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Thread started 08/26/04 9:23pm


Is there really a such thing as true a relationship?

I don't think there is at all. Now, before anybody get s on here getting sappy and saying "I found mine" and all that shit, read this

I have always believed in love in the purest form, without hang-ups/issues and games. That is why I have always been open to different types of relationships with different types of people. I don't have expectations or body and/or ethnic types. I'm open to everyone.

That's really not the point though. The point is I see people I know in, oh let's say strange relationships. I know a couple that's always up and down and they're always having some jealously or insecurity issue. Here's why I believe I'm am still single:

1.) No bullshit factor
I don't put up with anyone's bullshit. Period. No matter how much I adore them. I won't go for the "test question" shit or the "I'll call you" but you never do shit or the "I like you, but...I don't know" or the "Our friendship is much more important" or the lets me ignore you for a couple of weeks and see what you do shit

2.) Don't "put out" factor
That's pretty self explanatory. You're not entitled to anything "just because" and I will not see if we're sexual compatible before I find out if we are spiritually and emotionally compatible.

3.) Can't be chasing your ass factor
If I'm interesting, trust me, you will know. It will subtle at first, but there will com a time when it is no secret. I will not chase you or wait around waiting for you to feel the same. Eventually I will shut down on you after a month or two

4.) No jealously/can't be competing factor
If you want to kick it with someone else, go right ahead. If someone approaches you and we're dating, fine. I don't get in anybody's face trying to fight because it is all on you to control that type of situation. If you don't want me, let me know. Life is too short for me to be wasting time getting angry over something I cannot control. I will not compete with another man/woman for your attention. I'm too damn interesting for you not to be paying attention to me anyways, so there!

I can't seem to find any normal people and when I do, I'm not physical attracted confused unfortunately. Everybody's messed up. Maybe it's just crazy in L.A. These people are nuts. They're like "If you can't do anything for me financially, you have to at least make me look good when I'm with you. What can you do for me???"

rolleyes life sucks ass!
[Edited 8/31/04 20:16pm]
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Reply #1 posted 08/26/04 9:24pm



Janfriend said:

Now, before anybody get s on here getting sappy and saying "I found mine" and all that shit, read this

I found mine!

I mean, like, where is the sun?
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Reply #2 posted 08/26/04 9:27pm


Natsume said:

Janfriend said:

Now, before anybody get s on here getting sappy and saying "I found mine" and all that shit, read this

I found mine!


Gee, thanks
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Reply #3 posted 08/26/04 9:27pm


hug hug

yes, life does suck ass confused
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Reply #4 posted 08/26/04 9:28pm


Still Looking but It's Cool with NY Guys. They are Real.....
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Reply #5 posted 08/26/04 9:33pm


the good one smacks right into you just when you decide you're done looking. really. cuz the same thing is happening to them, and you're the "good one" smaking into them at the same time.

i think truth exists and i think love exists; therefore, i think true love exists. nod
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Reply #6 posted 08/26/04 9:34pm


Janfriend said:

I don't think there is at all. Now, before anybody get s on here getting sappy and saying "I found mine" and all that shit, read this

I have always believed in love in the purest form, without hang-ups/issues and games. That is why I have always been open to different types of relationships with different types of people. I don't have expectations or body and/or ethnic types. I'm open to everyone.

That's really not the point though. The point is I see people I know in, oh let's say strange relationships. I know a couple that's always up and down and they're always having some jealously or insecurity issue. Here's why I believe I'm am still single:

1.) No bullshit factor
I don't put up with anyone's bullshit. Period. No matter how much I adore them. I won't go for the "test question" shit or the "I'll call you" but you never do shit or the "I like you, but...I don't know" or the "Our friendship is much more important" or the lets me ignore you for a couple of weeks and see what you do shit

2.) Don't "put out" factor
That's pretty self explanatory. You're not entitled to anything "just because" and I will not see if we're sexual compatible before I find out if we are spiritually and emotionally compatible.

3.) Can't be chasing your ass factor
If I'm interesting, trust me, you will know. It will subtle at first, but there will com a time when it is no secret. I will not chase you or wait around waiting for you to feel the same. Eventually I will shut down on you after a month or two

4.) No jealously/can't be competing factor
If you want to kick it with someone else, go right ahead. If someone approaches you and we're dating, fine. I don't get in anybody's face trying to fight because it is all on you to control that type of situation. If you don't want me, let me know. Life is too short for me to be wasting time getting angry over something I cannot control. I will not compete with another man/woman for your attention. I'm too damn interesting for you not to be paying attention to me anyways, so there!

