothing lasts for long-- Down at the Chinese Cafe We'd be dreaming on our dimes We'd be playing-- "Oh my love, my darling I've hungered for your touch A long lonely time And time goes by so slowly And time can do so much Are you still mine? I need your love I need your love God speed your love to me." (Time goes--where does the time go-- I wonder where the time goes. . .) yes SIR! | |
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Sweet hunny.
Have been thinking about you today, but did not dare SMS, cuz I did not know if you would be attending the service, yes or no. I love you, and if you need someone there tomorrow, I am here for you. | |
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HamsterHuey said: Sweet hunny.
Have been thinking about you today, but did not dare SMS, cuz I did not know if you would be attending the service, yes or no. I love you, and if you need someone there tomorrow, I am here for you. dankjewel... het was al zo fijn om je bij de voorstelling te zien! yes SIR! | |
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dawntreader, i'm very saddened to hear this and I hope you are doing well now that a week has passed. May God rest your friend's soul.
I haven't had any sort of experience with GHB nor do I know of anyone who has. I do know someone who tries X when she can get it so she and her man can do whatever results. Also, I had to curse her out about that. It's never that serious to turn to drugs. I am MrVictor.... | |
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dawntreader said: yesterday in the morning i received a phonecall from a friend. he had found this friend of ours dead in his bed after they had a wild night of sex. he had taken GHB.
i went there right was like a bad movie. the police was there. i won't tell you all the details... it hurts real bad. what i wanna ask you guys, does any of you have some experience with the drug GHB or even with some fatal accidents because of it? it may shed some light on this nightmare. [Edited 2/26/05 8:21am] Not to judge the situation....but It was probably taken with something else. Most people I know don't just do GHB alone. Also GHB is a "cooked" drug. Meaning it is ALWAYS being made in someones home. You should know the cook or know someone who knows the cook. I am not sure of OD on it..never heard of that. That stuff is bad bad bad. | |
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