I can't seem to find any normal people and when I do, I'm not physical attracted confused unfortunately. Everybody's messed up. Maybe it's just crazy in L.A. These people are nuts. They're like "If you can't do anything for me financially, you have to at least make me look good when I'm with you. What can you do for me???"

rolleyes life sucks ass!
Sounds to me like you've got the right idea thumbs up!
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Reply #7 posted 08/26/04 9:36pm


Anxiety said:

the good one smacks right into you just when you decide you're done looking. really. cuz the same thing is happening to them, and you're the "good one" smaking into them at the same time.

Do you have any Idea how many times I've heard that? I've been hearing that or the past 8 years and nothing yet. My hands are empty. I have nothing, romantically, to show for the past 8 years
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Reply #8 posted 08/26/04 9:39pm


Janfriend said:

Anxiety said:

the good one smacks right into you just when you decide you're done looking. really. cuz the same thing is happening to them, and you're the "good one" smaking into them at the same time.

Do you have any Idea how many times I've heard that? I've been hearing that or the past 8 years and nothing yet. My hands are empty. I have nothing, romantically, to show for the past 8 years

but it will happen when it's meant to wink I haven't found "true love" yet but I know in my heart I will one day rose
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Reply #9 posted 08/26/04 9:45pm


Janfriend said:

Anxiety said:

the good one smacks right into you just when you decide you're done looking. really. cuz the same thing is happening to them, and you're the "good one" smacking into them at the same time.

Do you have any Idea how many times I've heard that? I've been hearing that or the past 8 years and nothing yet. My hands are empty. I have nothing, romantically, to show for the past 8 years

well, that's the weirdness of fate for ya - not to sound flip or curt or anything like that, but maybe your roulette wheel is still spinning and the little marble hasn't settled into your number yet. do you feel like you put yourself out there in environments where you're around new people or where you're able to meet new folks every now and then? i find that this helps, just in that it makes you feel more receptive.
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Reply #10 posted 08/26/04 9:48pm


Anxiety said:

Janfriend said:

Do you have any Idea how many times I've heard that? I've been hearing that or the past 8 years and nothing yet. My hands are empty. I have nothing, romantically, to show for the past 8 years

well, that's the weirdness of fate for ya - not to sound flip or curt or anything like that, but maybe your roulette wheel is still spinning and the little marble hasn't settled into your number yet. do you feel like you put yourself out there in environments where you're around new people or where you're able to meet new folks every now and then? i find that this helps, just in that it makes you feel more receptive.

I go out every week

I meet people often, just not the right people

I have been in love with someone who was not in love with me...
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Reply #11 posted 08/26/04 10:03pm


Life does not suck ass! It will all come together! Dear child your greater concern is this: Right now you are vulnerable to settling with the wrong one.. I know you have waited...etc... but be extra careful as this is the moment that compromise and false "oops there it is" creeps in!

Other then that? Your good to go! Keep the faith!

Right now you are running the equivalent of passing out right as you see the finish line. Your strong! Hang in there.....


My heart to you!
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Reply #12 posted 08/26/04 10:10pm


Yes life sucks fat donkey cock, but you know what, at least life doesn't last forever. I'd rather have life be a bitch than death. Death lasts a whole lot longer. wink
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Reply #13 posted 08/26/04 10:11pm


..and if I ever find true love I'll let you know. lol
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Reply #14 posted 08/26/04 10:12pm





True love is out there, let it find you.

It has not found me yet and one day it will, but he has gotta like Prince too.

Ohh purple joy oh purple bliss oh purple rapture!
"I kind of wish there was a reason for Prince to make the site crash more" ~~ Ben
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Reply #15 posted 08/26/04 10:15pm


True love'll either find it, or it will find you. rose

But thinking it doesn't exist simply because it hasn't met your specific time schedule is a mistake...

Relationships??...Yeah, they can depends. But true love isn't synonymous with "relationship" me, you'll experience it far sooner than you realize...and yes, it will find its way into your being seemingly out of the blue, yet will feel as if it's been there all your life. heart
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Reply #16 posted 08/26/04 10:37pm


Muse2NOPharaoh said:

Life does not suck ass! It will all come together! Dear child your greater concern is this: Right now you are vulnerable to settling with the wrong one.. I know you have waited...etc... but be extra careful as this is the moment that compromise and false "oops there it is" creeps in!

Other then that? Your good to go! Keep the faith!

Right now you are running the equivalent of passing out right as you see the finish line. Your strong! Hang in there.....


My heart to you!

If you had any idea how close I came to settling this year...

I think also I'm feeling this way because I was really interested in someone who was seemingly interested at first, but "connected" with someone else and I have too see or hear about itn often and I see this person regularly which can be exciting and irritating at the same time
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Reply #17 posted 08/26/04 10:37pm


Byron said:

True love'll either find it, or it will find you. rose

But thinking it doesn't exist simply because it hasn't met your specific time schedule is a mistake...

Relationships??...Yeah, they can depends. But true love isn't synonymous with "relationship" me, you'll experience it far sooner than you realize...and yes, it will find its way into your being seemingly out of the blue, yet will feel as if it's been there all your life. heart

Are you saying you can find true love with someone you're not in a relationship with? That's even more messed up
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Reply #18 posted 08/26/04 11:39pm


Byron said:

True love'll either find it, or it will find you. rose

But thinking it doesn't exist simply because it hasn't met your specific time schedule is a mistake...

Relationships??...Yeah, they can depends. But true love isn't synonymous with "relationship" me, you'll experience it far sooner than you realize...and yes, it will find its way into your being seemingly out of the blue, yet will feel as if it's been there all your life. heart

Don't people always think they've found true love when they fall in love? Usually it's "true love" til the day comes it's something you don't want anymore. At least, that's my opinion...and I'm drunk and stoned right now. wink
[This message was edited Thu Aug 26 23:40:25 2004 by J0eyC0c0]
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Reply #19 posted 08/26/04 11:41pm



J0eyC0c0 said:

Byron said:

True love'll either find it, or it will find you. rose

But thinking it doesn't exist simply because it hasn't met your specific time schedule is a mistake...

Relationships??...Yeah, they can depends. But true love isn't synonymous with "relationship" me, you'll experience it far sooner than you realize...and yes, it will find its way into your being seemingly out of the blue, yet will feel as if it's been there all your life. heart

Don't people always think they've found true love when they fall in love? Usually it's "true love" til the day comes it's something you don't want anymore. At least, that's my opinion...and I'm drunk and stoned right now. wink
[This message was edited Thu Aug 26 23:40:25 2004 by J0eyC0c0]

nvm edit neutral
[This message was edited Thu Aug 26 23:42:01 2004 by AndGodCreatedMe]
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Reply #20 posted 08/26/04 11:44pm


AndGodCreatedMe said:

J0eyC0c0 said:

Don't people always think they've found true love when they fall in love? Usually it's "true love" til the day comes it's something you don't want anymore. At least, that's my opinion...and I'm drunk and stoned right now. wink
[This message was edited Thu Aug 26 23:40:25 2004 by J0eyC0c0]

nvm edit neutral
[This message was edited Thu Aug 26 23:42:01 2004 by AndGodCreatedMe]


Take your ass back to bed woman! lol
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Reply #21 posted 08/26/04 11:49pm



J0eyC0c0 said:

AndGodCreatedMe said:

nvm edit neutral
[This message was edited Thu Aug 26 23:42:01 2004 by AndGodCreatedMe]


Take your ass back to bed woman! lol

to do what? eek
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Reply #22 posted 08/26/04 11:50pm


AndGodCreatedMe said:

J0eyC0c0 said:


Take your ass back to bed woman! lol

to do what? eek

I dunno, most people sleep in bed. razz
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Reply #23 posted 08/27/04 3:01am



Well they say that the man is searching for his other rib. Which is in the women. U know from the Adam and Eve story where God takes a the rib from the man and makes a women from it.
U led me on thinking u was moses. Hurtin sheep blinded through a fantasy
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Reply #24 posted 08/27/04 4:12am


wuuuvvvvv twuuuuu wuvuuuuu
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Reply #25 posted 08/27/04 8:17am


Janfriend said:

Byron said:

True love'll either find it, or it will find you. rose

But thinking it doesn't exist simply because it hasn't met your specific time schedule is a mistake...

Relationships??...Yeah, they can depends. But true love isn't synonymous with "relationship" me, you'll experience it far sooner than you realize...and yes, it will find its way into your being seemingly out of the blue, yet will feel as if it's been there all your life. heart

Are you saying you can find true love with someone you're not in a relationship with? That's even more messed up

Well, yeah, that can indeed happen... rose

But, the things you listed above had to do with relationships, not love...with how two people interact (or don't interact).
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Reply #26 posted 08/27/04 8:48am


Love exist in many different forms... it's an overpowering sense of emotion that takes you off guard. Love can exist on many different levels, it can be overwhelming... yet it can come to be a mere moment that one can appreciate forever.

Love makes the heart grow fonder of life... I feel and through each moment, with each person it is beautifully unique.

The thing about love... is that it is true... if your heart feels it to be. One can carefully collect this sense of love... through life and all moments. Yet one can carelessly handle love as well... and that is where broken hearts exist, leaving a heart vunerable and fearful to trust that sense of love again.

Love can be quite difficult... and oh so beautiful... appreciating what simply is for exactly what it is... is important.

We all want to gain that sense of love that brings two lives together so intensely (I certainly do)... although that love will always be fragile and in need of constant care. Life was not ever intended to be easy and smooth... it would be too boring and utterly pointless, I believe. That is why... I take life as it comes... the ups and the downs... and appreciate all life lessons.

I will not deny that the #1 intent for me is... to find a mutual partner, one that I can beautifully communicate with on a intellectual/spiritual level. I have high standards... (ugh, why or why... but I do)... and I know that fairytale "true love forever"... is a crazy bunch of shit. That is the mysteries to life... one can not predict what life will bring, although we do have the beautiful power to make wise, honest decisions concerning the love we obtain and care for it with the worth it respects to get. Nothing last forever... except the concept of this powerful sense of love... we do have the power to keep it alive as long as we understand the incredible power it brings, it's very forgiving if we choose to view it that way. Love in universal/and endless if we choose it to be. rose

Hang tight Janfriend... hug you are not alone... we are all in this together. It's a struggle (emotionally) to be single at times... although you are exactly right... it's just as a struggle to be in love with someone and living through each day together. Hmm... take a pick and don't give up... believe that all happens when the time is right. (I sometimes can't stand that saying... wait, wait, wait... I can be the most impatient person in this world) I am choosing to wait... rather than to settle or go back to something I am familiar with or feel safe within... and I am enjoying the ride along the way. Yes, I am.

Struggles, challenges... and all that good stuff... are infinite.

What the hell do I know. ~Smile.
[This message was edited Fri Aug 27 8:55:33 2004 by Freespirit]
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Reply #27 posted 08/27/04 8:57am


Love, love, love.... disbelief

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Reply #28 posted 08/27/04 9:02am


J0eyC0c0 said:

Love, love, love.... disbelief


Hey J0eyC0c0... don't get all fresh with me ~Smile ... although here is a hug for you. I do wish you a beautiful day. rose


It's the most beautiful and the most difficult emotion ever to exist.

Spiritual cleansing can be good when all else seems grim. rose ~Smile.

batting eyes
[This message was edited Fri Aug 27 9:03:24 2004 by Freespirit]
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Reply #29 posted 08/27/04 10:03am



Janfriend said:

My hands are empty. I have nothing, romantically, to show for the past 8 years

I admire your standards and being able to stick by them. Funny thing is, I'm in the same situation you're in, only I've been in 2 relationships in the past 8 years. Now I'm going to be single again and I kinda feel like I've got nothing to show for it, except the love of myself that I have FINALLY decided to make my priority. I've been in many "turbulent" relationships, with each one being better than the last. All relationships contain opportunities for us to grow. Sounds corny, but it's true, at least for me. Problem is, it's taken me a LONG time to learn very important lessons. I've been "blind in love", accepting bullshit and dishing out my own... Was it wasted time? I'm not sure.

I guess we all have our time for these things... some people get into their 40s without ever being in a serious relationship. All I'm saying is, I know it must suck to be alone when you really would like to find someone... but you do have very high standards... most people go through life on auto-pilot, wondering why they have the same problems in relationships time after time... Or they don't even wonder about it, they just accept it. So on one hand, it's better to avoid all that mess, but there also can be value in what you learn about yourself in that mess. Shit, I'm not helping, am I...

Reading your list, I can see why you haven't been in a relationship. All those things are what most relationships consist of! You just have to find someone that has the same priorities and standards.
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Forums > General Discussion > Is there really a such thing as true a relationship?